The car was in a state of panic, and the driver was in a state of panic.

Kamiya Minazuki and Obara Yuto were lying in the trunk, sniping the SAT and CIA members who were fighting.

On the other side, Gin's plan was also going on.

Chianti, Cohen and Vodka drove motorcycles to track the three cars arranged by the FBI.

Chianti reported: "Gin, I have caught up with the first car."

"What's the situation?"

"The car windows are dark, and I can't see the situation inside the car clearly!"

"Use scanning."


Chianti took out a body temperature sensor scanner and scanned the entire car.

On Gin's laptop, Chianti's scan results were transmitted.

Then Cohen and Vodka also uploaded the scan results to Gin's computer.

There were nine people in the vehicle scanned by Chianti, which was almost consistent with the location of the transmitters of the bomb devices.

There were also nine people in the vehicle scanned by Cohen, but there was no signal from the transmitter.

There were only two people in the vehicle scanned by Vodka, the main driver and the co-driver, both of whom were carrying the transmitter installed on the bomb.

Now it was up to Gin to decide which car to chase.

Just as Gin was thinking about it, a familiar voice came into Gin's radio.

"Sorry for the long wait, Gin. I have found Shuichi Akai's Chevrolet."

Bourbon Amuro Toru was driving a Mazda, following Shuichi Akai's car.

"So where is Akai?"

Toru Amuro replied, "After passing through Haido Park, we have just entered Beika Town. The closest car is the second one that Cohen is tracking."


"Huh, he finally showed up, but I didn't expect it to be him."

Akai Shuichi looked in the rearview mirror and found Toru Amuro following behind them.

Conan didn't know Toru Amuro and asked in confusion, "Who is he?"

"He is also a code member of the organization, and he is also a pitiful and troublesome guy."

Akai Shuichi could guess how much of a blow the original Fate Master incident had dealt to Toru Amuro.

After all, Toru Amuro had sought help from the most hated person in order to stop Kamiya Minazuki.

Akai Shuichi thought that Toru Amuro might be depressed for a while after such a heavy blow, but he didn't expect him to cheer up so quickly to participate in the mission.

Conan looked at Akai Shuichi's profile in surprise.

Akai Shuichi seemed to be very familiar with the other party.

But it was normal, after all, Akai Shuichi was also a member of the organization before.

Conan asked, "So, is the poor and troublesome guy mentioned by Akai brother an enemy or a friend now?"

"From the current standpoint... he is an enemy! Sit tight, kid!"

Akai Shuichi suddenly changed gears and accelerated forward.

Toru Amuro reported to Gin: "Akai Shuichi has accelerated. At his current speed, he will catch up with the car that Cohen is chasing in less than two minutes."

Chianti also said impatiently: "It seems that Akai Shuichi's target is the car that Cohen is chasing. I have to change my route to meet Cohen."

Vodka also said: "Then I will go to Cohen too. There is no benefit in entangled with the bait car."

Cohen controlled the motorcycle with one hand and took out the sniper rifle with the other hand. He vowed: "If Akai comes, I will kill him!"

Gin, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Wait Cohen, cut to the side road and change the route, Chianti you do the same."

Chianti said in disbelief: "Why? Do we have to give up on Kiel when we see that guy Akai Shuichi appear?"

Gin is confident "No, we should chase the third car that Vodka is tracking, and Gil is on it!"

Gin turned into a famous detective and began to reason: "Gil, who is unconscious, should be lying on a stretcher in the back seat. The FBI knew that we would speculate so, so they played a trick and let Gil sit in the passenger seat with a transmitter, looking like an FBI investigator from the outside."

Chianti was puzzled: "But didn't the third car go back to the hospital?"

Gin sneered and explained: "This was also designed in advance. Although we already know the hospital where Gil is staying, the FBI did not transfer Gil immediately, indicating that reality made it impossible for them to do so. In other words, they pretended to transfer Gil to another hospital for us to see, but in fact they were deliberately planning to return to the original hospital.

Because he concluded that we would not

Go search the Haido Hospital again!"

If Gin is a fool like Vodka, he will not be fooled by Shuichi Akai and Conan's plan.

But his opponents are Shuichi Akai, who knows him best, and Conan, who is trying his best to find the weaknesses of the organization.

Gin closed his laptop and drove to meet Chianti, Cohen, Vodka and Amuro Toru.

The five of them caught up with Camel and Kiel's car.

Camel reported to James that he was chased by a Porsche, a Mazda, and three motorcycles.

Just then, Kiel took the bomb with the fuse removed and hit Camel's square head hard.

The vehicle lost control instantly and finally stopped after hitting the guardrail.

Kil opened the door and got out of the car.

Gin asked solemnly: "What's going on, Kiel? "

Kil explained: "During the FBI's wireless call, I knew you had come to rescue me, so I saw the opportunity and knocked the driver unconscious with a bomb that had been defused, and finally stepped on the brakes to stop the car."

"So the FBI asked you to stay in that hospital, and you have already regained consciousness?"

"Yes, I recovered two or three days ago, but the FBI has always believed that I was in a coma."

Vodka asked Gin: "Since Kiel has returned safely, can we retreat?"

Gin looked at Kamal who was unconscious in the car: "We still have to get rid of the stupid FBI who gave such an important matter to this guy alone."

Chianti raised his gun and wanted to shoot.

Just when Chianti was about to pull the trigger, the whole car suddenly exploded.

Chianti was surprised and said: "Did the FBI put the bomb in his pocket without defused it? "

Kil began to lie for Kamal: "Maybe it was because he hit the guardrail just now, so the fuse was ignited by coincidence."

Gin looked at the blazing flames expressionlessly.

At this time, passers-by appeared on the road.

Gin and his group immediately got in the car and retreated.

Camel, who jumped out of the car to escape before the explosion, gasped and called Shuichi Akai.

"Things...things worked, Akai."

"Thank you for your hard work, well done, I'll send someone to pick you up right away."

Shuiichi Akai and Conan looked at each other and smiled as if their plan had been successful.

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