The two of them were in the hospital.

Inside the Beihu Hospital.

Conan reluctantly told Kamiya Minatsuki that a member of the organization had infiltrated the hospital and was investigating Mizunashi Rena.

Kamiya Minatsuki tidied up his clothes and said seriously, "I'm bored, so I'll stay and see how you caught that member of the organization."

Akai Shuichi, Conan, Judy and James looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with strange expressions.

He said he was busy before, but now he says he has nothing to do and wants to stay and watch the show?

Judy asked Akai Shuichi alone: ​​"Since Mr. Kamiya is a member of the organization, it should be easy for him to recognize the members of the organization in the hospital, right?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. The FBI has arrested Mizunashi Rena, so the person sent by the organization must be a member I don't know, so it shouldn't be a code name member. As for Kamiya, I know that he doesn't bother to know ordinary members of the organization, so he probably won't know him.

The most important thing is, it's better to have less trouble now, don't make things more troublesome."

Not long after James left, he returned to the room with three photos.

Among the patients who were admitted to the hospital between the 18th and the 21st, they were neither seriously injured nor seriously ill, and they were all male patients, filtering out three suspects.

The first one was Araki Chotaro, who was hospitalized on the 18th because of a fractured right foot.

The second one was Kusuda Rikumichi, who was hospitalized on the 19th because of a sprained cervical spine.

The third one was Nishiya Chugo, who was hospitalized on the 21st because of acute low back pain.

Kamiya Minazuki was a little shocked.

With so many patients in the hospital, can you directly choose one of the three?

Conan suggested that he should go and question the three suspects directly.

Because Conan looks like a child, he should not be wary if he goes to question.

However, Conan will wear a micro video recorder on his body to record the image and sound, and everyone will watch the video together after the questioning.

Just when Conan was about to ask, he encountered an emergency.

Conan met his former high school classmate, Nakamichi.

From Nakamichi, Conan learned the information about Hondou Eisuke.

Because Conan asked Nakamichi, "Where is Eisuke brother?", Nakamichi replied, "Hondou has not been here, but Eisuke Kaizawa from the football club has seen him."

In Japanese, Eisuke and Eisuke are pronounced the same.

But Nakamichi knew that Conan was talking about Hondou Eisuke, not Kaizawa Eisuke.

In other words, Nakamichi had clearly seen Hondou Eisuke, but was deliberately concealing it.

This means that Hondou Eisuke is hiding in this hospital.

Conan ignored Hondou Eisuke and continued to question the three suspects as planned.

After the questioning, Conan returned to the room and watched the videotape with the FBI.

With Akai Shuichi and Conan, it was easy to deduce that the suspect was Kusuda Rikumichi.

Because Kusuda Rikumichi was hospitalized due to a sprained cervical spine, but there were many canned coffee cans on the ground, and the coffee in them was drunk clean.

If you don't stretch your neck and raise your head to drink the canned coffee, you can't finish it.

If Kusuda Rikumichi really had a cervical spine injury, then this would not be possible.

The suspicions of the other two suspects have been ruled out, leaving only Kusuda Rikumichi, who was affected by the cervical spine sprain and pretended to be dizzy and vomiting to delay his discharge.

At night.

In the Beihu Hospital.

Kusuda Rikumichi was secretly shuttling in the corridor.

Kusuda Rikumichi sent the nurse on duty away, took a camera, and took pictures of the hospitalization form while looking for Mizunashi Rena's name.

But a nurse disguised by the FBI appeared and accidentally exposed Kusuda Rikumichi.

Judy, who had no choice, took a team of FBI members and pointed a pistol at Kusuda Rikumichi.

But unexpectedly, Kusuda Rikumichi tied a circle of C4 bombs around his neck.

Judging from the equivalent of the bomb on Kusuda Rikumichi's neck, if it exploded, the whole hospital would be destroyed.

The hospital was full of patients, and Judy and others did not dare to act rashly.

Kusuda Rikumichi also guessed that Mizunashi Rena was in this hospital through the sudden appearance of the FBI.

Kusuda Rikumichi threatened with the C4 bomb on his neck and drove away directly from the exit of the emergency station to the parking lot.

As soon as Kusuda Rikumichi's car drove away, Akai Shuichi's pickup truck immediately chased after it.

On the co-pilot, Kamiya Minazuki slapped his thigh and laughed until tears came out.

"Hahaha... this is how you FBI catches people

The capture plan is too lame!"

Akai Shuichi controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and grabbed Kamiya Minatsuki's hand with the other hand: "If you want to pat your thigh, don't pat mine, pat your own."

At this time, Akai Shuichi's phone rang. It was the call of Akai Shuichi's boss James.

"Please Akai, before he contacts the organization, we must find him no matter what, and really catch him!"

"Understand, but if that guy has a mobile phone now, we can't stop him."

Conan suddenly appeared from behind the two driver's seats: "It doesn't matter, I took advantage of the time when that person left the ward and found his mobile phone and threw it into the water to soak it."

Kamiya Minatsuki complained: "You kid really have no manners at all."

Conan behind made a face at Kamiya Minatsuki.

Akai Shuichi smiled: "Heh, don't you trust us so much? "

Conan said confidently: "No, it's just for the sake of caution, because you sent so many people to guard him, and you are eager to arrest him, it will sooner or later develop into the current situation. Mr. Akai should have thought of it a long time ago, right?"

"Oh? Is that so?"

Akai Shuichi stepped on the accelerator to accelerate, and the pickup truck was level with Kusuda Rikudo's car.

Kusuda Rikudo turned his head to look at Akai Shuichi and Kamiya Minatsuki beside him, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Kamiya Minatsuki greeted with a smile: "Hello, little baby~"

Kusuda Rikudo was so scared that he took out his pistol and was about to shoot.

Akai Shuichi immediately released the accelerator and slowed down, and Kusuda Rikudo shot in vain.

"Hey, I have a bad temper! "

Kamiya Minatsuki took out an HK433 rifle and was about to shoot at Rikudori Kusuda's car in front.

Conan hurriedly hugged Kamiya Minatsuki: "Stop, we want to capture Rikudori Kusuda alive!"

"I don't care if you want to capture him alive!"

Under Conan's interference, Kamiya Minatsuki's bullet missed.

However, Rikudori Kusuda's car in front stopped by itself.

Akai Shuichi, Kamiya Minatsuki and Conan got out of the car and found that Rikudori Kusuda was shot in the head and was dead.

Conan sighed for a while, and the member of the organization he had obtained was gone.

Facing Conan's resentful eyes, Kamiya Minatsuki curled his lips and said: "Don't look at me with that look! I was disturbed by you just now, and the bullet didn't hit him at all! "

After checking, Shuichi Akai said, "Ryukomi Kusuda shot himself, and the C4 bomb was also fake. It seems that after he saw Kamiya and me, he knew that he could not escape, so he chose to flee to another world."

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