The two of them were so confused that they had to wait for the next few days.

Amuro Toru said that we were the only ones who could interpret it, and he called out "Edogawa Conan", which scared Conan.

Conan, who was suddenly called out, turned his head stiffly and pretended to be confused: "What are you talking about?"

Amuro Toru explained: "After you looked at the photo, didn't you take a look at it immediately? You took a look at the criminal!"

Inspector Megure was surprised and said: "Do you know who the criminal is?"

"Yes, almost."

Amuro Toru looked at Cameron and Judy, and said sarcastically: "But I finally solved a mystery. I have always been curious about one thing, that is, why did Shibuya Natsuko come to entrust me to help her investigate the stalker, she obviously has a friend who is a famous FBI, right?"

Judy's face was dark: "What are you doing? What do you mean! Do you mean because I'm unreliable? "

In order to prevent Judy and Amuro Toru from quarreling, Cameron, who was very calm now, quickly interrupted and said: "I think it should be embarrassed to ask Judy, after all, the purpose of our visit to Japan this time is sightseeing."

Amuro Toru shrugged and said: "I see, you are here for sightseeing. If you don't have a visa, your stay should be almost up. Since you have had a good sightseeing, please go back quickly, okay?"

Amuro Toru's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp: "Get out of my Japan quickly!"

Judy and Cameron looked at Amuro Toru and said nothing.

Conan suddenly came from behind Amuro Toru and asked: "Excuse me, Zero."

Amuro Toru subconsciously responded: "Hmm?"

"No, it's Amuro brother, come with me."

Conan took Amuro Toru's hand and walked to a corner.

Toru Amuro squatted beside Conan. Conan looked serious and whispered in Toru Amuro's ear: "Excuse me, Amuro-sama, you are the enemy, right? To those bad guys."

Toru Amuro stared at Conan's face and suddenly turned into a very scary expression.

"Zero, about my childhood nickname, it's true. It seems that you have a little misunderstanding about me."

Conan also looked at Toru Amuro in horror.


Is it a mistake?

Toru Amuro stood up and walked towards the direction of Inspector Megure: "Okay, it's almost time for us to solve the mystery."

Conan looked at Toru Amuro's back and stood there thinking.

Toru Amuro said he misunderstood, but the observation ability that could see through the truth of the incident in an instant, the action of letting Huiyuan go when he had the chance on the Suzuki Express, and the reaction to the word Zero, did he really misunderstand?

Conan's guess that Toru Amuro is an enemy of the organization is based on Toru Amuro's words, "Please go back quickly, okay? Leave my Japan quickly!" Conan felt that belief.

'Zero' has a special meaning, that is, the common name of the Japanese Public Security Police who exist to maintain Japan's security and order.

'Zero' is not the code name given to Toru Amuro by the organization, but Toru Amuro is very sensitive to the number zero.

If Toru Amuro is an undercover of the Japanese Public Security Police who has infiltrated the organization, then as long as he tells him the actual situation, the worst situation should be avoided.

But if that is not the case, the fake death plan will be investigated by Toru Amuro sooner or later.

Conan was extremely anxious.

Conan forced himself to calm down. It is impossible to be exposed now because Toru Amuro is missing an important piece of information.

Without that information, Toru Amuro cannot be sure that Akai Shuichi is still alive.

Conan turned to think about how Toru Amuro would obtain that information.

Conan frowned.

Because it was strange that the FBI and the organization member Bourbon could not meet at the same crime scene by chance.

The reason for this situation was... Shibuya Natsuko, a friend of FBI agent Judy and the client of Toru Amuro.

Conan waved at Judy and said, "Teacher Judy!"

Judy walked in front of Conan and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Conan asked, "Teacher Judy, why did you call Shibuya last night?"

"It's because I made an appointment with her to drink."

"Who made the appointment?"

"She sent me a text message, but it's really strange that Natsuko said she didn't

I remember she sent me a text message. Anyway, there is a text message in her phone. Maybe she is really confused. "

Conan now understands that this is a trap set by Amuro Toru.

It is to find out the important information that can prove that Akai Shuichi is still alive from Judy or Cameron!

Just when Conan was about to remind Judy, Amuro Toru's voice sounded: "Agent Judy, please listen to me carefully, okay? After all, what I am explaining now is the part about the criminal who attacked your good friend."

After seeing Judy looking at him, Amuro Toru began to reason.

However, Amuro Toru's voice suddenly stopped, because a familiar voice came from the corridor outside the office.

"I know, Xiaolan, don't rush, that stinky kid can't get lost."

"I'm already in Teitan Elementary School, really, I didn't even drink the wine ordered at the izakaya and came directly here."

"Really, why are you so worried about this kid, have you ever seen him get into trouble? "

The office door was suddenly opened. Kamiya Minazuki had a cigarette in his mouth and was answering a call with his right hand. He scanned the situation in the office with an unhappy look on his face and found Conan in the corner.

"Okay, I found the annoying kid. I'll take him back to the office later."

Kamiya Minazuki hung up the phone and said to Conan dissatisfiedly: "You little kid are really bold. Xiaolan called you so many times, but you really didn't answer any of them. You didn't go home after school and fooled around with these guys. Do you believe that I will beat you up on behalf of Uncle Maori now?"

Physical education teacher Sugamoto Yoshiharu saw the cigarette in Kamiya Minazuki's mouth and stopped him: "Sir, smoking is not allowed in school!"

Kamiya Minazuki pushed his face against Sugamoto Yoshiharu: "Ah? I smoked, what do you care about me, get out of the way! "

Conan, Toru Amuro, Judy and Cameron looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with serious expressions.

The real troublesome guy is here.

Conan took out his mobile phone, but because the phone was always silent, he didn't notice the call.

He turned on the phone and found that there were more than a dozen calls on it.

Conan was very annoyed. If he had called Mao Lilan back, Kamiya Minatsuki, the troublesome guy, would not have come.

Suddenly, Conan's ears hurt. Kamiya Minatsuki had come to him without knowing when and grabbed his ears.

"You little devil, you made me look for it so hard. If I hadn't heard that there was a case here, I would probably have to look for it in the elementary school! Do you think you can just ignore it and let it go? I tell you, don't even think about it!"

Conan rolled his eyes, but he should give him a chance to explain!

Although his explanation may be useless to Kamiya Minatsuki.

But he should give it a try.

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