This bar was built in a very remote place, with abandoned buildings on the left and right, and no other shops in operation around. There were very few pedestrians coming and going, and Zhu Fu Jingguang looked around for a while, but did not find any passers-by calling the police.

He stood silently, watching the raging fire engulf the car, his hands in his pockets clenched into fists.

Although it has long been known that the xyz cocktail will die, just like the cia undercover Pingnei who died before, the organization will not let go of the undercover agents sent in by other forces. But being prepared is a completely different feeling than seeing an undercover spy get killed.

Zhu Fu Jingguang stared at the fire... If he is unfortunately exposed one day in the future, will he be killed like this?

Under the heavy rain, the fire from the explosion was far less conspicuous than usual. Masaharu Nishio used a small bomb that could only blow up that car, and the street lights next to it were not affected.

Zhu Fu Jingguang saw a blond man dressed as a bartender walk out of the bar, and he recognized it as Irish whiskey.

Ireland held a black umbrella, stood by the burning car and watched for a few seconds, the firelight illuminated his profile, Zhu Fu Jingguang saw a sneer on his lips, and his face showed no sign of the loss of life. pity.

He picked up the phone and sent something, then turned his head and looked straight in the direction where Zhu Fu Jingguang was waiting - Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't avoid it, and he couldn't avoid it in this narrow alley. Immediately they looked at each other.


Zhu Fu Jingguang walked out of the alley, Ireland put away his mobile phone, and restrained the malicious smile on his face.

"Angstra explained the situation to me, I will let West End pay back the car you rented." Ireland gestured to the phone, "Now come with me."

Hearing the code name of the little boss, Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned: "Where to go?"

"Didn't he tell you? There will be an assessment after you complete this task, and as long as you pass, you will get a code name." Ireland's tone was more polite, "First, the anesthesia interrogation, you need to use something that will not harm the human body. If there is something wrong with you, you will be executed on the spot... Of course, most people can pass, and then there is the strength test."

Zhu Fu Jingguang had drug training during training, which is a necessary course for undercover agents. He also learned from public security intelligence that when the organization conducts code-name assessments, the testers will be injected with diluted thiopental sodium. He has long been aware of this. Mental preparation.

"Spiatus will oversee you," Ireland added.

Standing in the rain, Zhufu Jingguang remembered who Spiatus was. He had seen the man who had a strange resemblance to Angstra in the pet store. He seemed to be on good terms with Angstra, and had sent him to violin lessons before.

"What is the strength test for?" he asked tentatively.

Ireland explained to him patiently: "You should have seen Angstra do sniper practice at the training ground? That's it, there is no need to kill in the test - you have a chance to do that after you get a code name."


Zhu Fu Jingguang's hand in his jacket pocket clenched tightly, and he nodded silently and slowly.

This is the consciousness he had when he accepted the undercover mission. He never had the heart to see the murderer of his parents die in a sea of ​​fire and rushed to save people... In order to protect the interests of more people, he had to point the gun at the innocent or innocent. or equally guilty people.

His soul will no longer be innocent white, and will be stained black more filthy than the criminals he once spurned.

Zhu Fu Jingguang followed Ireland into the car, and Ireland put away his umbrella and reminded him: "There is a change of clothes at the training ground, you can change them first. The assessment process is very long, and it is estimated that it will not end until the evening. Wearing wet clothes is easy to catch cold."

"...It doesn't matter, I'm not that bad." Zhu Fu Jingguang swallowed and almost blurted out his thanks.

The car started slowly, and Zhu Fu Jingguang felt the mobile phone in his chest pocket vibrate. Now he only has a mobile phone for internal communication in the organization.

When he opened it, he saw that it was a message from Angstra.

[Don't be too nervous about the assessment, it doesn't matter if you fail temporarily, you can stay with me, and I can always protect you. ——angostura]

【I am waiting for your return. ——angostura]

I wait for your return.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes softened, this was the third time Angstra had said this to him.

If the organization is the night, then Angstra is a faint but real light in the sky... just like his real name, illuminating his world, so that he will not be completely plunged into suffocating darkness .

This short week is extraordinarily long for Zhufu Jingguang, the physical torture of waking up from morning to night to track the xyz cocktail, and the mental torture of knowing Angstra's past... Fortunately, it will end soon, the xyz cocktail is dead, He can go back to his little boss right away to take care of him.

[I will get the code name and come back to you. 】

Zhu Fu Jingguang did not leave the false surname Luchuan, and pressed the send button.


7:57 pm, training ground.

Zhu Fu Jingguang came to the seventh underground floor wearing clothes that were not dry, and his face was exhausted.

The diluted thiopental sodium is not so strong, and the damage to the body is not that great, but it is not so easy to withstand the effect of the drug. He maintained a highly tense state of mind during those two hours.

The first step of the interrogation was finally passed, and the next step was sniping... I hope that the accuracy will not be affected. Angstra said that Calvados and the others are around 650 yards, and he can pass them.

Zhu Fu Jingguang pressed his forehead and came to the vast open space in the middle. He saw the man standing there holding the cat at a glance.

"... Spiatus?" he called.

Spiatus looked towards Zhu Fu Jingguang with the Scottish Fold cat in his arms, and the man with black hair and red eyes gave him the illusion that Angstra was standing there.

"There are weapons, you can pick the one you are most comfortable with." He pointed to the side, "As long as you hit the target I set, you will pass the test."

"Code... This should be given to me by the boss of the organization?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked coldly.

"Boss can see your performance." Spiatus stroked the cat in his arms, "He will send you the code name by email after the assessment, and you can contact by email in the future."

...As expected, even the code members, most of them can only contact the boss by email, can't make phone calls, and can't see his true face... This is the case with the sacrificed Japanese whisky and the captured member.

Zhu Fu Jingguang went to find the weapon, assemble and debug it after unpacking, and boarded the round platform with Spiatus.

"The distance is 700 yards."

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded, and he watched Spiatus press a few times on the instrument next to him, and the projector below automatically adjusted the direction and cast the image he set up.


The moment he saw the image clearly, Zhu Fu Jingguang froze there.

Above is a black-haired boy of elementary school age, sitting on an over-the-top chair, his dangling legs dangling restlessly. He was very cute, and the face of the baby fat was innocent and innocent. He blinked his intact red eyes and looked around curiously.

The boy in the image overlapped exactly with what he remembered, the one he had seen... Angstra at the age of seven.

Spiatus looking at him with the same red eyes as the boy.

"You only have one chance, Midorikawa-kun." He said softly, "As long as you hit him, you can get a code name."



At 8 p.m., the twin tower skyscrapers of Nishitama City.

Jing Baiye, who was rarely dressed in formal clothes, stood at the dining table. He carried a plate to choose what he wanted to eat. Yuan Jiaming followed him like a nanny. He loaded up a vegetable salad.

[Host, you have news on your phone. 】The system suddenly reminded him.

Jing Baiye handed the plate to Yuan Jiaming, took out his mobile phone, and the latest email came from the boss.

[He passed the assessment, codenamed 'Scotch Whiskey'. 】

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