The boarding gate of the mysterious Suzuki Express.

Murohashi Etsuto was complaining to the train staff that someone had taken his favorite carriage No. 8.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki made a brilliant appearance.

Maori Kogoro said proudly: "I'm so sorry, my daughter is a friend of the owner of this train."

Kamiya Minatsuki whistled at Murohashi Etsuto: "These days, it's great to have connections."

Murohashi Etsuto glared at Kamiya Minatsuki with dissatisfaction.

Maori Kogoro stroked his curly mustache that was waxed this morning again: "We are all on this train, so everyone can rest assured. No matter what strange events happen in the train, as long as I, the famous detective Maori Boluo, am here, I will definitely make all the truth come to light!"

When they heard Maori Boluo, the faces of the people present suddenly changed.

Kamiya Minetsuki asked in a low voice: "Uncle Maori, what is Boluo?"

Maori Kogoro explained: "Brother Kamiya, don't you think the current scene is very similar to the mystery novel "Murder on the Orient Express"? This Boluo is the famous detective in that novel."

Kamiya Minetsuki suddenly realized that although he had not read the novel, he also understood that Maori Kogoro wanted to show off that he was a famous detective.

"Wait a minute, Dad, Mr. Kamiya, what are you two doing over there?"

"Nothing, we're just saying hello to the passengers in car No. 8."

Ran Maori and Conan came over, and Maori Ran rushed over and snatched the cigarettes from Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki's mouths at lightning speed.

"No smoking here! Okay, now everyone is waiting for you in front of car No. 6. Everyone has to take a group photo together before departure!"

Ran Maori pushed Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki towards car No. 6.

Conan looked at the solemn expressions of the passengers and frowned.

Why is there such a tense atmosphere suddenly?

Is it because of knowing that uncle and Kamiya are detectives?

Or... is there something else hidden?

The train departed.

Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko excitedly leaned on the window to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Great, great!"

"The station and the scenery are all flying backwards at high speed!"

"This train will not stop until it reaches the terminal."

"What the hell?"


Dr. Agasa was also very energetic: "But where the terminal is is still a mystery, you can guess it."

The reasoning maniac Conan said directly: "It is Nagoya. As long as you investigate today's driving conditions on the Internet, you can probably deduce the terminal of this train."

Dr. Agasa looked at Conan speechlessly.

It's rare that they all got on the mysterious train, so don't say something that ruins other people's dreams.

Conan continued, "But what I am more concerned about is what kind of reasoning puzzles this train will present while it is running."

Ai Huihara said, "I heard that the reasoning activities on the train will randomly select people from the passengers to be the criminals and victims. When an incident occurs, all other passengers will be responsible for playing detectives and must find the criminals before arriving at the terminal."

At this time, the door of the carriage was knocked.

"What's the matter?"

Dr. Agasa got up to open the door, but there was no one outside.

But Conan found a letter on the ground.

Conan opened the letter and read it out.

[Congratulations on being selected to play the detective job. In ten minutes, an incident will occur in Room B of Car No. 7 and a search must be carried out. ]

"Hey, we have been selected as detectives, so let's set out to investigate the clues!"

Yuanta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko rushed out of the carriage with great interest.

The group came to Room B of Car No. 7.

Conan knocked on the door: "Sorry, sorry to bother you!"

Conan opened the door, and inside was Murohashi Etsuto who was dissatisfied with his seat being changed.

Murohashi Etsuto said in horror: "Idiot! Don't come in!"

Then Murohashi Etsuto had several bullet holes on his body, and blood spurted out.

Then a man wearing a hood and a mask and holding a gun rushed out of the house.

Genta said excitedly: "Wow, great! It looks just like the real thing!"

Mitsuhiko took the lead and said: "Hurry up and catch up


"Conan and Ai, come along!"

Ayumi followed Genta and Mitsuhiko to chase the 'murderer'.

Conan and Ai had no choice but to follow.

As Ai ran, she complained, "Rather than calling it a mysterious train, it's more like a normal game of hide-and-seek."


Conan, who was looking forward to it, suddenly lost interest.

After chasing for a while, Conan and his group lost the trace of the criminal.

Genta said in annoyance, "We lost the criminal."

Mitsuhiko also said in disappointment, "Because these are all independent guest rooms, we can't find him once he enters the room."

"I said you..." Behind Conan and the others, the train staff came up and asked, "Is this your first time on this train?"

Ayumi nodded and said, "Yes! Yes! ”

The train staff suggested: "In this case, it would be better to return to the room quickly. We will use the indoor intercom to announce the content of this reasoning puzzle to everyone later."

Conan was surprised and said: "Has nothing happened yet?"

The train staff looked at his watch: "Yes, this reasoning puzzle will not start until an hour later."

Conan's face changed.

Since the reasoning puzzle has not started yet, then isn't the case in Room B of Car No. 7 a real murder case?

Conan hurriedly ran towards Room B of Car No. 7.

Genta and the other two hurriedly followed Conan.

Just when Haibara Ai was about to follow, she suddenly trembled.

The organization radar was activated.

In the room behind Haibara Ai, the doorman opened, and a man wearing a hat and a scar on his right cheek walked out and walked forward.

Haibara Ai looked at the back of this man, her heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and her expression became very terrified.

"Xiao Ai, why are you still here, hurry up and leave. "

Ayumi went and came back, and the man that Haibara Ai saw had walked into the corner and disappeared.

Conan and his group were looking for Carriage 7, but they didn't find it. Instead, they came to Carriage 8 where Ran Mouri and Suzuki Sonoko were, and Masumi Sera was there.

Conan and his group ran back again and actually returned to Carriage 6 where they were.

But they just passed one car, how could they go directly from Carriage 6 to Carriage 8?

Conan couldn't believe it.

Carriage 7 disappeared while driving?!

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