The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

Haido Park.

Rena Mizuno has already started interviewing Yasuki Domon.

The brooch on Rena Mizuno's chest is a miniature camera, and a small TV in Gin's car is playing the images taken by the miniature camera.

Kamiya Minazuki and Ohara Yuto have returned to the car, and their heads have been poked from the back seat to the front, watching the TV screen together.

Vermouth, who was already squeezed to one side, is now even more crowded because Kamiya Minazuki and Ohara Yuto have poked their heads to the front seat.

Vermouth swore in her heart that no matter what mission she does in the future, she will drive herself!

Gin took out the intercom and remotely directed Rena Mizunashi: "Okay, Gil, just take DJ to the reserved location."

Vodka sighed: "It seems that we can take quite shocking pictures. It's a pity that it's not a live broadcast."

Five pairs of eyes in the car, four pairs of eyes stared at Vodka.

Kamiya Minatsuki and Obara Yuto had bright eyes of excitement.

Gin and Vermouth had vicious eyes.

Kamiya Minatsuki started two live broadcasts.

The first one was a live broadcast announcing the destruction of the shrine.

The second live broadcast was to threaten the authorities with tactical nuclear weapons.

Vodka actually dared to say the four words "live broadcast" in front of Kamiya Minatsuki.

What if Kamiya Minatsuki, a guy with a mental disorder, really went to live broadcast?

They were assassinations! Not live killings!

Vodka also realized the seriousness of the matter, shrank his head, and hurriedly diverted his attention and said: "I didn't say anything just now, look, Kiel is going to take action."

Rena Mizunashi held the microphone and said to Yasuki Domon: "It doesn't seem good to talk while standing. Do you want to find a place to sit down and talk, just on that bench?"

Just when Yasuki Domon agreed and was about to walk to the bench to sit down, several passers-by suddenly appeared.

"Isn't that Mr. Domon?"

"Great! It's me! Please shake hands with me?"

Yasuki Domon shook the passer-by's hand amiably.

The passer-by encouraged: "Mr. Domon, please change Japan and catch all criminals like the playwright!"

Yasuki Domon replied warmly: "Okay, I will definitely do it, thank you."

More and more passers-by gathered, and Yasuki Domon was surrounded by people.

Inside Gin's car.

Cohen's voice came from the intercom.

"I've aimed, can I shoot?"

Gin frowned: "Wait a minute, Cohen, there are too many sheep in the way, wait until DJ sits on the bench before shooting."

Kamiya Minatsuki complained: "Worrying about this and that, it would be better to just shoot the target's head and evacuate, and no one will know it was us who did it, Gin, when did you become so indecisive?"

Gin said calmly: "The two bodyguards of Domon Yasuki are not decorations, keep waiting."

Kamiya Minatsuki leaned back in the back seat.

If he didn't know that Gin was loyal to the organization, Kamiya Minatsuki would have thought that Gin was also an undercover agent, deliberately giving Conan a chance to save people.

Conan and Judy observed the surroundings.

As a sniper, if you want to assassinate, you will definitely snipe from a commanding height with a wide field of vision.

Conan and Judy immediately analyzed the location of Chianti and Cohen.

Conan saw an automatic sprinkler on the lawn.

Conan asked seriously, "Teacher, do you have a gun?"

Judy nodded and said, "Hmm, what have you thought of?"

Conan explained, "Teacher Judy, you see that those passers-by are carrying umbrellas in their hands. Shoot the automatic sprinkler device to create 'artificial rain', then they will hold up the umbrella to block Yasuki Domon, thinking that the interview location will change when it rains, and the assassination of the black organization can be prevented!"

Judy thought Conan's method was very feasible, and immediately used a pistol with a silencer to shoot everywhere to destroy the automatic sprinkler device.

A large amount of water rushed into the sky, and countless water drops fell from the sky.

Yasuki Domon's bodyguard had already covered Yasuki Domon with an umbrella.

Although it was raining at Yasuki Domon's location, there were no raindrops at Chianti and Cohen's location.

Chianti and Cohen asked Gin if he could shoot.

But having an umbrella to block Yasuki Domon would reduce the hit rate, so Gin ordered to wait.

It seemed as if God was helping Conan.

It really started to rain in the sky, and the rain was getting heavier. This situation was no longer suitable for sniping.

"Wait, wait a moment, target

You can't shoot until the target disappears. "

Kamiya Minatsuki was in the back seat, talking to Gin in a weird way.

Gin's hand holding the intercom became stronger and stronger. After adjusting his mentality, he ordered through the intercom: "Chianti, Kiel, Cohen, retreat first. I'll wait for you at the old place for an hour."

Chianti and Cohen took back their sniper rifles and evacuated the sniper location.

Sitting in the back seat, Vermouth praised him as a 'cool guy', and then asked: "It seems that I need to act next, Gin, then you should be able to tell me now, the plot outline of the second act of the assassination play."

Gin lit a cigarette and said: "It's very simple. Sniper DJ on the road he must pass later. The specific mission plan will be detailed when we arrive at the location. "

Kamiya Minatsuki said sinisterly: "It seems that I have to prepare too. If Vermouth fails to cover the bottom, I can also cover the bottom for you. However, the funds for this mission operation will belong to me, and I want everyone in Domon Yasuki's car to die!"

With Conan, the little devil, and Vermouth, the old actor, covering the bottom, it would be strange if the second assassination operation could succeed. Now Kamiya Minatsuki doesn't like Domon Yasuki who uses the drama fortune teller as a gimmick to win votes.

Gin exhaled a puff of smoke and thought silently.

If Kamiya Minatsuki is not allowed to act, it is very likely that he will act alone and things will become very troublesome.

Then it is better to agree to Kamiya Minatsuki and let him be within the controllable range.

"You are only allowed to use conventional weapons, and you can only act after the second assassination operation fails."

Kamiya Minatsuki added: "Three times the operation funds."

Gin agreed directly: "Okay. "

Vodka started the Porsche and headed for the old place Gin mentioned.

At this time, Conan was holding one end of the shoe with the bug, and the other end of the shoe was held by Rena Mizuno.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Judy, who was watching secretly, had loaded the bullets and would shoot to rescue Conan if Conan was in danger.

Rena Mizuno put her left hand on Conan's neck pulse, used the CIA lie detection method, stared into Conan's eyes and asked: "Are you... secretly following me?"

Conan replied nervously: "No... No, it's just a coincidence..."

Rena Mizuno smiled a smile that Conan couldn't understand: "Really? Thank you, thank you, thanks to you for helping me pick up the shoes, thank you so much. "

Rena Mizuno said thank you three times in a row, put on her shoes, asked for leave from the staff, and left Haido Park.

Conan looked at Rena Mizuno's back as she left, frowning and looking very serious, feeling something was very wrong.

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