The two of them were in a bowling alley.

Inside the bowling alley.

Conan rushed out of the bowling alley when he heard that four cans with the smell of kerosene were found.

Sera Masumi showed a mysterious smile.

And Kamiya Minatsuki followed him out.

Because Kamiya Minatsuki felt that he seemed to have thought of something, and that hazy feeling, as if only a piece of window paper was left to pierce through, made him a little itchy.

Conan and Kamiya Minatsuki came to the door of the toilet.

Now in the toilet, two forensic personnel are investigating.

"Uncle forensic, can you let me investigate? It's the shelf above." Conan pointed to the shelf above the toilet and asked.

The forensic officer waved his hand and said, "No, no, kid, leave now!"

Kamiya Minatsuki grabbed Conan by the back of his collar and lifted him up: "What do you want to see? Go ahead."

Thanks to Kamiya Minatsuki lifting Conan up, Conan saw the shelf, but there was toilet paper on the shelf, and he couldn't see what Conan wanted to see.

Conan said again, "Uncle Forensic, it was Uncle Kogoro who asked to investigate. He said there might be something behind the spare toilet toilet paper!"

Hearing that it was Kogoro Maori who asked, the forensic officer had no choice but to take the toilet paper off the shelf.

"Eh? There are traces of burns on the ceiling! Take a picture! Take a picture!"

Conan smiled as expected.

Kamiya Minazuki muttered: "The siphon principle?"

Conan was surprised and said: "Kamiya, do you know it already?"

Kamiya Minazuki also had a smooth and happy expression on his face, and proudly reasoned: "Of course, didn't you say before that the windows and doors of this toilet have traces of being taped, and only the vent under the door has no traces of being taped.

At that time, the pen of the brainless police officer fell to the ground, and because of the tilt of the ground, the pen kept rolling on the ground, which means that when it rains, water will accumulate here. As long as the towel is blocked in the drain, it will cause water accumulation, which will definitely flood the vent under the toilet door.

Leave only this one vent The door is sealed, and the rest is sealed. Then, kerosene is burned in the toilet. Because the oxygen is burned out, the kerosene goes out, and the pressure inside and outside is generated, which will cause the accumulated water outside to be sucked into the toilet from the vent under the door, so as to drown the unlucky guy. Am I right?

Then the murderer is obvious. It is Masaki Suba who first discovered the dead body. Because if other people find the tape stuck in the toilet, they will definitely find it strange. Once others find it, it will be easy to guess her method of committing the crime, so she has to be the first to discover it.

Oh my~ What happened to me today? It's really amazing. I'm full of inspiration! Am I awesome! "

Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki in surprise.

Such a clear reasoning, is it really done by Kamiya Minatsuki, a violent maniac who uses violence at every turn?

Since Kamiya Minatsuki has deduced the method of committing the crime, Conan asked, "Then will you come to deduce it?"

Kamiya Minatsuki shook his hands and said, "I'm busy. I'll be merciful this time and let you come. I have something to do!"

Conan frowned and said, "Hey, Kamiya, you also said that the Yamamura police officer is an idiot. Is it necessary to compete with an idiot?"

Kamiya Minatsuki said with a smile, "No, no, no, why should I compete with a moron? Conan, don't worry, this time, except for this unlucky guy who was drowned in the toilet, no one will die. Don't think I'm so bloodthirsty. I love peace."

Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with dead fish eyes.

He loves peace?

Then there are no peace-loving people in this world.

And Conan also doubted Kamiya Minatsuki's promise.

After all, Conan has been deceived by Kamiya Minatsuki many times.

Kamiya Minatsuki slapped Conan on the back of his head and said, "Hey, why are you looking at me like that, you big head? If you say no one will die next, then no one will die! I have a lot of credibility today!"

Conan covered the back of his head and glanced at Kamiya Minatsuki unhappily.

I have a lot of credibility today, which means I had no credibility before.

Since Kamiya Minatsuki didn't reason, Conan began to make arrangements in the name of Maori Kogoro.

After the arrangements were made, Conan and Kamiya Minatsuki returned to the bowling alley.

Officer Yamamura and Maori Kogoro were still arguing about the case.

At this time, Conan's plan began.

A policeman ran away

Come over: "Officer Yamamura, the experiment is done!"


The police replied: "Yes, Detective Maori said that if you want to solve this case, you must do this, and he also told the forensic personnel that you have given permission."

Officer Yamamura put his face in front of the police: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Kogoro Maori also came over: "I don't remember saying that at all!"

The police pointed at Conan and said: "But, but, it was the little boy who said that to the forensic personnel."

Conan didn't expect that he was Selling so fast, he immediately fooled: "Let's go first, because I also want to do experiments!"

Suzuki Sonoko put her hands on her waist and said: "You are only in the first grade of elementary school, have you done any experiments?"

Kamiya Minazuki interrupted: "Don't underestimate this kid, this kid has participated in many experiments, and even mice are not as dedicated as him."

Kamiya Minazuki saw the experiments that Haibara Ai did on Conan, and there were examinations, blood draws, and urine and feces tests, which were even more rigorous and cumbersome than a full body check.

Conan seemed to remember the painful days when he was dominated by Haibara Ai, and stared at Kamiya Minazuki speechlessly.

What a pot is not open.

Officer Yamamura said: "Then let's go and see what's going on."

When everyone came to the toilet again, there was water all around the toilet, because a towel had blocked the drain, and it had accumulated because of the rain just now.

Then Conan shot Kogoro Maori with the sinful...anesthetic needle, and Kogoro Maori fainted beside the car.

Conan began to reason with Kogoro Maori's voice, and perhaps out of revenge, he made Officer Yamamura the subject of the experiment.

In the concerted efforts of Conan and Masumi Sera, the complete method of committing the crime was deduced.

It was almost the same as Kamiya Minazuki's reasoning.

Masaki Suba also chose to plead guilty.

Masaki Suba's motive for killing Tamba Seiyasu was that Tamba Seiyasu did not save her good friend, the younger sister of Monna Michiko.

The text message from Monna Michiko's younger sister, "We are going on a trip together," was not about eloping at all, but about committing suicide for love.

But Tamba Seiyasu suddenly got scared at the last moment, and did not save Monna Michiko's younger sister, causing her to drown, and left directly.

This was what Tamba Seiyasu said to Masaki Subasu after he got drunk.

So Masaki Subasu killed Tamba Seiyasu.

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