The Okudaira family.

Kamiya Minazuki, Maori Kogoro and others were looking at the pool where Okudaira died.

The maid Tabata Kikuyo said expressionlessly: "Since the murder happened a year ago, this place has remained the same."

"But I miss it very much. I used to swim in this pool..." Hondou Eisuke didn't finish his words, and he slipped and fell to the ground.

Hondou Eisuke's inexplicable operation made everyone confused.

Can you fall even if you stand still?

Everyone returned to the house.

Hondou Eisuke changed his clothes.

While Hondou Eisuke was changing clothes, Kamiya Minetsuki saw the scars on Hondou Eisuke's chest. These scars looked like dense needle holes, forming a scar.

Seeing the scars, Kamiya Minetsuki was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thought of a possibility.

If this is true, then it can explain why Hondou Eisuke's blood type is different from Mizuno Rena's blood type, but why they can transfuse blood to each other.

For such scars on the chest, there is a high possibility that they are left by multiple puncture examinations.

Puncture examinations at the chest are basically to check the cells in the bone marrow.

Hondou Eisuke said that he and Mizuno Rena have different blood types, but Mizuno Rena has transfused blood to Hondou Eisuke who was in a car accident.

So the blood types of Hondou Eisuke and Mizuno Rena at that time were the same.

If what Hondou Eisuke and Mizunashi Rena said were true, their blood types were O and AB before, and Mizunashi Rena had transfused blood to Hondou Eisuke, then something must have happened to change Hondou Eisuke's blood type.

It is necessary to do multiple punctures to check the cells in the bone marrow. There is a certain possibility that it is a malignant disease of the hematopoietic tissue, that is, leukemia.

The most effective way to cure leukemia at present is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, that is, bone marrow transplantation.

And bone marrow transplantation will change the body's blood type.

Because Hondou Eisuke transplanted Mizunashi Rena's bone marrow, his blood type will become the blood type of the transplanter.

In other words, Hondou Eisuke was O type before, but because he transplanted Mizunashi Rena's bone marrow, he became AB type.

And this can explain why Hondou Eisuke, who was in a car accident later, received a blood transfusion from her sister but was fine.

Because the blood types of both of them at that time were AB type!

"Fuck! I'm a genius!"

Kamiya Minatsuki felt that his brain seemed to be sublimated, and he felt extremely happy.

No wonder, no wonder Conan, this kid, likes reasoning so much. This feeling of relying on the brain to solve the problem quickly secretes dopamine in the brain, making people extremely happy.

Kamiya Minatsuki's surprise made everyone look at him in confusion.

Maori Kogoro asked: "Could it be that brother Kamiya has thought of the clues of the case?"

Kamiya Minatsuki shook his head excitedly: "It's not the case here, it's something else!"

Kamiya Minatsuki looked at Conan with great pride.

This time, he deduced the mystery of Hondou Eisuke's blood type before Conan in front of Conan.

Conan had been thinking about the case of Okudaira Kago just now, and did not notice the scar on Hondou Eisuke's chest.

Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki in confusion. Why was he looking at him so proudly?

The case has not been solved yet.


Everyone heard a sound like glass breaking.

"It seems to come from the master's study." said the butler Segawa Kiro.

"I'll go and take a look."

The maid Tabata Kikuyo and the butler Segawa Kiro went to the study to check.

At the same time, a very loud thunder suddenly sounded outside the house.

The lights in the whole house went out because of the thunder.

At the same time, Okudaira Kakuzo's shout came from the study: "Don't open the door!"

When everyone in the living room rushed to the study, the study door had been opened, and they found that Okudaira Kakuzo was hanged in the study.

Okudaira Eiko wanted to rush in, but was stopped by the maid Tabata Kikuyo.

"Madam, there are vase fragments on the ground!"

Because of the obstruction of the maid Tabata Kikuyo, Okudaira Eiko and Tabata Kikuyo fell to the ground at the same time.

Almost everyone's eyes were on the hanged Okudaira Kakuzo.

But Kamiya Minetsuki didn't.

After all, what's so good about a dead person?

Kamiya Minazuki's eyes were on Okudaira Eiko just now.

Ke Xueding

Law, the first person to rush into the crime scene, is likely to be the murderer.

However, this one look really made Kamiya Minetsuki see the truth.

The problem is not Okudaira Eiko, but the servant Tabata Kikuyo!

Because Kamiya Minetsuki saw that when Okudaira Eiko and Tabata Kikuyo fell at the same time, Tabata Kikuyo's chubby hand violently waved and swept away all the books on the ground.

Kamiya Minetsuki felt that all the luck today was concentrated on him. Unexpectedly, not only did he solve the mystery of Hondou Eisuke and Mizunashi Rena's blood type, but it seemed that this case did not require him to do it physically, and it could be solved just by using the detective method mentioned by Conan!

Not long after.

Inspector Megure brought Inspector Takagi and others to the crime scene, and began to let the forensic department investigate the scene and question everyone.

Conan found a book stained with blood on the ground.

"The Killer from the Underworld"

After seeing it, Inspector Takagi thought that this book might be a message from Okudaira Kakuzo before his death.

Because a lot of blood fell on the word Huangquan, and the blood dripping below formed a word similar to the word KO in Hiragana.

Inspector Megure said seriously: "If this is really a death message, your master, Mr. Kakuzo, was killed by someone in this room, that is, one of you!"

Kamiya Minetsuki was very excited.

Here it comes! Kakuzo Eiko, the servant Tabata Kikuyo, and the current housekeeper Segawa Kiro, classic three choices!

Kamiya Minetsuki looked around the crime scene.

Today's luck is so good, strike while the iron is hot, and solve this case with the detective method Conan said.

Let Conan, this kid, kneel in front of him, and then say to himself, 'You are worthy of being the famous detective Kamiya, I am ashamed of myself. '.

"Hey... Hehe..."

Conan frowned and looked at Kamiya Minetsuki who was grinning alone, feeling a little puzzled.

What happened today?

Seeing the pile of books on the floor, Inspector Megure asked, "Are you cleaning today?"

Kakuzo Eiko explained, "No, the large-format book that the master ordered arrived today. In order to put the book in, the partitions of the bookshelf had to be moved, so the master moved all the books on the bookshelf away."

Kakuzo Eiko pointed to the book on the floor by the door, "That's the large-format book."

Inspector Takagi was surprised to see the newly arrived book on the floor by the door.

Hondou Eisuke suddenly guessed, "Could it be that the murderer put it there for a purpose? Or for a certain method!"

Hearing Hondou Eisuke's guess, Kamiya Minatsuki immediately became anxious.

After Hondou Eisuke's reminder, if this continues, Conan may get there first!

Kamiya Minatsuki dragged Hondou Eisuke and Conan out of the study: "Master, handle the case, kid, go play somewhere else!"

After dragging the two out, Kamiya Minatsuki immediately looked for clues in the study, trying to figure out the murderer's method of committing the crime as soon as possible.

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