
Kuroba Kaito sneezed in resentment, using a bunch of pigeons to attract attention. He looked so handsome when performing the disappearing trick, but now he looked so embarrassed running in the rain with a black cloak.

Kidd couldn't help muttering while running.

"I'm really trying hard to repay the favor. I have to rush to Hakuba's party. Really, why did Aoko agree to Hakuba's birthday party? Who wants to attend his birthday party?

A-choo, you will definitely catch a cold tomorrow if you keep getting wet."

"It doesn't matter. If you catch a cold when you go back, you can just stew some pigeon soup to make up for it. It's a good use of it."

Kidd: ...

The rain seemed to stop suddenly.

To be precise, there were no more raindrops falling within a 2-meter range centered on him.

Wakaki Ryo, who was dressed as a professor, stood behind him and summoned a fist-sized bright orange fireball. Kuroba Kaito felt the temperature around him rise significantly, and his wet clothes were dried a lot in a short while.

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that you appear more frequently recently?"


Before Wakaki Ryo finished speaking, a rapid ringing sounded suddenly.

Kuroba Kaito took out his mobile phone and took a look. What happened? Dad would never secretly call him when he was about to go out as Kidd.

"What did you say? Aoko is missing?"

Kid didn't avoid Wakaki Ryo when he answered the phone. Anyway, the professor knew his identity a long time ago.

"Yes, Master. Master Hakuba is in the store now. He told me the news. Not only Miss Aoko, but also her good friends Mihui and Asuka have lost contact."

"I'll be back soon!"

Wakagi Ryo took back the fireball and touched his eyebrows in confusion. Is there such a plot? Why doesn't he have any impression of it?

"Do you need help?"

Kuroba Kaito paused,


Wakagi Ryo raised his hand and picked up Kid, identified the direction, and flew towards Terai Huang's store.

Three minutes later, Kuroba Kaito was like a drunk. After landing, he spun twice on the spot, and hurriedly held the wall, gasping for breath.

"You, never said you could be so... so fast, ugh."

Ryo Wakagi patted his tuxedo that was a little messy due to the wind, and said with a smile: "Kaito-kun, you didn't ask either."

Ryo Wakagi chose a place to land in an empty alley. Kuroba Kaito adjusted for a moment and finally recovered. He took off the Kaito Kid's outfit in two quick strokes and turned back into the harmless high school student.

Then he led Ryo Wakagi out of the alley and opened the door of the billiard bar.


Touzi's face was still a little pale. He walked quickly to Hakuba and asked: "What's going on? Didn't Aoko go to your house for a birthday party?"

The boy with a head of slightly long brown hair and a British noble aura sat on a high chair in front of the bar, looking at the pocket watch in his hand.

Seeing Hakuba Tan, Ryo Wakagi remembered a certain stalk he had seen before.

Ah, Shirley, I can still recognize you even if you become a man (crossed out)

"The party started at 7pm, but until almost 8pm, Nakamori, Tamada and Kuriyama didn't show up. Inspector Nakamori is still in Osaka. Tamada and Kuriyama's parents said that they went out at around 6pm."

After Hakuba Tan said this, his phone started vibrating wildly.

"What's the matter? What did you say?"

Hakuba, who was always calm and composed, lost his composure in an instant, stood up, and then punched the bar hard.

Terai Huangnosuke: ...

"What's wrong again?"

Kuroba Kaito instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Other people in the class are also missing."

Toko: "What?! Aren't they at your house? So many people are missing together?"

Hakuba Tan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down quickly, and began to analyze the only clues.

"The housekeeper said that 5 minutes after I left, the TV in the living room was suddenly turned on, and then three red dots appeared on the screen, and then he lost consciousness.

He woke up half an hour later, and all his classmates were gone. He immediately called their parents to confirm that no one had returned home."

"Three red dots... spiders?"

Kuroba Kaito was shocked. If it was the mysterious illusionist, it would be possible to do such a thing.

"It should be." Bai Ma Tan had a heavy expression, and he felt a little guilty.

He chased the spider all the way back to Neon from England, and during the period he keptTrying to dig out the true identity of the spider, so it is very likely that this behavior angered this deadly killer, which led to this group kidnapping.

After all, it was he who transferred to Ekoda High School in order to track down Kidd's whereabouts.

It was also because he agreed to hold this birthday party in order to further test whether Kuroba Kaito was the real Kaito Kidd. Because he knew that the target of Kidd's notice this time was the egg of memories that the Suzuki family was going to exhibit in Osaka.

If Kuroba Kaito was really Kaito Kidd, it would be difficult for him to return to Tokyo in time to attend his birthday party after stealing the egg of memories.

However, he obviously did not expect that Kidd would play so big this time, directly causing the entire city of Osaka to lose power, and Scoopin also broke in during the period.

Under the blessing of various unexpected factors, Kidd returned to Tokyo in time, but others were in trouble.

"Calm down, don't worry. It's only been about 40 minutes since they disappeared. So many people can't go far."

Kaito Kuroba didn't care whether he would be exposed in front of Hakuba Tan at this time. He bit his thumb and started thinking hard.

Hakuba Tan: "To be exact, it was 47 minutes and 32 seconds."

Touzi asked Father Terai for a map of Ekoda and started to circle and draw on the map. With Hakuba Tan's home as the center, there are not many places that can accommodate so many people within a 40-minute walk.

Hakuba Tan also thought of something at this time, and called the housekeeper to help retrieve the surveillance video of his community.

After all, it is impossible that the residence of the Hakuba Superintendent does not even have a camera.

After checking all the surveillance videos, Hakuba looked up and said to Kuroba Kaito: "The surrounding cameras did not capture large vehicles. They left on foot. But Qingkou Street is an old street, there are no cameras there, and the clues are temporarily cut off."

"At least half of the range has been reduced."

Kuroba Kaito crossed out several locations on the map after hearing this.

"Did the red-haired girl also lose contact?"

Wakamu Ryo, who had been a background board for a long time, suddenly asked a question. At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he threw the nightmare BUFF on Koizumi Hongzi, he seemed to have left a magic mark on her.

But it has never been activated, I don’t know if it has expired.

"Red hair, you mean Hongzi?"

Kuroba Kaito's eyes lit up. The professor and Hongzi are both magicians. Maybe magicians can sense each other?

"Hongzi also attended the party."

Wakamu nodded and tried to activate the mark on Koizumi Hongzi.

It can still be used, not expired.

The place they were in seemed to be a forest. There were no other landmarks around except trees. Including Nakamori Aoko, who lost contact first, more than 20 boys and girls were in a coma.

"How is it?"

Toko looked at Wakaki Ryo with expectation.

"I only saw a forest. There were no conspicuous buildings or signs around."

Hakuba Tan looked over in surprise. At this time, he seemed to focus on Wakaki Ryo who came in with Kuroba Kaito.

With long golden brown hair and a tuxedo, the whole person exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

He found the location of the missing person without using any props. Could it be...

After all, Hakuba Tan has been stationed in the UK for many years, and the UK is one of the ancient birthplaces of magic. During his years in the UK, he has heard a little about these supernatural things.

"Forest, a forest that meets the requirements nearby..."

Kuroba Kaito muttered to the map, and then his eyes lit up.

"Found it, it should be here!"

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