The two of them were in a hurry.

Toru Amuro was holding Miyano Shiho, disguised as Kaito Kid, hostage and retreating into the cargo compartment.

And Toru Amuro felt that the guy in front of him, Miyano Shiming... Putting aside whether he was a pervert, he was definitely a psychopath.

In a short distance, the other party had scared him four or five times.

Kamiya Minazuki could hardly hold back his laughter.

These two guys in front of him were really funny.

As long as he said "Hey" and pretended to rush forward, Toru Amuro and Kaito Kid would always be smart.

Especially Kaito Kid. Although he was disguised and his true expression could not be seen clearly, from his mouth shape, Kamiya Minetsuki could guess that Kaito Kid's face should be blue.

"Are you sick?"

This is Kaito Kid's mouth shape.

Kaito Kid really wanted to get off work, let the plan go smoothly and then just slip away after it was completed, but Kamiya Minetsuki, a guy with a brain disorder, came here to stir up trouble.

And at the corner connecting car No. 8 and car No. 7.

Shuichi Akai disguised Okiya Subaru and Haibara Ai looked at each other with a look of despair.

Sure enough, with Kamiya Minetsuki around, no matter how smoothly the plan was executed, there would be problems.

Because it's like this every time! Every time!

Ai Huihara asked quietly, "Have you considered this situation?"

Akai Shuichi nodded, "I have considered it..."

Ai Huihara's eyes lit up, and he urged, "Since you have considered it, what are you waiting for?"

Akai Shuichi said helplessly, "I have considered it, but I have not thought of a solution."

Ai Huihara:...

Akai Shuichi whispered, "Now we can only see if Kamiya has had enough fun, or if he intends to let Amuro Toru go. If Kamiya does not intend to let Amuro Toru go, then this giant steel snake that was supposed to devour you will instead devour... He. "

Gray Hara Ai asked in confusion: "Do you think Kamiya will kill Bourbon?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head slightly and said: "I don't think so."

Gray Hara Ai asked in surprise: "Why are you so sure?"

Akai Shuichi explained: "Didn't you hear Kamiya trying to hold back his laughter? It means he is very happy. Kamiya has a bad personality and knows how to take things slow. If a guy who can make him happy is not fully exploited by him, he will keep him."

As Akai Shuichi said, Kamiya Minazuki did not stop Amuro Toru from holding Kaito Kid hostage to the cargo car.

When Amuro Toru and Kaito Kid entered the cargo car, Akai Shuichi suddenly grabbed Gray Hara Ai and hid in the train staff's room.

Akai Shuichi said "hush" to Gray Hara Ai.

After Vermouth woke up, she didn't care about Kudo Yukiko at all and immediately ran to the No. 8 car.

Their plan went smoothly. If it failed because of Kamiya Minetsuki, it would be unknown when the next chance to kill Miyano Shiho would come.

When Vermouth arrived, she saw 'Miyano Shiming' disguised by Kamiya Minetsuki.

Mental pollution.

This was the first thought that popped into Vermouth's mind.

Although Vermouth hated Miyano Shiho, it should be said that Miyano Shiho was still pretty.

However, now this outfit of Kamiya Minetsuki made Vermouth feel sick.

Vermouth resisted the discomfort and asked, "Where's Bourbon?"

Kamiya Minetsuki leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette and said, "He took Shirley to the cargo compartment. What's wrong? You want to go to the theater too?"

Vermouth breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Amuro Toru had taken Miyano Shiho to the cargo compartment.

Vermouth said with a strange expression: "You asked Yukiko to make you look like this just to scare people?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said with a shameless smile: "How can you say I'm here to scare people? I just came to see."

Vermouth couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Just come to see? Do you believe it?

Kamiya Minatsuki suddenly hugged Vermouth's shoulders and said: "Vermouth, can we discuss something?"

Vermouth trembled all over, and her stomach suddenly churned.

Vermouth took a step back and said: "If you have something to say, just say it directly."

Kamiya Minatsuki rubbed his hands and said: "I am pretending to be Shirley and Miyano Akemi's brother, Miyano Shiming, and I told Bourbon this news on your phone. Bourbon asked you about it afterwards, so you can help me hide it."

Vermouth wondered: "You mean... you made up a non-existent

, and then want to use this person's identity to continue to deceive Bourbon?"

Kamiya Minazuki nodded and said, "Yes, that's it!"

Vermouth frowned and did not immediately reject Kamiya Minazuki.

Vermouth was also very unhappy with Amuro Toru, because Amuro Toru had mastered a little secret of hers.

Because of this little secret, and because Vermouth also wanted Miyano Shiho to die, Vermouth accepted Amuro Toru's request for cooperation.

But Vermouth felt very uncomfortable. As a secretive person, she was actually dug out of her secret, and this secret was very important to her.

After thinking for a while, Vermouth said, "You used my phone to make up a person, but Bourbon is not a fool, and he will definitely investigate in the organization's database."

Kamiya Minazuki replied, "Don't worry about this. I will let Youxiang forge a confidential file for me and put it in the organization's database. How about it, do you agree?"

Vermouth did not respond directly: "I will answer according to your words, and I don't know anything else. "

Kamiya Minazuki grinned and said, "Then let's have a happy cooperation. Since you are so kind, call me next time if you have something to do."

Vermouth complained in her heart, how sick must she be to call him for something?


"Okay, open that door and go inside."

Amuro Toru pushed Kaito Kid into a storage room.

"It seems that your disgusting brother doesn't dare to take risks for you, but you don't have to worry. I said before that I plan to capture you alive and bring you back to the organization directly. I will use a bomb to destroy the connector and separate the cargo car from the other cars. When the car stops, my arranged partners will come to collect you."

Amuro Toru took out the bomb that had been prepared in the cargo car a long time ago, and after setting it up, installed it at the connection.

"But during this time, I will make you lose consciousness temporarily. No problem, I will let you fall asleep a little further away from the explosion site, so you don't have to worry about being caught in the explosion. "

Kaito Kid suddenly said: "It seems that there is a big problem here."

Amuro Toru frowned: "What's the problem?"

Kaito Kid lifted up a piece of cloth, and there was a bomb behind the cloth: "There is also a bomb placed in this freight car. It seems that something went wrong with your plan."

Seeing the bomb, Amuro Toru immediately thought of the reason.

So that's why Vermouth wanted to take her life no matter what.

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