The police found a cell phone with no records except for the text message sent to Maori Kogoro, a wallet with a lot of banknotes, and more than 5,000 yen in change among the items held by the deceased.

Inspector Megure was still asking some questions to Kenzuka Kei.

Kenzuka Kei had a special knot on her shoes.

According to Kenzuka Kei, this was a habit she had developed since she was a child.

Kamiya Minazuki looked at Kenzuka Kei with ill intentions.

Now that he knew who the murderer was, he could just solve the case.

But with so many people around, his crime-solving skills could not be used. He had to find a way to be alone with Kenzuka Kei.

Conan saw Kamiya Minetsuki's eyes rolling around, and guessed what Kamiya Minetsuki wanted to do.

Conan pulled Kamiya Minetsuki's belt and walked to the corner, and said with a fierce face: "Kamiya, you can't do anything this time. This incident is not a simple murder case."

Kamiya Minetsuki was surprised: "Oh? You also realized that it was a murder case?"

Conan nodded seriously and said: "Yes, the real person who came to visit should actually be the dead man, and the person who pretended to be the receptionist of the office was actually the woman. Maybe the name of Kei Kazuka is still fake, but the name of the man.

So there must be some hidden secrets that we don't know yet. If you use violence to force her to confess, then these hidden secrets may always be hidden secrets."

Kamiya Minetsuki felt so troubled: "Is the hidden secret so important? Isn't it enough to solve the case?"

Very important!

Conan wanted to say this, because knowing the whole truth of the incident can prevent similar cases from happening again in the future.

But you can't say that to Kamiya Minatsuki, because he will definitely be impatient and won't listen.

Conan said it another way: "It's just like when you play games. I found that you will charge a lot of money and use cheats when playing games. After crushing the game, you will stop playing. That means you are tired of it, this is for sure, because the game has lost its fun.

And exploring the game content by yourself and becoming stronger step by step will make you enjoy the game. The same is true for detectives. If you use violence to force the other party to confess, you will lose the fun."

Kamiya Minatsuki curled his lips: "I think it's fun to use violence to make the other party confess."

Conan coaxed Kamiya Minatsuki and said: "Then if you want to get more fun, it's impossible. Try it this time. What if you can get more fun from it? Even if you don't have it, there is no loss, right?"

Kamiya Minatsuki turned his head around and agreed: "Then I'll give you a face and try it this time."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. It was really too difficult.

He is a child who actually has to coax an adult. What kind of world is this?

During the interrogation by Officer Megure, Kenzuka Kei seemed to think of his deceased brother and cried alone.

Maori Kogoro suggested: "Officer Megure, it is better to stop here tonight. Miss Kei's brother has just passed away. Now she has witnessed a strange man committing suicide in front of her. She must be close to collapse."

Officer Megure felt that what Maori Kogoro said made sense and agreed: "Well, then we will ask about the relevant case tomorrow. Can you please tell me your address and contact information first? And we need you to give us a document that can prove your identity."

Kenzuka Kei agreed: "Okay, I'll write it down, but as for the document, I just graduated from college and am looking for a job. I don't have a business card. If I go back home, I can find the insurance card."

Officer Megure nodded and said: "Then Then please bring it with you tomorrow."

"Okay, I got it."

Amuro Toru suggested: "If you want to go home, let me take you with my car. My car is parked in the parking lot next to you. And it is very likely that the man has other accomplices, and they may be lying in ambush near your house."

Kenzuka Kei did not refuse: "Then I'm sorry to bother you."


Amuro Toru, who was driving, asked Kenzuka Kei who was sitting next to him: "Miss Kenzuka, is this the right way to go?"

"Yes, yes."

Mouri Kogoro in the back seat looked at Mouri Ran and Conan with dissatisfaction: "Really, why did you get in too?"

Mouri Ran hugged Conan and squeezed in the back seat, and Kamiya Minazuki and Mouri Kogoro were also

Lang was also very crowded.

Amuro Toru explained: "I'm sorry, the design of this car doesn't allow three people to sit in the back."

Mao Li Ran said to Amuro Toru: "It's okay, Mr. Amuro, but why did Dad and Mr. Kamiya sit up!"

Faced with Mao Li Ran's questioning, Mao Li Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki spoke hesitantly.

Conan showed a speechless expression. Kamiya Minatsuki and Mao Li Kogoro stayed together. Apart from drinking and gambling, what other good things could there be?

The group came to Kei Kazuka's apartment.

Arrived at the door of the apartment.

Kei Kazuka thanked him, "Well, thank you. Just send me here. I know there is no one lying in ambush here."

Kogoro Mouri nodded, "That's true."

Ran Mouri said goodbye to Kei Kazuka, "Then let's send you here."

Conan suddenly covered his crotch and started jumping on the spot, "Oh my, I forgot to go to the toilet last time. What should I do? I'm about to pee! Big sister, toilet! Let me use the toilet!"

Kei Kazuka had no choice but to take out the key and open the door of the apartment.

The moment the door was opened, a foul smell came to his nose.

Kamiya Minatsuki's first reaction to smelling this was... corpse odor!

Conan also thought it was corpse odor, and at the same time, Amuro Toru also realized it.

Amuro Toru entered the room on the pretext of also borrowing the toilet.

Kamiya Minatsuki didn't even give a reason and stepped directly into the room.

Kogoro Mouri, Ran Mouri and Kei Kazuka looked at each other.

Kei Kentsuka sighed slightly and said, "In that case, would you like to come in and sit down? Although I can only serve you tea."

Mouri Kogoro and Mori Ran entered the room, and Mori Ran apologized to Kei Kentsuka, "I'm so sorry, Miss Kei."

"It's okay, people have three urgent things, there is nothing we can do about it."

When they entered the living room, it was a mess, and the table was full of food residues.

Mouri Kogoro was surprised and said, "Oh, this table is too... Did you have a party last night?"

Kei Kentsuka replied, "Oh, yes, my friends from college came to see me last night. I'm so sorry that it's a mess here."

"It's okay, you don't have to mind."

After that, Mouri Kogoro turned on the TV, which was broadcasting the news of the Mori Detective Agency.

"No way, the news has been broadcasted, it's bad! Mom must be very worried about us, I turned off my phone."

Ran Mori just turned on her phone and the call came in.

As soon as Mao Lilan answered the phone, she heard Masumi Sera's roar:

"Why did you turn off your phone? Do you know that this makes people worry?!"

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