The existence of the father-in-law is indeed just to provide the son-in-law with an opportunity to take an open-book exam. Ginzo Nakamori, as Kid's old rival, still failed to protect the Egg of Memories from the hands of the Phantom Thief, and fell again and again under the smoke bomb mixed with anesthetics.

Conan and Kid have a lot in common in terms of liking to knock out the future father-in-law.

In the sky, Kid held the Egg of Memories and flew with a hang glider.

On the ground, Hattori Heiji rode a motorcycle and chased Conan.

Perhaps not obeying traffic rules is also one of the necessary attributes of a detective. Hattori Heiji completely ignored the large and small vehicles on the road, and relied on his superb driving skills to drive in the opposite direction.

Then he paid the price.

When passing by a small truck, the motorcycle fell directly to the ground. Hattori Heiji rolled on the ground for several times, holding his injured knee and gasping for air.

Another person who fell like this in the movie version has lost his sense of taste. (Zawaki Gongping sent a congratulatory message)

What's even more outrageous is that in this overturned situation, Conan was able to do a backflip on the spot, and then landed accurately on the skateboard thrown out at the moment of the overturn.

Okay, let's not talk about the reasoning level, in terms of the degree of cheating, you still win.

Conan: "Hattori, are you okay?"

Hattori Heiji threw away the helmet on his forehead and shouted at Conan: "What are you doing, why don't you chase him quickly? If you let him run away, I won't let you go!"

Conan was moved for a second, then looked at Hattori deeply, and stepped on the solar skateboard to chase in the direction where Kid flew away.

Solar energy...

Wakamu Ryo, who was floating higher and watching the show in the live broadcast room, looked up at the sky. It seemed to be night now.

Kid was holding the box of the egg of memory. He felt a chill while flying. When he looked down, he suddenly found a person in black, pointing a gun at him.


The gunshot also startled Conan, who was chasing behind. With the detective's intuition, he found the figure holding the gun in the dark at a glance.

When he chased all the way to the beach, Conan stopped his skateboard and found the broken box on the ground and the intact egg of memory inside.

Next to the box, there was a broken monocle and a pigeon with injured wings.

Fortunately, no blood was found.

Kidd may have fallen into the sea after being shot, but he should not be in danger of life for the time being.


Wakamura Ryo was floating in the air, holding a pigeon that kept cooing and struggling in his hands.

"Coo?" [Is this how you are an assistant?]

"Coo coo coo!" [The assistant's duty is to help the magician complete the performance, not to use the magician as a performance prop directly! ]

"Coo!" [Hurry up and change me back, who wants to be a pigeon! ]

Kid's white pigeon flapped its wings, trying to fly out of Wakamura Ryo's hand.

"So you prefer to swim and escape? There are a lot of fish in the sea."

Kid: ...

Wakagi Ryo rubbed the pigeon's head with satisfaction. Speaking of which, because he always wore a top hat, he seemed to have never been able to successfully unlock Tou's forehead.

After flying to a safe area with Kaito and the pigeon, Wakagi Ryo lifted the transformation spell on Kid.

Kuroba Kaito stood on the ground intact and checked himself curiously.

Magic is really amazing. How can the human and pigeon be transformed in an instant when the forms are so different?

"The Egg of Memory is lost. What do you think? Are you planning to steal it again, Kaito?"

Kuroba Kaito shook his head and said, "The Egg of Memory was not my goal. I sent out this notice mainly to see the last work of Senior Kiichi.

However, I am also a vengeful Kaito after all. I have to go and find trouble with the person who shot me."

"It's not him, it's her."


The next day,

In order to confirm whether the Egg of Memory was damaged, the Suzuki Group urgently stopped the exhibition and dispatched a large cruise ship to transport the Egg of Memory back to Tokyo.

In addition to Suzuki and the Mori family, a group of people who were eyeing the Egg of Memory also shamelessly boarded the ship, including Pu Siqinglan who was wearing a bright red cheongsam.

To be honest, the young lady is really beautiful and her marksmanship is also very good.

Being able to accurately hit the right eye of a flying target, isn't this level better than the sniper atmosphere group?

"Brother Ruomu, it would have been nice if you were here last night."

Ruomu Liang said innocently, "Before we separated,Did you all think that Kid showed up at three in the morning? At around seven, Xiaolan and the others were still shopping, and you two chased after Kid, while Uncle Maori and Uncle Suzuki were drinking under the moon, and no one thought of notifying me.

Later, around eight o'clock, Secretary Nishino came upstairs to wake me up.

As soon as I woke up, I found that I had missed 100 million, and you still had the nerve to ask me why I didn't show up last night? "

After saying that, Wakagi Ryo rubbed Conan's head twice.

"You don't know how to make phone calls, detective? "

Conan: ...

Conan silently crawled to the sofa and sat down, picked up a pillow to block in front of him, pretending that he didn't exist.

After Ryo Wakagi skillfully turned the tables, he chose a hidden corner to stand... uh, floating.

There's no way, the seasickness BUFF is too deadly.

Natsumi Kosaka, who also boarded the ship with the old housekeeper, sat upright on the sofa and took out a blueprint that looked very old from her backpack.

"When I was sorting out my grandmother's belongings, I found this blueprint left by my great-grandfather. It should be related to the Egg of Memories. It happened that the Suzuki Group exhibited the Egg of Memories in Osaka Castle, so I came here with the blueprint. "

A group of people were studying the yellowed drawings, while Conan was bold enough to pick up the Egg of Memory and fiddle with it in his hands.

Then he successfully took off the small mirror at the bottom of the Egg of Memory.

Mouri Kogoro's pupils were distorted in shock. Eight hundred million! This is eight hundred million! Is it too late to say that I don't know this kid now?

Sonoko smiled and waved her hand, "Oh, just eight hundred million, just play with it~ Ahem, no, this small mirror should have been installed later, but it is easy to fall off. I remember it fell off several times when I was a child. "

At this time, Conan seemed to have discovered something from the reflection of the small mirror. When he was about to turn around and call the all-purpose secretary Nishino Masato, Wakagi Ryo had already predicted his prediction in advance.

He turned off the light with a snap.

Then he stared at his numb fingertips and thought about life.

I just pressed a switch, not touched the electric door, so what?

Conan took out a flashlight and shone it on the small mirror. The light shone through the mirror and printed the shape of a castle on the wall.

"Isn't this the castle in Yokosuka? "

Natsumi Kosaka exclaimed, and Ryo Wakagi raised his eyebrows. Wow, another young lady with a castle at home.

But this castle doesn't look very symmetrical, or it will be blown up.

Oh, if I remember correctly, this castle was burned down in the end.

Although Teiji Moriya is dead, his spirit is still circulating in the world.

This wave, this wave is a victory of left-right symmetry.

Kogoro Mori touched his chin and gave the first inference of the day.

"Miss Kosaka, as far as I know, these two eggs of memory were designed by your great-grandfather. After the Russian Revolution, your great-grandfather and great-grandmother made these two eggs and brought them back to Neon. After selling one of the eggs, the funds obtained were used to build the castle in Yokosuka.

Then it is very likely that the second egg of memory is hidden in the castle. And the clue is hidden on this small mirror through a special carving technique. "

Natsumi Kosaka seemed to have thought of something, and took out a rusty key from her small bag.

"Come to think of it, this key was also found with the blueprint. Mr. Maori, if you don't mind, can you accompany me back to Yokosuka Castle after returning to Tokyo?

I want to find the second egg of memories made by my great-grandfather."

Kogoro Maori closed his eyes, made a deep and reliable expression, and nodded to agree to Natsumi Kosaka's request.

Ryo Wakagi touched his chin thoughtfully.

It turns out that Kogoro Maori doesn't only become serious when encountering cases related to relatives and friends, but also when encountering huge sums of money.

Look, he was scared by 800 million yen just now, and he became reliable instantly, didn't he?

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