The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Inside the Mori Office.

Kamiya Minazuki's words, "Go play in the mud, little brat," made Hondou Eisuke scratch his head in embarrassment.

Maori Kogoro asked Hondou Eisuke: "By the way, have you donated blood recently?"

Hondou Eisuke asked in confusion: "No, why do you ask?"

"Then have you been seriously injured recently and sent to the hospital for treatment?"

Hondou Eisuke shook his head and said: "No, but when I was a child, I was always sick or injured, and I went to the hospital every day. There was also a car accident when I was on my way home from school. I was hospitalized after that.

If everyone cares so much about my blood type, you can go to the Okudaira family in Haido-cho 3-chome with me tomorrow. I want to get the remains of my mother who died of illness. There is a parent-child handbook in it. My blood type can be confirmed from the parent-child handbook."

Maori Kogoro was surprised: "Okudaira family in Haido-cho 3-chome? I want to go tomorrow too."

Kamiya Minatsuki asked curiously: "Is Uncle Maori working?"

Maori Kogoro nodded and said: "Yes, a year ago, the only child of that family was used by someone. The murderer was killed in an unimaginable way, and the murderer has not been caught yet, so they entrusted me, the famous detective Maori Kogoro, to re-investigate the murder case. "

Hondou Eisuke asked: "Is their son Mr. Kago?"

Mauri Kogoro thought for a while and said: "Yes, it seems to be called this name."

Mauri Ran looked at Hondou Eisuke: "Does Eisuke know this person?"

"I was very young at that time, and now I only remember this name." Hondou Eisuke suddenly put his hands on the table: "But Mr. Maori, you are really too much. You just said that there is no case to handle."

Mauri Kogoro exhaled a puff of smoke: "My meaning is the same as that of Brother Kamiya. There is no case that needs the help of a confused boy who plays in the mud."

Mauri Kogoro said to Kamiya Minatsuki: "Brother Kamiya, I will wait for you in the car tomorrow morning."

Kamiya Minatsuki agreed: "Okay."


The next day.

Minatsuki Kamiya, Kogoro Mori, Ran Mori, Conan and Eisuke Hondou arrived at the Okudaira family in Haido-cho 3-chome.

The hostess of the Okudaira family, Eiko Okudaira, appeared and welcomed the five people into the house.

Kogoro Mori and Minatsuki Kamiya were taken by Eiko Okudaira to the study of Kakuzo Okudaira, the male owner of the Okudaira family, to discuss things.

The maid Kikuyo Tabata took Ran Mori, Conan and Eisuke Hondou to the living room to rest.

In the living room, Eisuke Hondou had already taken his mother's relics, and the parent-child handbook clearly stated that Eisuke Hondou's blood type was O type.

Now that Conan has confirmed Eisuke Hondou's blood type, the next step is to confirm whether Eisuke Hondou's sister really donated blood to Eisuke Hondou.

In the study.

From Kakuzo Okudaira, Kogoro Mori and Minatsuki Kamiya learned what happened.

Maori Kogoro confirmed: "Except for your son, everyone was watching the home videos you shot at the time. Your son was accidentally drowned in the swimming pool at home by the murderer who broke in from outside, right?"

Okuhei Kakuzo nodded and said, "Yes, the police speculated that my son died around 9 to 10 o'clock in the evening. We watched the videos I shot together in the living room for 5 hours between 7 o'clock and 12 o'clock that night."

Okuhei Kakuzo took out a photo.

The photo shows Okuhei Kakuzo's son, with his hands and feet tied behind his back and a tape on his mouth.

Maori Kogoro asked: "Then may I ask your son, does he have any enemies that can serve as clues?"

Okuhei Kakuzo said excitedly: "Although there are no clues outside, there are at home. This is my guess, Detective Maori, Detective Kamiya, my son was killed by a ruthless person in this room!"

Kamiya Minazuki frowned and said: "But you also said that your son died between 9 and 10 o'clock, and all of you watched the video between 7 and 12 o'clock. Since you think so, it means that you have something to say, right?"

Okuhei Kakuzo pointed to the hand of Okuhei Kakuzo in the photo: "Look at Kakuzo's right hand, he is wearing a white glove. It was on this day two years ago. That was also the white glove worn by the former housekeeper of this house who fell off the cliff and died while driving!"

Maori Kogoro asked seriously: "It's just

Is it this day? If I remember correctly, your son was killed on this day last year, right? "

Okuhei Kakuzo said nervously: "Yes, and on the third day after my son died, I found the white glove on the left hand of the former butler in this study."

Mouri Kogoro guessed: "That is the glove that the murderer put on your son, and it fell off because of an accident, right?"

Okuhei Kakuzo said excitedly: "No, I think someone is holding a grudge against the former butler's death!"

Mouri Kogoro wondered: "Hold a grudge? Didn't the former butler die in a car accident?"

Okuhei Kakuzo suddenly froze, hesitating and not speaking.

Kamiya Minatsuki looked at Okuhei Kakuzo's expression, raised his eyebrows and said: "Could it be... the former butler was killed by you and your son, and the glove was the murderer's revenge signal. The murderer put the right glove on your son after killing your son on the anniversary of the former butler's death.

The white glove on your left hand that appeared in your study is a sign that the murderer will kill you on the anniversary of the death of the former butler this year.

So you thought of asking the famous detective Uncle Mori to come to your house today. The case-solving is fake, but you actually want Uncle Mori to protect you, right? "

Conan, who heard everything at the door, was shocked.

Kamiya Minetsuki actually made a deduction, and his deduction was almost the same as Conan's.

After listening to the whole conversation, Conan also deduced that someone might think that the death of the former butler was caused by Okudaira Kakuzo and Okudaira Kakugo, so he put a glove on Okudaira Kakugo's hand and killed him, and left another glove in this study to indicate the next target Okudaira Kakuzo.

Kamiya Minetsuki made this deduction because there are only two people who have died so far, the former butler and Okudaira Tango, although one died the year before last and the other last year, they both died on the same day.

Moreover, the gloves of the former butler, which were the same as those worn by his son, appeared in Okudaira Kakuzo's room. Coupled with Okudaira Kakuzo's nervous expression just now, it is hard not to think that the former butler's death was done by Okudaira Kakuzo and Okudaira Tango, and then relatives and friends wanted to avenge the former butler.

Kamiya Minatsuki saw Conan in shock at the door and was very proud. It seemed that his famous reasoning also shocked this arrogant detective boy.

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