The hospital in Beihu Town is now overcrowded.

The hospital is now overcrowded.

There are mass food poisoning, gas incidents and fires.

This makes it impossible for the FBI members in Beihu Hospital to check the patients one by one.

While Shuichi Akai, Conan, James and Judy were discussing.

There was a ticking sound in the flowerpot of the flower James received.

After Shuichi Akai pulled out the flower, he found a bomb counting down at the bottom of the flowerpot.

There are still more than 30 minutes before the explosion.

Judy suggested that she go to a garbage disposal plant seven kilometers away to detonate the bomb.

Kamal came over and began to recommend himself. Now there were three accidents and the roads were blocked. With his excellent driving skills, he should be able to take Judy to the garbage disposal plant to detonate the bomb in time.

Although Judy felt familiar with Kamal, she did not know Kamal, and she could not trust Kamal who left his post without permission and did not look like a good person.

If it were not for the urgency of time and James's urging, Judy would have started to interrogate on the spot.

Kamal and Judy drove to dispose of the bomb.

After a thrilling race, the bomb was successfully thrown into the river and detonated without causing casualties.

At the same time, the Beihu Hospital received more than 60 express deliveries.

FBI investigators began to go to the patient's ward one by one to check the express deliveries. After finding the bomb, they directly removed the fuse.

What caught everyone off guard was that on the TV of the Beihu Hospital, there was a picture of Mizunashi Rena announcing her recovery.

Because the IV infusion tube in Rena Mizuno's ward is easily affected by radio waves and causes errors, the hospital said that mobile phones and radios must not be used.

Therefore, James could not directly contact the FBI investigators who were guarding Rena Mizuno's ward.

James asked the FBI investigators to go to Rena Mizuno's ward and check on her condition.

Shuichi Akai and Conan instantly understood the purpose of the organization doing all this.

There were locators on those bombs.

And the video of Rena Mizuno's recovery in Haido Hospital was to make all the FBI investigators gather in Rena Mizuno's room.

Through the locator, Rena Mizuno's location can be determined.

When everyone came to Rena Mizuno's ward, as expected, Rena Mizuno was still staying in bed.


On the Porsche 356A.

Gin looked at the monitor and sneered, "It's like flies gathering around garbage."

Vodka flattered him, "More and more are gathering. Ward 305 in the fourth building. Now that we know where it is, it will be much easier. Brother, you are awesome."

Gin was very pleased with Vodka's flattery: "I have never taken the cell where Kiel is imprisoned seriously. The key is to make them realize that we know which ward it is, which is like driving a terrible nail into their heads. Next, let's see how the panicked flies fly."

Vodka asked, "Brother, what should we do next?"

Gin's smile disappeared immediately: "Let's meet up with them first, and let that guy get rid of the third-party troublemaker in this game."


Under a bridge in Haido Town.

Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, Chianti, and Cohen have already met up.

Gin looked at the time displayed on his phone impatiently.

They had been waiting for ten minutes, and Gin had already arranged tasks for the members of the organization who had already arrived.

After waiting for another five minutes, Kamiya Minetsuki finally arrived, and brought Ohara Yusho with him.

Gin didn't waste any words and directly explained the task to Kamiya Minetsuki.

"Golden Malt Wine, your task is to stop those CIA, but don't go too far, and don't fight in the downtown area.

And you two let Vermouth disguise you so that no one can see your true face.

Vermouth will act with you. Vermouth will disguise himself as Gil to deceive those CIA guys and let those guys focus all their attention on you.

I will call you to inform you when to start the action. After Vermouth disguises you, you can set off to the vicinity of Haihu Hospital."

After the task was released, Gin, Vodka, Chianti and Cohen


Now only Kamiya Minatsuki, Ohara Yuto and Vermouth were left.

Vermouth felt a little tired when she saw Kamiya Minatsuki's face.

Vermouth didn't want to go on a mission with Kamiya Minatsuki at all.

But this was the boss's order, and Vermouth had no right to refuse.

Kamiya Minatsuki showed her white teeth to Vermouth: "Then let's get started quickly, I'm already thirsty~"

Vermouth asked: "My car or yours?"

Vermouth drove a jeep this time, and Ohara Yuto's car was an old Honda.

Kamiya Minatsuki said decisively: "Yours!"

Vermouth breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she had learned from the previous experience and didn't drive her own sports car over, otherwise the sports car would be scrapped.

She liked that sports car very much.

The three got on Vermouth's jeep.

Vermouth helped Kamiya Minatsuki and Ohara Yuto put on makeup.

Soon the makeup was finished, and now Kamiya Minatsuki and Obara Yuto looked completely different.

Then Vermouth disguised herself as Gil.

Vermouth sat in the back seat and said to Kamiya Minatsuki and Obara Yuto: "I'm the bait, so you drive."

"Then Yuto, you drive."

Kamiya Minatsuki was quite satisfied with Obara Yuto's driving skills.

"Yes, big brother!"

Ohara Yuto sat in the driver's seat, and Kamiya Minatsuki sat in the co-pilot.

Obara Yuto stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the direction of Haido Hospital.


Haido Hospital.

The FBI has decided to transfer Mizunashi Rena and prepared three cars.

Two of the three cars are used to confuse the audience.

The real Mizunashi Rena is in the car driven by Camel.

And Akai Shuichi did not move with the large group.

The three cars drove out of the parking lot.

On the tall building opposite the parking lot, Chianti had been observing with a scope, and said on the intercom: "One, two, three... one of these three cars is our target, right?"

Gin began to assign actions: "Very good, Chianti, I'll send you to chase the first car! Cohen, you chase the second car! Vodka, you're responsible for chasing the third car!

I will continue to stay near the hospital to monitor the FBI's actions. The three cars just now may all be bait cars. After each of them catches up with the car to be tracked, they will use the prepared method to detect the situation inside the car.

Finally, I will decide which car to lock on!"

After Gin assigned the actions here, the CIA members who had been staying near the Beihu Hospital also began to get restless.

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