The truth is that the key to the success of the mission was lost.

Kamiya Minazuki and Maori Kogoro used their brains and came up with an outrageous guess.

That is, Momozono Kotone swallowed the key, so that no one would be able to find the key.

Suzuki Sonoko defended Momozono Kotone, saying, "She didn't put the key in there! After I took a shower, Miss Kotone took the bottle of drink out of the freezer and gave me some to drink. The drink was almost frozen, so how could she have drunk the key?

Oh, yes, she also said she would help re-roll the anti-slip tape on the handle of our tennis racket, and gave it to Miss Machi at the time. She also replaced the net wires of my and Xiaolan's tennis rackets."

At this time, the police who investigated the key also came back.

The key was not found, and the report pointed out that the net wire of the tennis racket placed under the body was twisted in several places, and the shape of the copper vase with blood on it was exactly the same as the wound on the head of the body after comparison, and there was water in the vase.

When they heard that there was water in the vase, Conan and Amuro Toru's eyes changed suddenly.

Officer Yokomizo also wondered, "Why is there water in the murder weapon?"

However, Officer Yokomizo's men could not answer this question, and could only change the subject abruptly: "Then there is the estimated time of death of the body, which should be two to three hours before the body was found. Judging from the room temperature at the time, there may be a difference of about 30 minutes."

Amuro Toru reasoned, "The time when I had lunch with everyone here was about three hours before the body was found. Generally speaking, all three people had the opportunity to kill."

Mouri Kogoro was completely dizzy and asked Conan, "I say, kid, did you see the criminal? Weren't you in the room the whole time?"

Conan said embarrassedly, "I was sleeping soundly at the time."

Mouri Ran also asked Conan, "Then don't you remember that Sonoko and I once brought Chinese cold noodles to your sleeping room to call you?"

"I think I was still sleeping at the time."

Conan was also very upset. The murderer was clearly committing a crime next to him, but he was sleeping.

Kamiya Minazuki said sarcastically: "Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, you are a pig."

Conan curled his lips. He didn't have the ability to predict the future, and he didn't know that there would be a murderer. If he knew it earlier, how could he sleep?

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly remembered something: "So, Xiaolan, I remember you said something very strange at that time. When we delivered Chinese cold noodles to the room where this little kid was sleeping, you said that the air conditioning in the room was very cold. Why do you know that the air conditioning in the room is very cold? We are all outside the door, right?"

Mouri Ran explained: "Because I felt the cold air blowing out of my toes at that time. I think it should be the cold air in the room blowing out from the gap under the door."

Conan was stunned for a moment, and a light flashed in his mind.

He! Got it!

Everyone returned to the living room and stayed with the three suspects.

Conan opened the watch-shaped anesthetic needle and aimed at Maori Kogoro's neck to solve the case.

However, Amuro Toru's big face appeared in Conan's sight.

"What are you doing, Conan?"

Conan was startled and quickly covered his watch: "The cover of the watch seems to be broken."

After Conan fooled Amuro Toru with a silly smile, he hurriedly ran to the side and looked at Amuro Toru with difficulty.

In front of Amuro Toru, it is really difficult to make the sleeping Kogoro appear smoothly.

After all, Amuro Toru is Bourbon of the Black Organization.

If his identity is discovered, then the plan on the mysterious train will be in vain, and the news that Haibara Ai is Miyano Shiho and is still alive will also be known to Amuro Toru.

Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki on the side.

Suddenly, Conan slapped himself hard.

After seeing this, Mao Lilan hurriedly asked: "Conan, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly hit yourself?"

Conan covered his face and said: "Mosquito Xiaolan sister, I'm fine."

Conan couldn't figure out why he had such an outrageous idea.

Damn Kamiya Minatsuki? It would be better for Kogoro Mouri to solve the case by himself.

Only a person who has lost his mind would have such an outrageous idea.

After thinking for a while, Conan suddenly felt that it was not impossible for Kamiya Minetsuki to help.

As long as Kamiya Minetsuki was told the whole reasoning process, there would be no reason for Kamiya Minetsuki to beat the criminal to force a confession.

Conan rubbed his cheeks in grievance.

This slap was in vain.

Conan walked in front of Kamiya Minatsuki: "Kamiya brother, I have something to tell you!"

Kamiya Minatsuki picked his nose and asked: "What? Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Let's go to the small room next door to talk, you must be very interested!"

Now everyone is in this room, if others hear it, especially Amuro Toru, it will be a big problem.

Conan pretended to pull Kamiya Minatsuki's belt.

Kamiya Minatsuki slapped Conan's sinful little hand away, and said unhappily: "If you don't want this hand of yours, I can fulfill it for you!"

"Okay, I won't pull the belt, come with me quickly."

Kamiya Minatsuki got up from the sofa: "Then I'll go with you and see what good farts you can hold back."

Conan clenched his fists tightly. If it wasn't not suitable for the sleeping Kogoro to appear now, no one would find him!

Amuro Toru narrowed his eyes and watched Conan and Kamiya Minatsuki leave the living room.

After arriving at a compartment, Kamiya Minatsuki leaned against the wall, lowered his head and looked at Conan and said, "Go ahead."

Conan took a deep breath and began to say, "The murderer is Momozono Kotone. The murderer first used a copper vase to kill Ishikuri Saburo, and then put the vase back on the bookshelf.

In the copper vase, ice was placed on one side, and the other side was suspended in the air to maintain balance. When the ice melted, the vase would naturally fall to the ground.

As for this secret room, the murderer Momozono Kotone placed dry ice under the tennis racket under Ishikuri Saburo's body. , the twisted racket net is the evidence of this trick, and there will be no water when the dry ice melts.

The dry ice was in the box of ice cream cake that Ishikuri Saburo took from the refrigerator.

The whole process is that Momozono Kotone first beat Ishikuri Saburo to death with the copper vase, then took a thin rope through the outer frame of Ishikuri Saburo's racket, and finally put the racket under the buttocks of the corpse. After Momozono Kotone left the room, he only had to pull the thin rope to pull the corpse to the door, and in order to recycle the thin rope, he did not tie a knot.

The physical evidence is the spare key, which is in the beverage bottle that Taoyuan Qinyin once gave to Yuanzi.

As for why Yuanzi didn't find it, it was because it was supercooled water.

Taoyuan Qinyin threw the key into the supercooled beverage, and then shook the beverage bottle. When the beverage froze, she immediately turned the beverage bottle upside down. In this way, the key will stay in the center of the beverage bottle and will not be found.

Now the crime process and where the physical evidence is have been told to you, so Kamiya, you can solve the case. "

Kamiya Siyulu He smiled playfully: "I say... Could it be that because Bourbon is here and you can't anesthetize Uncle Mori, you want me to solve the case?"

Conan pouted and said: "Then are you going or not?"

Kamiya Minatsuki straightened his clothes and said: "Go! Of course, but I tell you, even if you don't tell me, I, a famous detective, can solve the case, understand!"

Conan was completely powerless: "Yes, yes, I'm wasting my time, okay."

Kamiya Minatsuki put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the living room refreshed.

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