After a while, they had a good time.

Kudo's house.

Kudo Yukiko had to catch a flight abroad, so she left immediately after chatting for a while.

Cameron sighed: "I am really surprised that even Mr. James knows about this plan."

Akai Shuichi shook his head slightly: "In fact, I didn't plan to tell him at the beginning, but James accidentally discovered the cuticle on my finger."

Judy was puzzled: "Why didn't you tell us about it?"

Akai Shuichi explained to Judy and Cameron: "Didn't I say it before? To deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people. For example, like now, they have started to inquire about my news from you. If I told you that I was still alive, then I would have been exposed by then.

However, only Bourbon, in order to let him know the situation on our side, had to let me make a slightly dangerous bet. I thought if it was him, I will definitely come to see me alone, but I didn't expect that he would bring his companions with him this time, just as Conan predicted.

If James didn't know about this plan, he wouldn't be so deceived by the voice disguised as Cameron, and he wouldn't bring people to Lai Yeya directly, because in his eyes I was dead, and he would definitely investigate and send people to support. "

Cameron asked: "Akai, but according to your plan, there should not be a conflict, and it is such a fierce conflict that even the Self-Defense Forces and the Japanese and American troops are involved. "

Akai Shuichi sighed and said: "This is my own mistake. He left so easily at that time, I should have been alert. This guy really can't be relaxed at all. "

Conan agreed with Akai Shuichi's words and nodded in agreement.

Judy and Cameron asked in confusion: "He?"

Akai Shuichi didn't say it clearly: "It's okay. Although this plan has encountered a lot of twists and turns, it seems to be successful at present, but the price paid is really too painful. "

At this time, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Conan went over and opened the door, and found Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko.

Conan was surprised and asked, "You guys?"

Genta looked at Conan unhappily, "Conan, you are here!"

Conan tilted his head and asked in confusion, "Sure enough? Why do you say that?"

Ayumi explained, "It was Kamiya who told us that you were playing a secret game with Subaru here!"

Mitsuhiko said dissatisfiedly, "Really Conan, you played a game without calling us!"

Conan stuck his head out of the door and looked at the next door with dead fish eyes.

Sure enough, there was a super tasteless ghost fire motorcycle next door.

Shuichi Akai appeared behind Conan: "Conan, it's not easy to talk standing there, please come inside."

Conan said helplessly: "That's true."


"Excuse me!"

As Yuan Tai passed by Shuichi Akai, he asked excitedly: "Is there any curry left?"

Shuichi Akai smiled and said: "Yes, there is still a little."


Judy and Cameron's eyes were so shocked that they turned into small eyes.

" can cook now?"

Shuichi Akai shook his head and said: "Not really, my girlfriend cooked."

Judy's eyes suddenly dimmed, but she recovered immediately and said with a smile: "That's pretty good."

Conan took Yuan Tai and the other two to another room to play.

Judy asked, "Shuichi, you asked Cameron and me to come here this time, you shouldn't just want us to see such a high level of disguise, right?"

"Of course not..." Akai turned off the voice changer, opened one of his squinting eyes, and said seriously, "This morning, Kiel, Rena Mizunashi sent a text message. Although it is a text message, it only has three English letters."

"Three English letters?"

"Is it an abbreviation?"

Shuichi Akai took out his mobile phone and showed the text message to Judy and Cameron: "This is a wine name you are familiar with, [RUM], rum, which is his code name. When I was still in the organization, I heard this name two or three times. It seems that he should be a confidant of their boss."

Judy was puzzled and said, "But why didn't I receive such information?"

Shuichi Akai guessed, "Since only a single word was sent as a message, it means that the situation is so urgent that Rena Mizunashi can only type these few words, so there is no

I'll let you know when I have extra time. Rum is a very dangerous person."

Cameron was puzzled and said, "But Akai, you just said that you only heard this name two or three times. How do you know that Rum is a very dangerous person?"

Akai Shuichi said solemnly, "So you may not have any idea. Let me put it this way. Kamiya Minetsuki, who is very dangerous in our eyes, is Rum's subordinate."

"What? !"

Judy, Cameron, and even Conan, who was eavesdropping next door with a bug, all changed their faces.

Kamiya Minetsuki is dangerous enough. He has killed countless people, and they have no way to deal with Kamiya Minetsuki.

Because there is only one chance to act against Kamiya Minetsuki. If you don't seize that opportunity, you will be retaliated by Kamiya Minetsuki and suffer a devastating blow.

Rum, who can make Kamiya Minetsuki his subordinate, must be a ruthless person.

Akai Shuichi narrowed his eyes again, turned on the voice changer and said, "So, if Rum takes action, Kamiya may take action.

But you don't need to worry too much. Kamiya's situation in the organization is very special. Although he is Rum's subordinate, Kamiya is not under control at all. So if Rum wants to use Kamiya, he has to think about whether he can afford the price.

Kamiya is a double-edged sword for the organization. If they want to use Kamiya, they must be prepared to be hurt by it.

What's more, for the organization, we have a considerable advantage, so we just need to make our preparations first. "

Judy and Cameron thought that the advantage Shuichi Akai mentioned was that Kamiya Minetsuki was right under their noses, and if Kamiya Minetsuki took any action, they would be the first to discover it.

But only Conan knew that the advantage Shuichi Akai mentioned was not this at all.

If Kamiya Minetsuki wanted to take action, no one could stop him, even if he was under their noses.

Their real advantages were actually Maoli Ran and Miyano Akemi.

Although Shuichi Akai was also a friend of Kamiya Minetsuki, he was not as important as these two people.

Shuichi Akai reminded Judy and Cameron: "In short, notify James and say that a big shot has finally taken action, a more important person than Gin.

At the same time, remember not to think about sending people to monitor Kamiya. None of us can afford the consequences of being discovered!"

Judy and Cameron nodded and agreed: "We understand."

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