The two of them were in the middle of a long battle.

In the Maori office.

Maori Ran and Conan helplessly looked at Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minazuki who were drinking with each other in their arms.

It has been more than a month since I saw this scene.

Now seeing it again, Maori Ran and Conan suddenly felt a little nostalgic.

And Ohara Yuto's eyes were wide open, watching without blinking.

Isn't this the unknown side of Golden Barley!

I have to remember it well!

Conan drank the drink and kept observing Ohara Yuto quietly.

Ohara Yuto's sight basically would not fall on him.

Then Ohara Yuto should not know the true identity of Kudo Shinichi.

Otherwise, if it were him, a high school student would become an elementary school student, and he would want to stick his eyes on the other person.

After Kamiya Minazuki and Maori Kogoro finished another cup, they asked, "How is Uncle Maori doing recently? Is everything going well?"

Maori Kogoro was so depressed that he drank two cups in a row: "Oh, don't say it, I'm so depressed. Since the appearance of the fortune teller, everything has been in chaos. I might be shot when I walk on the street.

The izakaya I often go to had a shooting incident more than ten days ago. Three people died, and the murderer has not been found yet.

It's too chaotic outside now. I dare not go out casually. Although there are commissions, they are basically commissioned to investigate the true identity of the fortune teller.

This fortune teller is an extremely dangerous person, and his followers are also extremely dangerous. I dare not joke with my own safety, so I haven't accepted any commissions in the past month. I drink and watch TV in the office every day, and drive to pick up Xiaolan and Conan in the afternoon."

Mauri Ran sighed, "Yes Ah, in order to let Dad stay at home with peace of mind, I have not stopped Dad from drinking at home recently. "

Conan also said in a deep voice: "The terrorist activities of the fate master have ended, but his influence on this country is far from over. Now the blood lotus mark of the fate master can be seen everywhere on the streets. They regard this blood lotus mark as their belief totem. Even on the stone tablet at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department, the blood lotus mark has been graffitied, provoking the Metropolitan Police Department.

Now this momentum can no longer be curbed. Even if it gradually disappears with the passage of time, as long as the real fate master appears again, chaos will start again.

Even if the real fate master dies, those who believe in the fate master are likely to regard the fate master as a 'martyr', thereby further fostering their worship of the fate master and starting a great chaos. "

Mouri Kogoro and Maori Ran stared at Conan in amazement.

Ohara Yuto also stared at Conan with a strange look in his eyes.

A little kid, can say such a thing?

Kamiya Minatsuki took a sip of beer with a smile, Conan liked what he heard.

Conan found that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly began to speak in a pinched voice: "This is what our teacher told us during class."

Maori Kogoro was surprised: "Now elementary schools teach this? Can you kids understand it?"

Ohara Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and glanced at Conan with his peripheral vision.

No wonder even Kamiya Minatsuki said he was a troublesome kid.

This kid must be extraordinary to be able to say these words.

After drinking for a while, Kamiya Minatsuki and Ohara Yuxiang said goodbye and returned to the office.

On the way back to the office, Kamiya Minatsuki's phone rang. It was Akai Shuichi's call.

Kamiya Minatsuki said to Ohara Yuxiang: "Yuxiang, go back to the office and wait for me. I have something to do."

Ohara Yuxiang nodded and went back to the office alone.

Kamiya Minetsuki leaned against a telephone pole, lit a cigarette and answered the phone.

After the call was connected, Kamiya Minetsuki asked with a grin: "Hey, Akai, how come you have time to call me? No, you are free, but you are not busy with the FBI recently. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Akai Shuichi on the other end of the phone also leaned against the wall outside the apartment door, holding a lit cigarette in one hand and a mobile phone in the other: "Kamiya, I want to ask you, they... shouldn't have done anything to attack you, right? Why do you want to go to war with the authorities for this and want to destroy those shrines?"

Kamiya Minetsuki took a puff of cigarette. Logically, Akai Shuichi didn't know his identity as a theatrical master.

Kamiya Minetsuki exhaled a puff of smoke and sneered:

"What do you mean by wanting to destroy those shrines? I have already destroyed those shrines! I think Bourbon must have called you for help. When people are desperate, they will want to grab everything they can, even if it is someone they hate.

They didn't attack me, but Bourbon seemed to take himself too seriously, so I want to teach him a lesson that will never be forgotten, so that he knows that the Japanese public security system is useless to me.

How about this performance, isn't it wonderful? You are lucky to see such a wonderful performance without tickets.

Bourbon may be holding my photo and furious, trying to kill me. It's funny to think about it."

Akai Shuichi didn't know how to answer Kamiya Minazuki, and fell silent.

The smile on Kamiya Minazuki's face disappeared, and he said to Akai Shuichi: "Akai, as a friend, I want to warn you. After all, it is better to say some ugly things in advance. Otherwise, if that day comes, I don't want to bear the reputation of not giving face to my friend.

As the FBI, I don't care which side you want to help. Even I, a madman in your eyes, have my bottom line. You should know where my bottom line is. If you touch my bottom line, even you are no exception.

Amuro Toru came to you, probably to ask you to stop my game. You didn't stop me. You are very rational. You didn't let Miyano Akemi dissuade me. You are also very smart.

Miyano Akemi can indeed stop me, but only once, and the consequences of this time, I can tell you directly that you and the FBI behind you can't afford it. When that time comes, my The target will not be placed on this small piece of land under my feet.

You and I have been partners before, you should know my individual combat ability, and with my firepower, I have the ability to do what I want to do, so I hope you can continue to be rational and smart, and don't touch my string. "

After the warning, Kamiya Minatsuki suddenly asked with a smile: "You and Akemi should still be in Japan, right?"

Akai Shuichi turned his head and looked at the apartment room, where Miyano Akemi was cleaning with an apron: "Well, we are still in Japan, do you want Akemi to talk to you?"

"Akimi's way of chatting is too serious, and she may take a joke seriously. Forget it, anyway, we will meet sooner or later, and hang up. "

After Kamiya Minatsuki hung up the phone, Akai Shuichi leaned against the wall with a frown, closed his eyes and meditated.

Kamiya Minatsuki is really too willful, but he has the capital to be willful.

If the FBI carries out operations here, it will inevitably run into Kamiya Minatsuki one day.

The willful Kamiya Minetsuki had no idea what he would do.

But as long as he was not like Amuro Toru, it would not develop to the point where it was now.

After all, Kamiya Minetsuki still thought that he and Miyano Akemi were friends.

Akai Shuichi sighed.

"It's really troublesome... Kamiya..."

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