The two of them were in a villa next to the tennis court in Izu Plateau.

Kamiya Minazuki and his party were invited to the villa for lunch.

Kamiya Minazuki and Maori Kogoro were walking around the villa.

Maori Ran, Suzuki Sonoko and Amuro Toru were helping to prepare Chinese cold noodles for lunch in the kitchen.

Conan went to Ishikuri Saburo's room on the second floor to enjoy the air conditioning.

Maori Ran was looking for Conan with Chinese cold noodles in her hand.


Maori Ran did not find Conan in the living room.

Suzuki Sonoko came over and said, "If you want to find that brat, he said he was going to Mr. Ishikuri's room, so the two of them went to the second floor together because the air conditioning in the living room seemed to be a little broken."

Ran Maori felt it for a while: "So it's not very cold."

Ran Maori and Suzuki Sonoko went to the second floor and knocked on the door.

"Conan, I'm here to bring you lunch, Conan."

Ran Maori knocked on the door several times, but there was no response.

Suzuki Sonoko said with dead fish eyes: "Maybe this brat is sleeping, don't worry about him, he won't starve to death even if he doesn't have lunch."

Ran Maori nodded and said: "That's right, and the air conditioning in this room seems to be very cold."

Around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Takanashi Noboru looked at the time on his watch: "Really? That Ishikuri guy hasn't come out of the room yet? It's past three o'clock, and the sun is about to set."

Momozono Kotone, who was sitting on the sofa drinking mineral water, said: "I knocked on the door several times before."

Umejima Machi wiped his sweat with a towel and said: "He seems to have locked it and is sleeping inside."


There was a noise from the second floor.

Momozono Kotone, Umejima Machi and Takanashi Noboru all looked at the ceiling: "What happened upstairs?"

Conan, who was sleeping in the room on the second floor, woke up from the bed because of the noise.

It was too comfortable in the air-conditioned room, Conan yawned repeatedly, so Ishikuri Saburo let him go to bed.

Conan put on his glasses and was a little speechless.

This room is too hot now, don't turn off the air conditioning without authorization just because he fell asleep.

And what was the noise just now?

When Conan turned his head and looked at the door, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Ishikuri Saburo fell at the door with blood on his head.

Everyone also gathered at the door of Ishikuri Saburo's room.

Umejima Machi asked: "Kotone, don't you have a spare key with you?"

Momozono Kotone said in embarrassment: "Well, only the key to Ishikuri's room has been lost since yesterday."

Takanari Shoichi gritted his teeth and suggested: "There is no other way. Although it is a bit dangerous, we have to go to Ishikuri's room along the balcony to see what's going on. If he opens the window, we can go in through the window. Even if the window is closed, there is a way to see the situation in the room."

Momozono Kotone agreed: "That's true. After all, we have done this before."

Umejima Machi looked a little scared: "But the balcony is a little far away, I really don't dare to go over."

Takanari Sho expressed his understanding: " After all, you are not good at standing in high places, Machi. "

At this time, Toru Amuro stood up: "In that case, let me open the lock directly, because I am good at this kind of thing."

Kamiya Minazuki said sarcastically: "Oh, you are really proud, I don't know how many houses you have stolen, Chegwa Toru?"

Toru Amuro said helplessly: "Forgive me, Kamiya senior, because I have a friend who works in a security company, so I once asked him to teach me the secret of unlocking in private."

Mouri Kogoro said with satisfaction: "For detectives who have to conduct investigations, this is indeed an important skill."

Toru Amuro took out two wires and fiddled with the door lock for a few times, and the lock was successfully opened.

"The door has been opened."

Ran Mouri praised: "You are so good, Mr. Amuro!"

Suzuki Sonoko gave her highest praise: "Just like Kaito Kid!"

Kamiya Minazuki said unhappily: "What's that? Give me a piece of instant noodles, and I can open the locks of the entire community in one go!"

Toru Amuro opened the door, but it didn't open after a few pushes: "The door seems to be blocked by something."

Toru Amuro looked at the small figure standing in the crack of the door and looking at him in surprise: "Conan?"

Conan said seriously: "Don't open it! You must not open the door!"

"Don't open it? I want to open it!"

Toru Amuro had already stolen the limelight

The unhappy Kamiya Minetsuki kicked the door open.

Kamiya Minetsuki also felt something blocking the door, but with a strong force, he kicked the object open.

After the door was kicked open by Kamiya Minetsuki, everyone saw Ishikuri Saburo's body.

Screams rang out one after another.

Conan sighed tiredly. The crime scene was directly destroyed, and now he could only make up for it.

"Don't come in! This is the crime scene. If you come in, the entire crime scene will be destroyed!"

Everyone stayed at the door, which made Conan relieved.

Conan looked around. The windows were locked. This was an impossible crime, that is, a murder in a closed room!

Maori Kogoro immediately called the police.

Because Conan was part of the crime scene, he stayed in the room.

While others were waiting for the police to arrive in the living room.

Officer Coral Head Yokomizo led the team to investigate.

Based on his memory, Conan assisted the police in reconstructing the crime scene destroyed by Kamiya Minetsuki.

Ishikuri Saburo fell at the door, his head facing the bookshelf, a tennis racket under his body, and a bloody vase next to his head.

Officer Yokomizo thought it was an accident, and guessed that Ishikuri Saburo was practicing swinging the racket, causing the tennis racket to slip out of his hand, hit the bookshelf and fell to the ground, and the vase on the bookshelf was shaky, and when Ishikuri Saburo reached for the tennis racket, it hit his head and died.

But in Conan's eyes, it was definitely not an accident!

Because after Conan found the body, he immediately touched the body and the vase.

But no matter where the blood was stained, it was all dried up, and Conan woke up immediately after hearing a loud noise.

That is to say, Ishikuri Saburo had already died when the loud noise was heard.

That is to say, the bloody vase fell to the floor after Ishikuri Saburo died.

After telling Officer Yokomizo his speculation, Conan suggested to Officer Yokomizo: "With such a loud noise, other people who were in the villa at the time should have heard it. Do you want to check it out?"

Officer Yokomizo was already stunned. A primary school student was so amazing.

Officer Yokomizo also raised his own questions: "But, then, why did this blood-stained vase fall down? And how can we move the body of the fat Ishikuri Saburo to the door without staining the floor with blood?"

Conan said firmly: "I'm not sure about this, but there is no doubt that the murderer who committed this closed room murder case must be one of the three people who came to this villa and were opposite the door! It must be like this!"

The three people outside the door now are Momozono Kotone, Umejima Machi and Takanashi Noboru!

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