In the dark room, only the green light of the computer screen was flashing. Rum sat in front of the computer, and a layer of green light was reflected on his fake eyes. Curacao stood behind Rum as if he was not surprised. Maybe this was the aura of a big boss. "How is it, Belmode." Belmode's voice came out from the hands-free phone on the table. "It was more clean and neat than I expected. Numabuchi Kiichiro died, the policeman who had close contact with him committed suicide in public, and the target of the mission you temporarily gave him, Goji Sotaro, also died in the explosion at the same time. Under the noses of two detectives and a large number of police officers, three targets were solved within one day.

With him accompanying, it seems that Pisco would not have had a chance to appear in the mission of Tunkou Shigehiko."

Rum: "No, Pisco's mission was issued by the boss himself. Tunkou Shigehiko is not the point. The point is that Pisco's behavior has been getting more and more out of line in the past two years. You should have heard a little about Ireland.

The purpose of your participation in this mission is not to assist, but to supervise. Sangria went with you to prevent FBI people from making trouble during the mission. There should be no one in the organization who is more suitable to deal with the FBI than him."

Vermouth was silent for two seconds, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little lazy.

"That's true. Okay, good night, Rum."

Rum laughed, "Don't make our hard-working model too hard. The action team can't do without him."

Vermouth clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Our hard-working Mr. rejected me harshly."

After hanging up the phone, Rum held the mouse and flipped through the information on the computer page by page.

It was the first-hand news material of the Osaka serial murder case. The police officer with the Sakura badge accidentally discovered the truth about his father's death in a car accident 20 years ago. He used his power to find out the specific address of his enemies at that time, and then killed them one by one.

Finally, under the deafening questioning of the Kansai detective Hattori Heiji, he felt deeply ashamed of his duties and inner justice, and chose to shoot himself in the raging fire.

Tsk, the writing style of this reporter looks like a light novel.

Hattori Heiji, if I remember correctly, seems to be the son of Osaka Metropolitan Superintendent Hattori Heizo. Did Sangria not use his beloved Maori Kogoro to solve the case this time, but instead set his eyes on a new toy?

Tsk, Hattori Heizo is a bit tricky.

"Curaçao, I remember you met Sangria once before."

"Yes, when recruiting Tokito Komei."

"What do you think of him?"

Curaçao was silent for a while and said, "Sangria is a terrible person."

Rum closed the webpage and showed a kind smile on his unkind face.

"I think this kid is cute."

When not handing out knives.


Osaka, Hattori Family

Hattori Heizo, Toyama Ginjiro (Kazuha's father), Hattori Heiji sat in the conference room. The two big guys at the top were discussing something in a low voice with solemn faces. Hattori Heiji was holding the cup in his hand, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Toyama Ginjiro: "So there is another hidden murderer in this serial murder case. He killed Kiichiro Numabuchi and Councillor Goji, forced Sakata to commit suicide, and sent you a provocative message after that."

Hattori Heiji nodded.

Hattori Heizo: "You also told me that before today, Detective Maori had also met this Dr. M."

Although Hattori Heiji usually blew himself up in front of Xiaolan many times, in front of his father, he at least covered up his friend's vest and changed Dr. M's initial provocation target to Maori Kogoro.

Hattori Heizo took a sip of tea and continued to analyze: "So, the behavior patterns before and after are contradictory."

Hattori Heiji:?

"Dad, where did you come to this conclusion?"

Hattori Heizo: "From the current information, there are two cases that Dr. M has actively participated in. The first one is the snow mountain incident you mentioned. The murderer is probably Miss Tanaka. She has the motive and time to commit the crime, but because no clues to incriminate her were found at the scene, this case can only be classified as an unsolved cold case.

But before that

Later, he deliberately provoked Miss Tanaka even though he knew that she was being monitored by Detective Mori. "At this point, Hattori Heizo frowned slightly, not knowing whether he was dissatisfied with Dr. M's arrogant behavior or the detective's monitoring behavior that stepped on the edge of the law.

"At first glance, it sounds a bit like Moriarty."

Toyama Ginjiro added. Although he was not a fan of Sherlock Holmes, he must have seen such a classic work.

"Hidden behind the scenes, directing the crime, the behavior pattern does sound like imitating Moriarty."

Hattori Heizo glanced at Hattori Heiji, who seemed a little restless. After receiving his father's gaze, the latter immediately sat up straight and honestly.

"But from the perspective of the Snow Mountain case, this Dr. M's position seems to be on the side of the criminal, using various means to help the criminal escape unscathed. But this time, he forced Sakata to commit suicide, or in other words, he used Goji Sotaro's life as a bargaining chip in exchange for Sakata's suicide.

With so many policemen protecting him, the possibility that Yusuke Sakata would rush into Goji's house and kill this last target is zero.

There is only one possibility for this, Sakata may have accidentally known something he shouldn't know, so he must die. "

Hattori Heiji turned the baseball cap on his head, yes, he always wore a hat indoors.

"So, it is indeed related to Kiichiro Numabuchi, right? I looked at the photos of the scene from Uncle Otaki's side. Kiichiro Numabuchi was handcuffed in the attic of the wooden house, and the receipts from the convenience store in recent days were also found in the trash can near the wooden house.

Officer Sakata... Before Yusuke Sakata shot, he also admitted that Kiichiro Numabuchi was the scapegoat he chose. So it is very likely that Sakata learned some secrets from Numabuchi during the time he imprisoned him.

Or, this Dr. M believes that he knows some secrets, so he must get rid of him. ”

Could this secret be related to the black organization that Kudo mentioned? After all, the common feature of the victims of the crimes committed by Kiichiro Numabuchi is that they all wore black clothes.

However, Hattori Heiji did not tell his father about these speculations.

This is probably also a fixed feature of the Red Team members. They just refuse to share intelligence.

If it were any organization like the Public Security Bureau, the FBI, or MI6, everyone would find a time to sit down and talk, and then withdraw the undercovers in each organization. There would be no need for a decisive battle, and the winery might fall apart on its own.

But, hey, I won't share intelligence, I'm just playing~

Hattori Heizo glanced at his son. His son was obviously holding back something in his heart. As a father, he knew it well. Don't think that I can't see anything just because of my dark skin.

"You have a good relationship with Detective Mori. Even the message sent by Dr. M specifically pointed out you. "

Two drops of cold sweat appeared on Hattori Heiji's forehead, and then he laughed it off (self-righteously).

Hattori Heizo snorted lightly and did not pursue the matter further.

He was also very interested in the rising star Maori Kogoro.

In the guest room on the third floor, Wakaki Ryo, who secretly opened Heiji's live broadcast room and heard the entire meeting, said: Is there a possibility that I just want to take advantage of the protagonists and get more emotional points.

Well, Hattori Heizo is really amazing.

Yes, the father group set by Aoyama is all capable. Even Maori Kogoro, who usually looks unreliable, has many highlights when the case involves people around him.

Not to mention, he seems to be the holder of the shooting record of the police academy.

Wait, I seem to have forgotten something.

Oh, by the way, that Nakamori Ginzo over there, please leave the group voluntarily.

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