After dealing with Kiichiro Numabuchi, Wakagi Ryo returned to the hotel where he was staying temporarily and sent an email to Gin.

Five minutes later, Gin did not respond, but Rum sent two messages.

"Councilman Goji."

This councilman had no grudges with the organization itself. It was purely because the councilman he and Rum supported were political enemies that he was targeted by this one-eyed boss.

After replying OK to Rum, Wakagi Ryo took the initiative to call Hattori Heiji (they had left contact information with each other during the Holmes fan incident).

"Hattori, what's the situation?"

"Ah, Wakagi-san, are you okay? We are looking for clues at the police station now. Do you want someone to pick you up?"

Wakagi Ryo raised his eyebrows: "There is only so much space inside the police car. How can you and I fit in? Oh, I see. It turns out that Heiji is also a scheming boy. If I sit in the passenger seat, you sit in the back seat, and then let Kazuha sit on you, it can barely fit in, right?"

Sit, sit on you...

Hattori Heiji, who was driving the loud speaker, blushed from his forehead to his heels. His brain short-circuited and he even forgot that he could drive another car.

Conan twitched his mouth and looked at Hattori Heiji with the eyes of an experienced person, and then he reached out and patted Hattori's shoulder like an elder brother.

Wakagi-san's bad taste, he always teased him and Xiaolan like this when they were in Tokyo before, and now in Osaka, the unlucky people have become Hattori and Kazuha.

"Okay, no more jokes. What clues do you have for the case?"

Hattori Heiji's phone was still down for the time being. Conan climbed onto the table and took the phone from Hattori.

"Brother Wakagi, including the man who fell outside the restaurant before, there are currently three victims in this case. Each of them had a wallet pierced through the victim's chest with a dagger, and then stabbed into the victim's heart. But for now, there is no commonality among the three victims.

The first victim, Nagao Hidetoshi, was the president of a supermarket, the second victim, Nishiguchi Tayo, was the proprietress of an izakaya, and the victim who appeared today, Noyasu Kazuto, was a taxi driver."

"What's in the wallet?"

Wakagi Ryo suddenly asked after listening to Conan's words.

"Huh?" Conan cast his eyes on Hattori Heiji. After all, he had never seen the first two victims.

Hattori: "In the wallet, there is some cash, a few bank cards, and driver's licenses."

Wakagi Ryo: "If there is a driver's license in each wallet, go check the driver's license."

Sakata Yusuke:? ?

He froze in place, holding the videotape that he had prepared long ago to divert the police's attention to Councillor Soutarou Goji.

Then he couldn't help but think of the strange message he received early this morning, which was automatically destroyed after he finished watching it.

Hattori and Conan seemed to understand something and immediately fell into a state of thinking.

Maori Kogoro, who was also listening, asked casually, "Why is it a driver's license?"

Wakagi Ryo: "Because the murderer's behavior pattern is very ritualistic, in history, serial killers who follow established patterns to kill can usually be roughly divided into three categories.

The first type is a murderer who kills to express a certain psychological appeal, but this type of person often has a pursuit in appearance. Even if the target is not a young and beautiful boy or girl, there will be a certain similarity in appearance. For example, the famous serial killer Jack the Ripper in history.

The second type is a ritual murderer who believes in a cult. This can also be ruled out. I didn't see any religious elements on the body. Moreover, this type of murderer is actually more common in Europe and the United States. More common, they have many messy sects.

The third type is revenge murderers. It is very likely that these deceased had participated in a case in the past, and now the relatives of the victims have come back to seek revenge after finding out the truth.

I noticed that you knew the identity of the deceased as soon as you found the body, and did not do further investigation, because there was something in the wallet that could prove the identity of the deceased.

The murderer wanted to use this method to announce to other people who participated in this incident that you committed the crime that year, I am here to take your life.

As for why you are asked to check the driver's license, because if these deceased have no intersection in work and life, the only possibility is that these people with different identities recognize each other.

The only way to get to know her is probably the training camp before the driver's license test. "

Sakata Yusuke:!!!

There has never been a moment when he felt that he was completely exposed in front of someone, without any secrets.

Conan, who has already gotten used to it, and Hattori Heiji, who was caught off guard by the spoiler: ...

"Heiji, I have found out the license plate number you gave me. It belongs to a lady named Okazaki Sumie. This is her home address."

Hattori turned around and said to Officer Otaki: "Officer Otaki, please go to Ms. Okazaki's home with Officer Sakata and protect her. This woman is likely to be the next victim of this serial murder case."

Officer Otaki's face changed immediately, and he rushed out of the office with Sakata.

Wakagi Ryo: "One more thing, Hattori."

"What? ”

“Although what I said is just speculation, if it is really revenge after many years, the murderer was able to find the addresses of these people accurately in such a short time. It is very likely that he is someone in the system, such as working in the household registration office or the police. ”

Hattori Heiji’s expression was solemn for a moment, but then he smiled as if nothing had happened: “It’s impossible, brother Wakagi, I know everyone in the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, they can’t do such a thing. But you, brother Wakagi, can analyze so many things without being at the scene, which is really amazing. ”

Wakagi Ryo: “Compared to you who are obsessed with finding clues, I am actually better at thinking from the perspective of the murderer. After all, I have killed so many people.”

Hattori Heiji:!!!

“In the comics. "

Wakagi Ryo slowly added the second half of the sentence. The pause scared Hattori Heiji so much that he broke out in a cold sweat. After he reacted, his expression immediately turned into (꒪⌓꒪).

"Brother Wakagi, don't breathe heavily next time you speak. Okay, you should have a good rest in the hotel first. I'll let Kazuha pick you up. You must come to my house for dinner tonight. My mother's cooking skills are amazing!"

After hanging up the phone, Hattori Heiji said to Kazuha: "Kazuha, you take Uncle Mori and Xiaolan to my house first, and pick up Brother Wakagi at the hotel. I'll bring this criminal who disturbed your trip to Osaka to justice! ”


Sakata Yusuke performed the autopsy on Okazaki Sumie calmly, but in fact, his mind was full of the inexplicable message he received in the morning.

Just now at the police station, the phone call gave him an unprecedented sense of urgency.

“The deceased’s name is Okazaki Sumie, 39 years old this year, and the cause of death was strangled by a strip of wood on the neck. The murderer should have strangled her to death, and then pierced the wallet with a knife and fixed it to her chest. "

Because it was Inspector Otaki who came with him, they naturally drove a police car. So the two taxis of the same model that Sakata had prepared at the beginning were not put to use. However, he still found an opportunity. When Otaki and he were temporarily separated, he called Okazaki Sumie and asked her to leave the house and hide in a nearby public toilet.

Pretending to know nothing, he and Officer Otaki came to the empty Okazaki's house, and then, in order to improve efficiency, he and Otaki naturally searched for people in the community separately.

And took the opportunity to kill Okazaki Sumie.

Too crude, this time the method was too crude.

If it weren't for Conan Heiji and the detective from Tokyo, that is, his colleague Inspector Otaki, if he was given enough time, he would be able to find his flaws in this hasty case.

But he had no better way. Once Okazaki Sumie was protected by the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, it would be difficult for him to find another opportunity to kill this woman.

"What did you say? ! "

Inspector Otaki yelled into the phone.

"What's wrong, Senior Otaki?"

"There was an accidental fire in the Kashiwa Forest. After the fire brigade put out the fire, a body was found in the charred wooden house. After investigation by colleagues in the forensic department, the deceased was suspected to be the robber and murderer who had been on the run, Kiichiro Numabuchi."


Kiichiro Numabuchi died?

The last escape route he had reserved for himself was gone.

Inspector Otaki hurriedly explained and started to call again with his phone.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Yusuke Sakata's phone vibrated and a message appeared on his phone.

[You have no escape route, Mr. Officer, what do you think? - Dr. M]

The next second, the message was automatically destroyed, and no trace of it could be found.

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