The two of them were in a mess, but the two were in a mess.

Conan met Courage again.

Because Mao Lilan wanted to find a self-defense officer to explain Courage's current situation, Courage shouted that it was okay and wanted to run, but was stopped by Mao Lilan in time.

Courage, who was stopped, dropped two tablets of medicine from his pocket.

Conan picked up the medicine from the ground and handed it to Courage: "Here, it fell, what are these medicines?"

Courage took the medicine from Conan: "This is an anti-itching medicine for urticaria."

Mao Lilan asked with concern: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Courage replied: "I can't drink beverages like milk."

Conan suddenly realized: "It turns out to be food allergies."

Courage turned around and wanted to leave quietly.

"Courage, don't leave yet."

Ran Maori was worried that if Courage walked around alone on this Aegis ship, something would happen.

"Dad said that he wanted me to be a strong child, so he named me Courage, so I'm fine!"

At this time, Courage's father appeared from the corner.

"Courage, you are here."

Ran Maori looked at Courage's father: "You are Courage's father, great, I was worried when I saw him alone."

"I'm so sorry, I've caused you trouble." Courage's father blamed Courage: "That's why I told you not to run around alone."

Conan squinted at Courage's father, and the more he looked, the more problems he had.

At this time, the helicopter on the Aegis took off and sent the severed arm of Lieutenant First Class Sasura for an autopsy.

Conan hid in the room with a strong magnetic field and had a satellite call with Dr. Agasa.

Conan had told Dr. Agasa what happened on the Aegis ship.

"I didn't expect that kind of thing would happen on the Aegis."

Conan said seriously, "To be honest, I was also shocked."

Because the noise was very serious, Huihara Ai asked, "Your noise is very serious, what's going on?"

Conan explained, "I hid to prevent the radio waves from being detected."

The omnipotent Dr. Agasa immediately had a solution: "Then I will adjust it so that the radio waves will not be detected."

Conan asked, "Have you found the female Self-Defense Force officer?"

Huihara Ai replied, "I have checked, and there is no such Self-Defense Force officer."

Conan's expression was a little strange.

Can't find it?

Then this Fujii Nanami may be a confidential person.

On the other side of Wakasa Bay.

Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha, who had to follow, found the body of Lieutenant Sasura near the Wakasa Shipyard. The body had no left arm.

Now it can be confirmed that the broken arm on the Aegis belongs to Lieutenant Sasura.

Hattori Heiji told Conan the news.

Conan was surprised: "What? In the shipyard in Wakasa Bay?"

Hattori Heiji said: "Yes, that is to say, when Kaitsu Sasura was in Maizuru Port, his arm was sucked into the Aegis ship, and his body drifted directly to Wakasa Bay."

Conan frowned: "Drift? How drift?"

"Isn't it just drifting along the sea current?"

"Is there such a current?"

"I will investigate it, along with the attachments collected from Kaitsu Sasura's body."

Conan was surprised: "Attachments?"

Hattori Heiji replied: "Yes, I don't know what it is, but I just found a red object on his neck."

Conan muttered: "Red attachments?"

Conan said to Hattori Heiji: "Hattori, please go and meet up with Dr. Agasa now."

"Okay, I know."


The helicopter quickly flew back to the deck of the Aegis ship.

Inspector Megure and others got off the helicopter.

In the conference room of the Aegis ship.

Maori Kogoro has already said all his reasoning.

Kamiya Minetsuki, the atmosphere group, was the first to applaud Maori Kogoro.

Seeing Kamiya Minetsuki applauding, the others were forced to applaud.

Inspector Megure and others felt strange.

This is not a speech, but a reasoning about the case, and there is no conclusion yet, what is there to applaud?

Because all the passengers are now dining in the restaurant, Captain Tateishi Yukio led Inspector Megure and others to conduct a detailed search of the Aegis ship.

On the way to the investigation.

Maori Kogoro nudged Kamiya Minetsuki's shoulder, blinked his eyes and asked: "Brother Kamiya, aren't you going on a date?"

Kamiya Minetsuki pouted unhappily, with Genta and those little ghosts sticking to Curacao,

He simply couldn't do it.

Otherwise, he would have gone there long ago. Why did he come here? Was he really here to solve the case?

Kamiya Minatsuki puffed out his chest and said righteously: "As a famous detective, how can you ignore the case!"

Maori Kogoro gave Kamiya Minatsuki a thumbs up: "Brother Kamiya, you are now very conscious as a famous detective!"

"Of course, ahahaha."

Kamiya Minatsuki laughed with his hands on his waist.

Soon the investigation made progress.

Conan, who was originally talking on the phone with Maori Ran, found that Officer Sato and others were walking towards the deck, and heard that Officer Takagi found a mobile phone on the deck.

Conan immediately hung up the phone and secretly followed.

On the deck, Officer Takagi found a mobile phone next to the hatch of the missile launcher on the deck.

This mobile phone is suspected to be the mobile phone of Lieutenant Sasura Kai.

The last text message was at 9 o'clock last night, and the last call record was at 5:30 this morning, which is the time when the watch on Lieutenant Sasura's broken arm stopped, and it is also the estimated time of death.

According to the autopsy results of the arm, Lieutenant Sasura's death time is estimated to be between 4 and 6 o'clock today.

In other words, Lieutenant Sasura was still on this Aegis ship before that.

Officer Takagi inferred that Lieutenant Sasura fell into the water from the Aegis ship and died.

Maori Kogoro suddenly had an idea: "I see, I know, Lieutenant Sasura Kai had an argument with someone here at about 5:30 this morning, and dropped his phone during the argument and was pushed into the sea!"

Inspector Megure thought Maori Kogoro's reasoning made sense: "So, this is a homicide."

Inspector Sato was surprised and said, "Why is the SD slot of this phone open?"

Inspector Takagi, who was recording, wondered, "I don't remember opening the slot."

Inspector Megure asked, "Where is the memory card inside?"

Inspector Sato took a look and said, "It's empty."

Mauri Kogoro immediately added, "In this case, it seems that the murderer's purpose in killing Lieutenant Sasura Kai was the memory card in that phone!"

Conan, who had been peeping, felt itchy and wanted to see what the phone was like.

Just as Conan was about to show up, he noticed Fujii Nanami who was also peeping.

When Nanami Fujii found out that Conan had seen her, she gritted her teeth and turned around and ran.

Conan immediately chased after her.

Kamiya Minatsuki also saw Nanami Fujii and Conan chasing after her, and also chased after them.

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