The museum where the Emerald Emperor Alexander Stone is stored has been closed. All the visitors have left, but they are gathered on the street outside the museum, waiting for Kid to show up.

The museum is now fully armed, on guard against the Kaito Kid who may come at any time.

And Conan feels that he has fallen into the trap of Kaito Kid.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko have changed into dresses and come to the exhibition room.

Mao Lilan bent over and asked: "Conan, what's wrong with you? Your expression is a little scary."

"Sister Xiaolan? Eh!"

Looking at Mao Lilan's dress, Conan's face turned red instantly.

Ran Mao Li asked: "How about this dress? I have chosen the most conservative one!"

Because it was a low-cut dress, Ran Mao Li was still bending over, Conan did not dare to glance around, and shifted his sight and said: "I think it suits Sister Xiao Ran very well."

Ran Mao Li smiled and said: "Is that so? That's great!"

Kamiya Minazuki gave Ran Mao Li a thumbs up and praised: "Very beautiful Xiao Ran, but I want to see you wear other less conservative clothes!"

Ran Mao Li blushed immediately.

Conan glared at Kamiya Minazuki unhappily, because Ran Mao Li wanted to wear it but didn't let him see it!

"Ah Zhen!"

Suzuki Sonoko opened her arms and called Kyogoku Makoto.

Kyogoku Makoto looked at Suzuki Sonoko and blushed.

Suzuki Sonoko said to Kyogoku Makoto: "She is wearing a dress like this, don't forget it!"

Kyogoku Makoto was almost stunned, shook his head fiercely and said seriously: "Okay!"

The scheduled time for Kaito Kid is almost up.

Kyogoku Makoto said to Officer Nakamori and others: "Well, there are still five minutes before the scheduled time, everyone, please leave the exhibition room."

Kyogoku Makoto put on a gas mask: "From now on, until the end of the matter, if anyone wants to enter here, no matter who it is, I will regard him as an enemy and I will do everything I can! Subdue him without mercy!"

Everyone left, leaving only Kyogoku Makoto in the exhibition room.

Outside the exhibition room

Officer Nakamori passionately mobilized: "Okay! We must not let anyone enter this room!"

The Japanese police wearing gas masks shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Suzuki Sonoko whispered to Mao Lilan: "Xiaolan, I'm going to the toilet."

Suzuki Sonoko went to the toilet alone.

Conan asked the policeman holding the Kaito Kidd's letters: "Excuse me, are these the letters Kidd sent to the museum? Since there are so many, the post office staff should have delivered them directly to the museum's office, right?"

The policeman shook his head and said, "No, these are the letters that Miss Sonoko said the post office staff handed over to her personally."

Conan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly pointed at Suzuki Sonoko who was running towards the toilet and asked, "Was she wearing that dress at that time?"

The policeman replied, "Miss Sonoko said that when she changed her clothes and went outside to take a look, she happened to meet the post office staff she was familiar with."

Conan immediately took off his arm and shone it on the letter: "Sure enough, there is no reaction to black light."

The letter was not stamped with the post office stamp used by the post office. This special stamp uses invisible ink that reacts to black light.

And none of these letters were stamped with this special stamp.


The entire museum suddenly lost power and fell into darkness.

Conan saw something glowing, and the number of glowing things was large.

Every Japanese policeman's gas mask has fluorescent paint on it.

At the same time, many round balls rolled over on the ground.

"Strange, something seems to be rolling over." Mao Lilan squatted on the ground and wanted to pick it up.

Conan immediately stopped her and said, "No! Sister Xiaolan, leave quickly!"

But it was still a step too late.

All the balls unfolded and sprayed hypnotic gas.

The scene suddenly became a little chaotic.

Officer Nakamori commanded, "Don't be afraid! This is the hypnotic gas he often uses! As long as we wear gas masks, we don't have to be afraid!"

In the darkness, a "biubiu" sound was heard.

Kaito Kid used a magic card pistol to fire playing cards, and through the fluorescent paint positioning, he shot down the police's gas masks one by one.

Everyone inevitably inhaled the hypnotic gas and fainted.

Conan just leaned the unconscious Mao Lilan against the wall with great effort.


All the police were dealt with by Kaito Kid, and Conan quickly picked up a gas mask and put it on his face.

Conan looked around, but couldn't see clearly because of the gas.

And Conan always felt like something was missing.

"Where's Kamiya?!"

Conan thought of what was missing, Kamiya Minetsuki!

After coming out of the exhibition room, Kamiya Minetsuki had been missing for a while.

Kyogoku Makoto, who was in the exhibition room, suddenly heard a scream.

Kyogoku Makoto, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Because the scream was Suzuki Sonoko's scream.

At this time, the door of the exhibition room was knocked: "Ah Zhen, can I come in?!"

Kyogoku Makoto walked to the door and opened it carefully.

As soon as the door was opened, Suzuki Sonoko threw herself into Kyogoku Makoto's arms: "Ah Makoto!"

Kyogoku Makoto asked: "Sonoko, what happened?"

Suzuki Sonoko panicked and said: "Kaito Kid suddenly caused a power outage in the venue and spread hypnotic gas throughout the venue. Thanks to the team members who gave me this gas mask, I was able to escape and did not faint!

But the other team members' gas masks were knocked off because of Kid's poker gun."

Kyogoku Makoto opened the door and took a look at the situation outside.

As Suzuki Sonoko said, the police were all unconscious on the ground.

Kyogoku Makoto murmured seriously, "How could it be?!"

Suzuki Sonoko explained, "Because there is something like fluorescent paint on the gas mask, Kid must have used it to know the location of others."

Kyogoku Makoto looked around and said, "Then he must be nearby!"

Suzuki Sonoko said firmly, "No! I think he has escaped, because before the power outage, I seem to have received a card from Kid saying 'I received the gem'."

Kyogoku Makoto looked down at his chest, "How is it possible? The gem is still hanging on my neck!"

"Anyway, let's go to a bright place to confirm it first!"

Suzuki Sonoko took Kyogoku Makoto's hand and wanted to go back to the exhibition room.

However, Conan, who was wearing a gas mask and not unconscious, shouted, "Kyogoku brother! He is Kaito Kid! Not Sister Sonoko!"

Hearing Conan's voice, 'Suzuki Sonoko's' face wrinkled.

Kyogoku Makoto immediately broke free from 'Suzuki Sonoko's' hand and pulled away.

At this time, Conan was in the corridor, holding a watch-shaped tranquilizer gun and pointing it at "Suzuki Sonoko".

Kyogoku Makoto retreated to the exhibition room and took a fighting stance.

"Suzuki Sonoko" stood at the door.

The three of them were in a three-sided diagonal situation.

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