Seeing Kamel get into his car,

Shuichi Akai can only tell the FBI agents on the periphery to run, and then signal Kamel to follow his car.

As soon as Akai twisted the keys of his car, the modified engine immediately took effect, and the roar resounded throughout the building.

Immediately, the Ford Mustang flew out from the upper floors of the fifth floor, hit the ground, and then with a clever tail swing, continued to start, and was about to leave the place.

Kammel: ?

Something happened to the society.

He could only bite the bullet and follow, step on the accelerator, start from the fifth floor, rush out of the parking building, and land on the ground.

It can't be said to be exactly the same as Akai Shuichi's car, it can only be said that it is very different.

Shuichi Akai's car has been modified, and it is estimated that he can drive a wave car on the same high-speed train as Amuro Toru, and someone's car can't even go down the stairs.

As soon as he hit the ground, Kamel felt that his car and his body were like parts that fell apart.

But the vehicles behind were getting closer and closer, and even a few little clever ghosts drove the police car over, and the sound made Kamel directly return to the shooting in the Free Country every day.

Is the criminal not myself?

He pressed the accelerator and prepared to drive a different path with Mr. Akai.

And then it was found....

Broken, don't know the way.

Prosecutor Kamal could only keep driving forward, and sporadic gunshots had been heard behind him, quick, run, as long as he could buy time with his eldest brother.

He is no longer as energetic as he was at the beginning, and there is a fear after facing the ancient gods.

From feeling that Akai Shu is the first in the day to feeling that gin wine is invincible in the world.

He sped all the way, getting closer and closer to the front, and then looked at the car that followed him, hey, these members of the organization really had infighting.

One car blocked the acceleration angle of the car behind, leaving only one car chasing him, and he didn't hold a gun to stop him from running.

He is indeed the chosen one of the Great Free Kingdom.

As long as I get out alive, I will definitely take revenge on this damn country.

The car was getting faster and faster, and he didn't notice what was waiting for him in front of him.


Amuro Toru is a member of the pursuit, and he is the cutie with an alarm bell on his head, because he hopes that the residents of Yonehanamachi will not go out....

The impact on the residents is really bad.

He originally didn't want to come, but his superiors issued a strange notice, called "Rather give friends than domestic slaves", and the boss of the free country passed with his superiors, hoping that in this operation, the public security can fully cooperate with the FBI operation.

It is better to cede Japan's sovereignty to the FBI than to eliminate the organizational forces in Japan.

There is no way, he can only get up in the middle of the night to accompany the work, he suddenly misses Zhuangsi and Zhufu Jingguang, at least that Zhuangsi can be a little more comfortable.

And according to the character he observed, at this point, the guy was already sleeping.

As for Zhufu Jingguang, he doesn't have to think about coming here to do this kind of dirty work, and it seems that he has recently even sent less information back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and analysts can only think that he is far from the criminal center of the distillery and concentrates on starting a legitimate business.

It was not too difficult for him, but it was difficult for Amuro, which was outrageous.

He saw the situation ahead in the dark with good eyes, huh?

The two cars separated, and one went inside the cul-de-sac...

He can only sigh, keep up with the two obviously lost cars, can't help it, if he doesn't save the boss when the time comes, he can only red bean mash private Marseille.

Amuro drove to the front with a puff of smoke, blocking all the vehicles behind with his car, preventing passage.

The car in front is still driving faster and faster... Can't you just turn a corner, don't look at the map when you go out, Amuro watched him get closer and closer to that cul-de-sac.

If you make a wrong step, the FBI member in front of you can survive.

He could only sigh, and he couldn't shout that he was undercover, let him stop running, and find a place to slip from the side.

Getting closer and closer, Kamel finally found that the front seemed to... Is it a dead end?

He was completely frightened, and then he saw the car behind him parked aside, and a very handsome young man came down from it.

Kamal raised the revolver in his hand.

Amuro raised his hands: "I'm not begging you for mercy, but can you listen to me before you shoot."

Kamel pointed the gun at himself and pressed it down,

"I am!" In order to do this!

Taking advantage of the moment Kamel turned the muzzle, Amuro pressed his wheel forward.

"Hmph, it's useless, once the runner of the revolver is jammed, there is no way to pull the trigger with human power."

"Give up suicide, you don't deserve to die here." Amuro Toru slammed Kamel wall on the car with his small figure.

"You, what do you say." Kamel frowned, feeling something.

"I'm an undercover agent of the public security - Falling Valley Zero, I'm the same vicious dog who wants to bite those guys." Amuro relaxed for a moment and continued, "Okay, if you understand, let go of the gun in your hand."

"Listen to me well, it's easy to let someone go."

Then, both of them heard the sound of two cars, and it was other members of the organization who caught up!

Kamel still closed his eyes and sent the bullet into his heart, and by the way, he shot through his mobile phone that he had placed on the cuff of his clothes.


Amuro looked weakly at Prosecutor Kamel who had closed his eyes peacefully in front of him.

Naturally, when he got out of the car, he rushed to Shoji Higashino, who was ready to play with Kamel.

Gin and vodka, and even two snipers chased their beloved rye whiskey.

It is estimated that considering that it is too dangerous for Zhuangsi to face rye head-on, Zhuangji is assigned to find Kamel alone.

Well... Scotland still sleeps at home, after all, it is not good to go out at two in the morning.

!!! My potions!!

[Between Kamel is dead, the blackening Kamal mission has failed, and the stealth potion has disappeared. ]

Then, his eyes widened at the strange scene in front of him, and Amuro looked at the dead Kamel and smiled softly: "For the enemies of this organization, we must all kill without amnesty, right?" "


You two are holding a classic reenactment....

Is it possible for Scotland not to die, Johnsi's eyes lit up a little, showing a relaxed attitude.

Compared to Kamal, it must be my family's scenery that is more important!

This touch of ease was seen by Amuro in his eyes, and he couldn't help sighing, it turned out that he felt that Shoji was a gentle and lovely younger brother.

See you today, if there are no good people in the organization.

Amuro used a smile to hide his sadness: "Lord Martini, can you help me apply for an organization codename, I can take the organization's exam."

Zhuangji smiled and said, "Okay, remember to go to the gin wine, just say that you succeeded." "

PS: 10w words! It is estimated that all the old fans who see here are old! This book was written purely to commemorate his years of Conan's career, and although Conan is becoming more and more magical, he is indeed getting happier.

hhhhh, so I wrote this book to convey happiness and have fun together, so I don't have to give gifts or anything, no need. Welcome to enjoy it together, just come and see!

The reading and comments of the treasures are my greatest support~

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