The game of defending the shrine was won by Kamiya Minetsuki.

And it was a victory without suspense.

Five days had passed since the end of the game.

The land of the Yasukuni Shrine in Chiyoda District had been completely polluted.

Even though the authorities had rich experience in dealing with radioactive contamination, the contamination had already seeped into the ground, and they didn't know how long it would take to clean up the radioactive contamination.

Now the authorities could only fence off the area of ​​the Yasukuni Shrine and slowly study how to clean up the contamination.

These few days were like a year for the authorities.

After the game between the Xi Ming Shi and the officials ended, all kinds of monsters and demons came out, imitating the Xi Ming Shi's actions and committing crimes.

However, these poor imitators were easily arrested.

But there were too many imitators.

All localities dispatched their own local armed forces to suppress the chaos.

The official leaders' press conferences were constantly broadcast on TV.

First, they used traditional skills and bowed to apologize.

Then they started to make big promises.

What about the fate master being targeted and a combat unit being set up to deal with the fate master.

What about setting up a foundation to rebuild the destroyed shrine as much as possible.

What about economic compensation for the affected people.

Moreover, the official introduced a few unlucky guys, claiming that these unlucky guys would be responsible for the incident and directly dismissed, and released a long list of people who were demoted.

The official is now trying its best to guide public opinion and make some big promises to make the people regain their confidence in them.


At this time, Kamiya Minazuki did not return to the office directly, but stayed in Obara Yusho's rental house temporarily.

Yuxiang Ohara hadn't slept for almost two days. He got three people from the organization to come over, got four computers, and helped Kamiya Minetsuki work in the rental house, fiddling with Kamiya Minetsuki's store on the dark web on the computer.

The Dream House of the God of Play and the Dream Peripheral House of the God of Play have been sold out.

That's right!

Sales have exploded!

Even though the Dream House of the God of Play adopts the pre-sale method, the original price needs to be paid, and the delivery time is unknown, there are still people buying it.

Because the store is not very formal, there is no refund or return function.

Once the money is paid, it belongs to Kamiya Minetsuki.

In just a few days, there have been nearly 700 million in sales.

This does not include the Dream Peripheral House of the God of Play newly opened by Kamiya Minetsuki.

The Dream Peripheral House of the God of Play has not yet found a factory to make it, so like selling weapons, it also adopts the pre-sale method.

There are no real pictures or anything, only text.

The same mask as the one worn by the clown, the same jacket, the same T-shirt, the same trousers, the same underwear...

Even the cheapest socks were priced at an outrageous 50,000 yen, but people kept buying them.

The socks Kamiya Minetsuki wore were only 500 yen, and there was a hole on the toe.

The pre-sales of the two stores totaled more than 1.2 billion yen.

After deducting the cost, there was nearly 900 million.

These days, Kamiya Minetsuki's smile never stopped, and he could wake up laughing even in his dreams.

Isn't this faster than robbing a bank?

You can't get 900 million no matter where you go.

Unless Kidd stole some rare gems, it might be possible to sell them at a discount for 900 million.

The weapons exchanged for 1.2 billion yen may only restore a small part of the arsenal, and a small part of this small part has to be shipped, but it is also being replenished.

Kamiya Minetsuki is sure that it won't take long! His arsenal will be restored to its original level!

Maybe it will be even richer than before!

If it weren't for the fact that Yusho Ohara hadn't slept for two days and his face was a little oily, Kamiya Minatsuki really wanted to give him a big kiss on his forehead!

It's great to have a capable little brother around!

Kamiya Minatsuki walked to the corridor and called Rum.

As the eldest brother, it's time to seek benefits for the younger brother.

After the call was connected, Rum's resentful voice came: "Golden Ale Wine, you still remember to call me?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said shamelessly: "Hey, we are friends, I want to ask you for help with something."

"Go ahead."

"Give the organization member Yusho Ohara a code name and let him become the member of the organization.

"Rum was silent for a while and said, "I know he is an ordinary member of an organization that you have been playing with recently, but he has no special skills and has not reached the level of having a code name." Kamiya Minazuki said dissatisfiedly, "Not reaching the level of having a code name? Even Vodka, that waste, can get a code name, why can't Youxiang? Why are you guys so double-standard?" Rum said in a deep voice, "Vodka is good at using a variety of weapons, IT, and driving vehicles. Although he is not as good as you code members, Vodka does have the ability of a code member. " "That is to say, you dislike Youxiang for not having much firepower, so if I give him some heavy firepower guns, will it be qualified? ”


Seeing that Rum didn't say anything, Kamiya Minetsuki continued to increase the stakes.

"Two thermobaric bombs, two white phosphorus bombs, five cluster bombs, and I'll give him a bunch of heavy firepower guns. If it's not enough, I'll give him..."

Kamiya Minetsuki was interrupted by Rum before he finished speaking.

"Okay! I'll propose this to the boss!"

Rum felt that if he didn't interrupt Kamiya Minetsuki, Kamiya Minetsuki might become more and more outrageous.

"OK, then I'll wait for your news."

Since Rum said he would propose to the boss, it was basically a done deal.

Just when Kamiya Minetsuki wanted to hang up the phone, Rum asked, "Golden Barley, there's something I want to ask you. Which arms dealer is the one that provides you with weapons? The organization also wants to cooperate with this arms dealer. "

Kamiya Minazuki's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

The organization is a sucker... no, it's a big customer!

Kamiya Minazuki asked excitedly: "What does the organization want to buy? Tell me directly, I can help buy it for you, just ask for whatever you want!"

"The organization wants to trade directly with the arms dealer, you just need to tell me which arms dealer it is and tell me the contact information of the arms dealer."

"Rum, it's not that I don't want to tell you the news of the arms dealer, but the arms dealer who provides me with arms is a little shy and doesn't want to show up, so you can only trade through me."

Rum almost cursed after hearing it.

I'm selling arms, but I'm still shy, who are you trying to fool!

Rum frowned, it seems that Kamiya Minazuki doesn't want to expose the arms supplier behind him to the organization.

"Okay, when the organization needs it, I will contact you again."

Since Kamiya Minazuki doesn't want to expose the arms dealer behind him, Rum has no choice but to give up for the time being.

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