The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"I don't want to play anymore!"

Kamiya Minazuki pushed his mahjong tiles down with red eyes.

The national master is missing Dongfeng, the only Dongfeng. When Maori Kogoro was fighting, the treasure card was turned over.

In other words, Kamiya Minazuki's hand of cards has no chance of winning.

Kamiya Minazuki felt a little pain when he thought that his national master was gone.

Maori Kogoro's luck also improved in the second half, and he always won the game and won back all the losses.

Among the four people, Kamiya Minazuki was the only one who lost.

Obara Yuxiang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even after feeding so many cards, Kamiya Minetsuki still couldn't win.

In the second half, Ohara Yuxiang knew why Kamiya Minetsuki couldn't win.

Kamiya Minetsuki would go for the biggest card no matter whether the card was good or not.

If there was only one card for fortune, Kamiya Minetsuki would go for the big three.

If there were only four cards of the same suit, he would go for the nine lotus lantern.

It would be strange if he could win like this.

Seeing that Kamiya Minetsuki didn't want to play anymore, Maori Kogoro and Ohara Yuxiang also stopped playing.

After the game ended, the three of them went directly to the izakaya to drink.

As for the case.

It had been forgotten for a long time.

The case would not run away on its own, and it would be in time to deal with it after eating and drinking.

Another day passed.

Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minetsuki, who were groggy from hangovers, were called back to the Metropolitan Police Department early in the morning again.

Officer Shiratori said while holding the manual: "According to the investigation, none of the six victims played mahjong."

"Eh! Don't play mahjong?" Maori Kogoro felt regretful.

Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki just decided that when the hangover got better, they would go to the mahjong parlor to play a few rounds and find clues.

"Brother Mori's reasoning seems to be wrong." Officer Megure sighed: "It would be nice if Kudo was here at this time."

Officer Matsumoto, who was disguised as an Irishman, asked in surprise: "Officer Megure, the Kudo you mentioned refers to the high school detective Shinichi Kudo who often assisted you in solving cases before?"

As a policeman, he relies on detectives. Officer Megure adjusted his hat and said awkwardly: "Yes."

A beautiful police officer Ogino Ayami said: "I don't think I've heard from Shinichi Kudo recently."

Yokomizo Shigego said disdainfully: "Maybe he's tired of playing detective games."

Officer Takagi explained subconsciously: "No! It's not like that. He solved a case at the school anniversary of Teitan High School before."

Officer Sato frowned and reminded: "Takagi!"

Once Conan became a big man and solved a case for Shinichi Kudo, he specifically told Officer Takagi and Officer Sato not to tell this matter.

Officer Takagi scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sorry, I let it slip."

Ireland looked at Officer Megure: "What's going on?"

Officer Megure explained: "This is to respect his own wishes, so he concealed the fact that he participated in the case. I don't know why, he has become very low-key recently, but he used to like to show off."

Kamiya Minatsuki's mouth twitched when he heard it.

What a bunch of pig teammates, it's hard for Conan.

The biggest official here has been replaced by a member of the Black Organization, and he turned around and betrayed Kudo Shinichi who helped them countless times.

This road of being a human being has come to an end for them.

However, everyone praised Kudo Shinichi so much in front of him, a famous detective, and Kamiya Minatsuki felt a little unhappy.

Isn't this a naked disregard for them!

Kamiya Minetsuki said sarcastically: "Hey, hey, hey, what a jerk Kudo Shinichi is. There are two famous detectives here who are more powerful than him, especially Uncle Maori. That's the sleeping Kogoro. He has solved countless cases. He can beat Kudo Shinichi with just his little finger."

Mouri Kogoro held his chest with his hands, raised his head, and posed like a master.

Just now, when he heard everyone praising Kudo Shinichi so much, Maori Kogoro was so upset.

Hearing Kamiya Minetsuki's praise, Maori Kogoro felt relieved.

He is worthy of being his best friend!

Police officer Yamato of Nagano Prefecture suddenly received a call and showed a surprised expression.

After hanging up the phone, Officer Yamato immediately said: "There is good news. The male suspect of the serial killer may appear in Beihua City."

Officer Yamato took out a photo of a man: "Fakase Minoru, 27 years old, Jinno Shuhei who was killed in Usui Ridge, one year

I have sent my men to monitor his girlfriend. I just learned that his girlfriend has come to Tokyo from Nagano and got off at Beika Station."

Officer Yamato took out another female photo: "Risa Yoshii, 21 years old, works in a small bar in Nagano City."

Ail asked: "So what was the motive of the man named Fukase to stab Jinno?"

Officer Yamato explained: "It is said that when he was queuing in the tropical park, Jinno asked him to put out his cigarette and he was resentful."

Officer Takagi suddenly had an idea, picked up the information and said excitedly: "If I am not wrong, maybe all the victims have been in the same queue."

Ireland asked Officer Takagi to explain in detail.

Officer Takagi explained: "There are two types of mahjong tiles left beside the victim, one for Jinno and seven for others. If everyone is placed in the red circle position on their mahjong tiles, the victims may have been in this order before! "

Inspector Megure agreed: "That makes sense."

The strange voice sounded again: "No way? You believe this reasoning? That Fukase killed so many people because Jinno asked him to put out his cigarette? Could his cigarette be inlaid with gold? Even if it was inlaid with gold, there would be no need to kill so many people, right?

If he killed for fun, then ignore what I said. Even if Fukase killed people because he was asked to put out his cigarette, who would line up according to the pattern of seven barrels? What's the fuss?"

Kamiya Minatsuki glanced at the police in the conference room with contempt in his eyes.

Mouri Kogoro looked left and right. He also felt that what Officer Takagi said just now made sense.

However, after Kamiya Minatsuki said this, Maori Kogoro felt that Kamiya Minatsuki was right.

Mouri Kogoro certainly supported Kamiya Minatsuki. He crossed his arms around his chest and pretended to be calm and said: "That's right! I wanted to say that just now! "

The police officers present were somewhat embarrassed, especially Officer Takagi who was reasoning and Officer Megure who said something that made sense.

But what Kamiya Minatsuki said was indeed reasonable.

It's okay to want to kill Jinno for a cigarette, but why kill the other people in line? Are you really killing people for fun?

Irish issued an order through the disguised Officer Matsumoto: "But this Fukase may be related to the case, and he is a fugitive suspect himself, so catch him first!"

All the police officers in the meeting room took action and went to the location of Fukase Minoru's girlfriend Yoshii Risa to arrest Fukase Minoru.

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