The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

In the monitoring room of the Aegis ship.

Just after all the cases were concluded, a bad news suddenly came.

Spy X actually threw Mao Lilan into the sea.

Everyone immediately went to the operations center room, and at the same time, Captain Yukio Tateishi ordered the Aegis ship to turn around and go back to find Mao Lilan who fell into the sea.

Lieutenant Makoto Sekiguchi pointed to an area on the nautical chart and said, "According to X's confession, the place where Miss Mao Lilan fell into the sea should be near here!"

Captain Tateishi Yukio immediately ordered, "Send anti-submarine helicopters to search immediately!"

Several other crew members walked to the side of the nautical chart and pointed to an area and said, "We have calculated the speed of the sea current. She should be in this area now!"

Makoto Sekiguchi was shocked and said, "How could it be? It's four times farther than usual."

The crew explained, "At present, due to the southwest Due to the low pressure, the current speed has also started to increase, and the wind and waves are now getting bigger. Considering the current physical strength of the person who fell into the sea, if we can't find him as soon as possible..."

Captain Tateishi Yukio picked up the intercom and ordered the pilot of the anti-submarine helicopter: "Considering the physical condition of the person who fell into the sea, we can't waste a minute or a second! We must find her before sunset no matter what!"

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan, she will be fine!"

Suzuki Sonoko, who was extremely anxious and worried about Mao Lilan, knelt on the ground and cried with her face covered.

Genta and the other two and Yuki also cried loudly.

Conan gritted his teeth and thought about how to find Mao Lilan.

Although the search range has been planned now, it is impossible to search the entire range before sunset, not to mention that Mao Lilan is very likely to move continuously along the current.

Kamiya Minazuki frowned and asked: "Where is the radar of the Aegis ship? Where is the sonar system?"

Sekiguchi Makoto said in a tricky way: "Because the Aegis ship cannot carry mobile devices, there is no signal source, and there is no way to search for Miss Mao Li Ran. Moreover, the current is turbulent now, and the sonar system is almost useless."

Conan suddenly thought of the watch that Mao Li Ran was wearing, and hurriedly said: "Oh, right! Radio-controlled watch! Xiaolan is wearing Mitsuhiko's radio-controlled watch! This Aegis ship should be able to detect that radio wave! The reception time of the radio wave is exactly five o'clock in the morning and afternoon!"

Captain Tateishi Yukio looked at the time and it was almost five o'clock. He immediately ordered: "Start the radio detection device to search immediately!"

At the moment of five o'clock, the radio detection device was activated, but there was no response.

Conan's expression became a little desperate.

Kamiya Minetsuki angrily cursed: "A bunch of trash!"

Then Kamiya Minetsuki stepped forward and took a look at the location and area where Mao Li Ran fell into the water on the sea chart, and then left the operations center room directly.

Curacao frowned and followed Kamiya Minetsuki.

Conan saw Kamiya Minetsuki and Curacao leave, and Conan guessed that Kamiya Minetsuki might find a way to find Mao Li Ran.

Conan, who didn't want to sit and wait for death, followed directly.

At this time, Kamiya Minetsuki walked straight to the storage room where Spy X was imprisoned.

There were two guards standing at the door of the storage room.

Kamiya Minetsuki took out a stun grenade and threw it over.

The stun grenade was triggered, and the two guards at the door were instantly stunned.

Kamiya Minetsuki opened the door of the storage room, took out a pistol and broke the handcuffs on Spy X's hands.

Spy X looked at Kamiya Minetsuki puzzledly, not understanding what Kamiya Minetsuki was doing.

Kamiya Minetsuki punched Spy X on the temple, and Spy X's head instantly buzzed.

Kamiya Minetsuki grabbed Spy X's hair and dragged him out.

Curacao had no idea what Kamiya Minetsuki wanted to do.

Conan, who came over, found Kamiya Minetsuki dragging the unconscious Spy X.

"Kamiya, what are you doing with this spy now?"

Kamiya Minetsuki said impatiently: "Instead of staying there and waiting with those idiots, I might as well act on my own. If anything happens to Xiaolan, I will let him be buried first, and then others!"

Kamiya Minetsuki dragged the unconscious Spy X to the deck. A helicopter was about to take off. Kamiya Minetsuki boarded the helicopter and knocked the pilot unconscious from the back and threw him onto the deck, then dragged the unconscious Spy X onto the helicopter again.

Curacao and Conan, who were worried, also boarded the helicopter.

Kamiya Minetsuki took off in the helicopter and flew towards the sea where Mao Lilan fell into the water.

Now Conan could not care about the spy.

X, asked: "Kamiya, how are you going to find Xiaolan?"

Kamiya Minatsuki threw two thermal imagers towards Curacao and Conan.

"Now the radar doesn't work, and the sonar is not very effective, so only thermal imaging is useful. As long as Xiaolan is still alive, the heat from her body may be captured by the thermal imager.

This anti-submarine helicopter is equipped with a radar system, sonar buoys and infrared detectors. I will use the equipment on the helicopter to search, and you two can use thermal imagers to observe just in case."

Kamiya Minatsuki turned on the button on the helicopter and dropped a sonar buoy on the sea.

Although the sea water is turbulent now, sonar may not be of much use, but it is better than nothing.

After dropping the sonar buoy, Kamiya Minatsuki turned on the infrared detector to scan the sea surface.

After doing all this, Kamiya Minatsuki turned on the unmanned driving mode and let the helicopter hover in a fixed area.

Kamiya Minatsuki walked in front of the awakened spy X.

Spy X has no idea what is going on, but it is definitely not a good thing.

Because Kamiya Minatsuki's expression and eyes are full of ferocity.

Kamiya Minatsuki suddenly has a samurai sword in his hand and stabs it directly into Spy X's right abdomen.

Spy X screamed immediately.

Conan and Curacao turned their heads to look at Kamiya Minatsuki and Spy X.

After Curacao took a look, he turned his head back to the sea and continued to look for Mao Li Ran.

Conan opened his mouth, but finally chose to shut up.

Looking at Kamiya Minatsuki's expression, as long as he dared to speak for Spy X, Conan was sure that Kamiya Minatsuki would kick him off the helicopter in the next second.

And in Conan's heart, he was extremely angry about Spy X who threw Mao Li Ran into the sea.

Kamiya Minatsuki's eyes were extremely fierce, and he said coldly: "Hold your stomach."

Kamiya Minatsuki held the knife and slashed to the left, and Spy X's intestines were instantly ripped open.

"If your intestines fall out, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

Kamiya Siyu looked at Spy X, and became more and more angry. He drew his knife, raised it high and slashed, cut off Spy X's right hand and kicked it off the helicopter.

Now Spy X could only cover his stomach with his left hand, and blood flowed all over the floor.

The severe pain made Spy X almost faint.

Spy X couldn't understand why he just threw a high school girl into the sea and encountered such an evil star.

Kamiya Minazuki, Conan and Curacao were now extremely anxious.

The longer the time, the lower the chance of Mao Li Ran surviving, and if it was completely dark, Mao Li Ran might never be found again.

Now the sun was about to set, and there was only this short golden time for search and rescue.

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