The two of them were in a mess.

Kudo Shinichi's home.

Now Conan and Akai Shuichi are completely numb.

Because Kamiya Minetsuki was guessing alone, the conclusion he came to was that Akai Shuichi was going to kill Amuro Toru, in order to separate the identities of Akai Shuichi and Okiya Subaru, so that Akai Shuichi could hide as Okiya Subaru later.

He also specially invited Conan's father, the nemesis, to help.

Kamiya Minetsuki asked excitedly: "In that case, Akai, are you ready to be exposed to the organization?"

Akai Shuichi glanced at Conan.

Conan also looked at Akai Shuichi.

The two were communicating through eye contact.

Conan: "We have to find a way to fool Kamiya!"

Akai Shuichi: "If we can fool him, there won't be so many troubles. Instead, it will make things more troublesome."

Conan: "But it will be dangerous to tell him the plan."

Akai Shuichi: "It may be more dangerous not to tell him. Now he thinks I'm going to kill Amuro Toru. Later he may think I'm going to kill all the Japanese public security officers."

Conan: "Then tell him the plan?"

Akai Shuichi: "Tell him first, otherwise I don't know what he's going to do."

Akai Shuichi and Conan nodded slightly at the same time.

Shuichi Akai said to Kamiya Minatsuki: "I don't plan to reveal Shuichi Akai's identity to the organization, because if my identity is exposed, Mizunashi Rena, who is undercover in the organization, will surely die.

So this time I am going to settle with Amuro Toru. I don't necessarily have to deal with him. Maybe we can rely on negotiation to resolve this dispute."

Kamiya Minatsuki pouted and said: "Tsk, negotiation, what if we don't reach an agreement?"

Shuichi Akai replied: "He will agree, because there is no irreconcilable conflict between him and me, and our goals are the same."

Kamiya Minatsuki rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, you just know it yourself, then I won't get involved in your negotiations."

Shuichi Akai and Conan widened their eyes slightly.

So easy to talk to?



There is definitely a conspiracy!

Kamiya Minatsuki stood up and prepared to leave, and suddenly thought of something, and walked in front of Kudo Yusaku who was disguised as Okiya Subaru.

Yusaku Kudo looked at Kamiya Minetsuki in confusion.

Kamiya Minetsuki took out a fancy business card and handed it to Yusaku Kudo.

"In the future, if you have any commissions, just come to me. It's not just the detective business on the business card. You can come to me for murder, arson, burial, etc. I'm not good at theft, but I know a professional thief. I'll give you a 15% discount. Anyway, as long as you have money, everything is easy to talk about!"

Yusaku Kudo looked at the business card in his hand with a sense of awe.

Although he is a writer, he is also a world-famous mystery novelist.

What's the way to hand the business card to him?

And murder, arson, burial, and theft are detective jobs?

And there's a 15% discount.

He has to pay 15 yuan for 10 yuan. Is that what it means?

Kamiya Minetsuki left the villa. The sun was shining on his body, making Kamiya Minetsuki stretch comfortably.

After Kamiya Minetsuki left, he called Obara Yuto and Sawakuri Isao.

"There is an operation tonight! The name of the operation is 'Save Private Akai'. Our goal is to ensure the safety of Shuichi Akai. Anyone who attacks Shuichi Akai will be regarded as a target that needs to be attacked! But the content of this operation may change at any time. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Big brother!"

After hanging up the phone, Kamiya Minazuki shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I am so kind~"


At night.

Kudo Yusaku, disguised as Okiya Subaru, was watching TV at home. The TV was broadcasting the Oscars.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and the other party said that he was a home delivery person.

When Kudo Yusaku opened the door, it was Amuro Toru standing outside the door.

Amuro Toru stared at Kudo Yusaku with sharp eyes: "Good night, first meeting, my name is Amuro Toru, the two of us... It should not be the first time we meet, can we talk alone?"

"Sure, then please come in."

Kudo Yusaku invited Amuro Toru into the house and went to prepare tea.

While Kudo Yusaku was preparing tea, Amuro Toru looked around the living room and found several hidden cameras.

Kudo Yusaku returned to the living room with the tea set: "Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Amuro Toru sat on the sofa and asked: "Do you like reasoning games?"

Kudo Yusaku nodded and said: "Yes

, I like it. ”

Amuro Toru looked into Kudo Yusaku’s eyes and said: “Then let’s start with that story. It’s just a trap to replace the body.”

“Oh? This is an indispensable part of suspense reasoning. "

Kudo Yusaku put the tea set on the table, poured a cup of tea for Amuro Toru, and sat on the sofa opposite Amuro Toru, waiting for Amuro Toru to tell his story.

Amuro Toru began to explain, telling the whole process of Shuichi Akai's fake death.

The reason why Shuichi Akai was confirmed dead was that there was a right hand among the fragments of the body bombarded by the rocket at Laiye Cliff, and fingerprints were collected from the right hand.

And the reason why the other party was identified as 'Shuichi Akai' was because Conan's mobile phone claimed to have Shuichi Akai's fingerprints, and the comparison results unanimously proved that the deceased was Shuichi Akai.

But Conan's mobile phone had been taken by three people before Shuichi Akai, and one person definitely left fingerprints.

As long as Shuichi Akai applied a protective film on his fingers later, he would be able to leave only the fingerprints of that person, and that person was Rikumichi Kusuda.

At Laiye Cliff, the one who fired the gun, Rena Mizunoshi, was in the same group as Shuichi Akai.

Shuichi Akai had long guessed that Gin would let Rena Mizunoshi shoot him in the head, so he made preparations in advance.

Because Shuichi Akai always wears a knitted hat, Shuichi Akai only needs to wear a knitted hat that can spray bloody paint with blank bullets, pretend to be shot by Kiel, swap his body with that of Rikudori Kusuda, and then escape.

Although there were unexpected situations, such as rockets, the rockets were aimed at the vehicle, and luckily the right hand of the body was preserved, so the plan was still successful.

Afterwards, the fingerprint on Conan's mobile phone was matched with the fingerprint of the body, completing the fake death plan.

Yusaku Kudo praised: "Speaking of which, he is quite powerful. That man is as powerful as the protagonist of an intelligence agent novel. ”

Amuro Toru shook his head and said, “But there is indeed someone else who planned this plan. Yes, there is someone else behind the scenes. The evidence is that the man said to himself before he was shot, ‘I didn’t expect it to come to this.’”

Kudo Yusaku asked in confusion, “I didn’t expect it to come to this, right? But it sounds more like he is regretting his bad luck.”

“Yes, most people would probably think so, but if you add another sentence, the whole meaning will change.”

Amuro Toru said word by word:

“I didn’t expect it to come to this, and you actually predicted it! This is a sentence of admiration for a certain boy who made this plan!”

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