The mysterious train is full of people waiting for the arrival of the train.

Minatsuki Kamiya, Kogoro Mori and Conan are questioning the passengers in the No. 8 carriage.

Conan asked several suspects to run in the corridor one by one.

Because at the beginning, when Conan and his friends thought that the reasoning puzzle had begun, they saw a person in the room where Etsuto Murohashi was, who shot several shots at Etsuto Murohashi and ran away.

At that time, Etsuto Murohashi was still alive, but he was just pretending to be dead, so the person who cooperated with Etsuto Murohashi might be the murderer.

When testing Sumitomo Hika, the maid of Komino Natsue, Conan asked Komino Natsue: "Grandma, that maid runs very fast. Has she ever done any exercise?"

However, Komino Natsue did not answer Conan. Even if Conan emphasized it again, Komino Natsue just glanced at Conan and did not answer.

Conan's mouth curled up with a confident smile.

After a round of questioning, Maori Kogoro complained: "It seems that there is no point in letting these suspects run in the corridor."

Kamiya Minatsuki asked: "Anyway, now there are five choices, Uncle Maori, who do you think is the murderer?"

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and thought: "I think this Komino Natsue may have a problem, because everyone is running in the corridor, only she didn't run. Although she said that her legs are disabled, who knows if she is really disabled in both legs, maybe she is pretending."

Kamiya Minatsuki listened very seriously, so one murderer was ruled out.

Maori Kogoro continued, "Then I also think that Noto Taisaku is also problematic. He is a former Self-Defense Force officer, and there is a bamboo sword in his room. Maybe the bamboo sword was used to create this closed room murder case."

"Yeah, is there anything else for Uncle Maori?" Kamiya Minetsuki asked expectantly.

Now that two people have been ruled out, it is time to choose one of the three familiar links.

"If there is still a problem, it is Deba Mari, because she was the only one who didn't let us enter the room to check at the beginning. If she has a clear conscience, there is no need to exclude us from the search. I feel that one of the three of them must be the murderer!"

Maori Kogoro performed exceptionally, with a very confident expression, and everything was under control.

Kamiya Minetsuki also showed a confident smile. Now it is very clear, the murderer is either Sumitomo Hiruka or Anton Yu!

When Conan saw Kamiya Minetsuki's smile, he immediately thought of the unpleasant experience in the past.

Whenever Kamiya Minetsuki showed this kind of smile at the murder scene, the murderer would be beaten.

While Maori Kogoro was admiring his mustache in front of the window glass, Conan pulled Kamiya Minetsuki aside and whispered: "I already know who the murderer is. I'll tell you something that you should be interested in. After you know it, don't get involved in this case, okay?"

Kamiya Minetsuki frowned: "You know it so soon?"

Kamiya Minetsuki really wanted to know what was in Conan's mind. He knew who the murderer was so quickly.

Conan nodded: "Well, I'm going to make a deduction next, so... don't beat the criminals, and don't interfere with my deduction, okay?"

"You talk first."

"You should know that Kaito Kid is likely on this train, right? After all, Sonoko had already told me about this before getting on the train."

Kamiya Minazuki nodded and said, "Well, but I don't know where this kid is hiding, and I can't find him at all."

Conan deduced: "That Sumitomo Hiruka is Kaito Kid, and that Xiao Mino Natsue is Kaito Kid's assistant. When I asked Sumitomo Hiruka to go running just now, I asked Xiao Mino Natsue questions, but Xiao Mino Natsue didn't answer me, and even though he heard it, he didn't answer me.

That is to say, Xiao Mino Xia Jiang couldn't answer me at that time, because every time she answered, Sumitomo Hiuka was behind Xiao Mino Xia Jiang, so it should be Kaito Kid who used ventriloquism to disguise Xiao Mino Xia Jiang's voice to answer me. Once Kaito Kid left, his assistant couldn't speak, because speaking would reveal the truth. "

Kamiya Minazuki raised his eyebrows: "So, the murderer is Anton Yu?"

Now it was Conan's turn to be surprised: "You also deduced it?"

Kamiya Minazuki said with some pride: "I am a famous detective, how could I not know? You don't even look in the mirror, how can a little kid like me compare with a famous detective like me?"

When Conan heard Kamiya Minazuki say 'You don't look in the mirror either'

I thought that this time, Kamiya Minetsuki had discovered what the evidence was, so he deduced that the murderer was Anton Yu.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, Kamiya Minetsuki beat the criminals because he knew who the murderer was, but didn't know what the evidence was, so he wanted to force them to confess.

And this time, since Kamiya Minetsuki found the evidence, he shouldn't do that.

Conan said to Kamiya Minetsuki: "Since you know who the murderer is and what the evidence is, then this time, will you deduce it or me?"

Kamiya Minetsuki looked at Conan a little confused.

Evidence? What evidence?

How did he know what the evidence was?

Maori Kogoro ruled out three suspects, and Conan ruled out another suspect, so isn't the remaining suspect the murderer?

Kamiya Minetsuki thought Conan had changed his personality and asked, "Are you really going to let me do it?"

Conan smiled and said, "You should be able to experience the real feeling of being a detective this time."

Kamiya Minetsuki had no reason to refuse: "Okay, since you said so, then I will do it, watch my performance!"

Conan encouraged: "Come on, Kamiya!"

Kamiya Minetsuki walked towards the room where Anton Yu was.

Conan thought Kamiya Minetsuki was going to the room to call Anton Yu out, so he didn't doubt it.

Kamiya Minetsuki opened the door and went directly into Anton Yu's room.

Anton Yu looked at Kamiya Minetsuki in surprise: "Are you the detective? Do you need me to cooperate with you in my room?"

Kamiya Minetsuki looked at Anton Yu with a strange expression: "Tsk, what did you do, even that guy gave up on you."

Anton Yu was confused and didn't understand what Kamiya Minetsuki meant.

Kamiya Minazuki rubbed his wrists and ankles and said, "As usual, I'll give you a chance to speak. So admit it! You're the murderer who killed that fat guy!"

Anton Yu's heart skipped a beat. He thought he was asked to help solve the case, but he was found to be the murderer.

As a murderer, he still had the necessary manners. He said stubbornly, "What are you talking about, Mr. Detective? I didn't kill anyone at all. Did you make a mistake?"

"Well, that's the taste. That's right. I'll start."

Kamiya Minazuki walked in front of Anton Yu and suddenly hit Anton Yu in the abdomen with a liver-blasting punch.

Anton Yu's eyes almost popped out. He didn't even have time to shout. Beads of sweat fell down. He knelt on the ground, trembling all over, holding his abdomen.

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