The police said that the police were busy, and the police were busy.

In the office of the Second Investigation Division of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Nakamori was slamming the table and questioning his boss, Chaki Shintaro: "Ah? You said not to let the security guards enter the gem showroom? Why is that? Kaito Kid announced that he would come to steal the gems!"

Chaki Shintaro said calmly: "Because Consultant Suzuki called just now, he said that the security guards would hinder the latest anti-theft system."

Officer Nakamori said unhappily: "It's that old man again! What on earth is he thinking!"

Chaki Shintaro turned the notebook in front of Officer Nakamori: "Also, look at this, a video sent after the phone call!"

On the computer screen.

Kyogoku Makoto was wearing a gas mask, and a dozen big men with pistols were pointing their guns at him.

However, the guns were fake, and they were loaded with BB bullets.

Chaki Shintaro said, "There are so many people surrounding him, and you can see that the man in the middle is wearing a gas mask that blocks his vision. He can't escape in this situation!"

Chaki Shintaro clicked the play button.

Kyogoku Makoto arrogantly said, "Hold the idea of ​​knocking me down," and then started to cheat... Oh, no, he caught the BB bullet with his bare hands.

Kyogoku Makoto's hands flew up and down, and only afterimages could be seen. When the BB bullets were fired, all the big men fell to the ground and lost consciousness at the same time.

Then Kyogoku Makoto opened his hands, and all the BB bullets were in Kyogoku Makoto's hands, sliding over his fingertips and falling to the ground.


Officer Nakamori's eyes widened, and he almost put his head into the computer. It was really like a knife stabbing his butt, and his eyes opened.

Chaki Shintaro introduced: "His name is Kyogoku Makoto, and he is the strongest anti-theft system in the world as the consultant said!"

Officer Nakamori was shocked and said: "The strongest in the history?!"

Chaki Shintaro was puzzled and said: "What's wrong, don't you know? The consultant's niece, Miss Sonoko, he seems to be her boyfriend."


Among the Japanese police behind Officer Nakamori, one of the Japanese police with a wretched look was disguised as Kaito Kid.

Kaito Kid smiled.

This is interesting.

In the museum at night.

Kyogoku Makoto is exercising in an exhibition room.

Suzuki Sonoko's mother Suzuki Tomoko walked in: "You don't want to live in this museum, do you?"

Kyogoku Makoto stood in front of Suzuki Tomoko and said: "Yes, because I hope to remember the size of this room, and I also brought a sleeping bag, and they will also help me prepare some food."

Suzuki Tomoko asked with interest: "I'm talking to you, are you interested in making a bet with me?"

"You said... bet?"

Suzuki Tomoko nodded and said: "Yes, if you successfully protect the gem, I will regard it as fate, and I will allow you and Sonoko to officially date from now on, but if you fail to achieve it and the thief succeeds, I will ask you to cut off all ties with Sonoko, can you do it?"

Kyogoku Makoto heard this, and his fighting spirit soared instantly, and he solemnly said to Suzuki Tomoko: "I will definitely do it!"

"Then I look forward to your performance."

Suzuki Tomoko left the museum.

Kyogoku Makoto started a new round of training.


On the other side.

Suzuki family villa.

Suzuki Sonoko is on the phone with Mao Li Ran.

Mao Li Ran was surprised and said: "What, now the situation has become Kyogoku and Kaito Kidd? Really?"

"That's it, it seems that Azhen directly asked Uncle Jirokichi to do this. It should be that after hearing me talk about Mr. Kidd, the fire was ignited. For a little girl like me, two handsome guys actually started a war. It's awesome!"

Suzuki Sonoko began to have endless reverie.

Ran Mao Li said dissatisfiedly: "Sonoko, what are you talking about? Kyogoku is your boyfriend, so who do you want to win? Kid or Kyogoku?"

Suzuki Sonoko said with a rippled expression: "Well, of course I still hope that Jin can win, but I don't think I want Mr. Kid to lose~"

Ran Mao Li was completely numb: "What are you talking about? Can you please be more straightforward?"

"Because Jin is mine... and Mr. Kid is mine..."

Suzuki Sonoko's voice suddenly became intermittent, and finally she hung up automatically.


Sonoko looked at her phone and found that it couldn't receive any signal.

"The communication function is suppressed."

Kaito Kid squatted on the railing outside the window, looking very gorgeous and handsome.

"Good night, Miss."

Suzuki Sonoko walked towards Kaito Kidd in a daze: "Kai...Kaito Kidd? Why are you here?"

Kaito Kidd said very pretentiously: "Nothing, I just came here to rest my wings. Maybe it's a bit rude to say it by the way. Do you want to make a bet with me?"


"Please tell Consultant Suzuki that if I get the Alexandrite named Emerald Emperor that Consultant Suzuki is going to display publicly this time, please let me choose a work I want from the art collection of Suzuki's group and exchange it with me for the Alexandrite."

Suzuki Sonoko blushed and stammered: "Okay...Okay, I agree to make a bet with you. Don't hurt Ah Zhen at that time, because he has an important competition next week."

"Who are you?!"

"That's Kaito Kidd!"

The bodyguard of the Suzuki family discovered Kaito Kidd.

Kaito Kid whispered to Suzuki Sonoko: "I can't stand it. It seems that I can't keep my coming here secret from others. Just lie to friends, especially the little boy with glasses and Kamiya Minatsuki who has been hanging out with that little boy. Please."

Kaito Kid spread his glider and disappeared in the moonlight.


Mouri Office.

Kamiya Minatsuki asked curiously: "Oh? Kaito Kid is going to fight Kyogoku Makoto?"

Mouri Ran nodded helplessly: "Yes, Sonoko called me just now. Sonoko is really something. It's okay at ordinary times, but how can you support Kaito Kid at this time?"

Kamiya Minatsuki had a subtle expression on his face, and took out his mobile phone to edit a text message to Kaito Kid.

Kaito Kid, who was flying in the sky, took out his mobile phone and saw that he almost crashed.

[You are really mean. You didn't call me for such a fun thing as stealing gems! ]

Kaito Kid slapped his forehead hard: "Oops, I forgot about the girl from Maori's office. The troublesome dog-skin plaster is sticking to me again. It's really troublesome!"

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