"Quick, quick, quick, send him to induce vomiting!"

The medical staff pushed the cart and hurried past Conan and the others.

Maori Kogoro looked at the person with a bulging belly on the bed with his eyes wide open. If it weren't for the obvious male gender of this person, he would almost suspect that this was a pregnant woman about to give birth.

Conan, who was full of curiosity, encountered such an abnormal thing, how could he hold back, so he picked a lucky audience from the crowd and started asking questions.

The passerby who was singled out also adhered to the good habit of the science world that he knew everything and answered everything, and began to answer questions for Conan and others.

"That's Shirosaki-kun. He seemed to have had a serious illness a few years ago. After he recovered, he started to overeat for some reason. He was often sent to the hospital by his family because of overeating.

I thought that after not seeing him for more than half a year, his overeating problem had been cured. Oh, what a pity. He was an excellent child in school before, but later he got this strange disease and his academic performance plummeted."

The unknown uncle in the hospital gown blababala told Conan all the information he knew. After completing the task, he put his hands behind his back and slowly returned to the ward.


He suddenly got the problem of overeating a few years ago, and it is suspected that he relapsed after recovery?

At this time, Maori Kogoro's phone suddenly rang.

"What, murder case? I'll be there soon!"

Conan's ears moved, and he consciously got into the taxi in front of Maori Kogoro after he stopped the taxi. And he very skillfully held the passenger seat to prevent being thrown out of the car by Maori Kogoro.


Because Inspector Megure had just been attacked not long ago and was still recuperating in the hospital, the person leading the investigation this time was Shiratori Renzaburo of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Ryo Wakagi, who was watching Conan's live broadcast remotely:...

Sure enough, he is a stubborn fan of the theater version.

Even if it is a theater version written by himself, Shiratori can find a chance to get involved.

The deceased is Kondo Kaori, 23 years old, a college student, studying in the history department of Beihua University. The death was somewhat miserable, and the murderer forcibly gouged out his eyes and cut off his tongue.

Judging from the traces of struggle on the body and the amount of bleeding on the ground, the murderer was still alive when he committed these atrocities.

"Oh my God, it's too cruel. Who on earth would do such an excessive thing."

When Xiaolan saw the body for the first time, she exclaimed and turned away, unable to bear to watch this tragic scene again.

Maori Kogoro squatted down and began to examine the body, with an unprecedented serious and earnest expression on his face. He didn't even care about Conan jumping up and down beside him.

If it were any other time, Maori would have given Conan a punch handed down from his ancestors.

There were not many clues left on the body.

In addition to being able to see that the murderer was an extremely cruel criminal, nothing more could be found from the body, such as the murderer's clothing fibers or dandruff tissue.

It seemed that even if the deceased struggled hard, he could not make much meaningful resistance.

After examining the body, Conan got up and went to the room to look for other clues.

There were no signs of the door lock being pried open, no footprints near the window and the yard, and the rest of the room was clean. It can be seen that the deceased was a very clean person when he was alive.

There were two upside-down glasses on the edge of the kitchen sink, with a little residual water stains in them.

According to the time of death of the deceased, if the deceased washed the cups, the water marks inside should have dried up.

So, after committing such a cruel crime, the murderer stayed at the scene and watched the victim take his last breath. Did he even have the leisure to wash the used coffee cup before leaving the crime scene?

Shiratori Renzaburo: "The time of death of the deceased is estimated to be between 9 and 0 last night, because the murderer's methods were extremely cruel, and the deceased died after suffering torture for a long time.

But during this period, the block's cameras did not capture anyone entering or leaving the deceased's home, and nearby residents did not witness any abnormal phenomena."

Mouri Kogoro took off his gloves, walked away from the body, took out a cigarette, and held it in his mouth without lighting it.

The familiar smell of tobacco made him barely calm down from his anger.

"Does the deceased have any enemies?"

"According to our investigation, no. Kondo Kaori is usually a very quiet person. According to her classmates, although the deceased is not the kind of person who is loved by everyone, she hardly interacts with others.There had been a conflict."

Mouri Kogoro bit the cigarette butt in his mouth fiercely.

"The murderer's means are so cruel, it can't be a random case like robbery. It must be someone who has a deep hatred for the deceased."

At this time, the mobile phone that had just been in his pocket rang. Conan looked down and saw that it was a strange number he had never seen before.

Conan used the magic skill of the world of science, the toilet escape method, and then sat on the toilet and frowned to answer the phone.

"Good night, detective."

Conan widened his eyes. Although he had only heard it once, he would never forget this voice.

Dr.M's voice!

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Did you do what happened today? !"

Wakaki Ryo, who turned on the voice changer, ignored Conan's series of questions and just said to himself: "A new round of games has begun. For fairness considerations, I can give you a hint."

Conan: "What? ! Is human life just a game in your eyes? Give me..."

"Seven deadly sins."

After saying that, Ruomu Liang hung up the phone neatly, watching Conan in the live broadcast room angrily punch the wall.

The wall was safe and sound, only Conan silently held his injured fist.

Seven deadly sins?

The seven sins, also known as the seven cardinal sins or the seven original sins, belong to the classification of human evil in Catholic doctrine.

The sins are: pride, jealousy, wrath, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust.


Conan was slightly stunned, and suddenly thought of the one he met in the Mika Hospital before, whose belly was bulging like a pregnant woman because of overeating. Mr. Shirosaki.

According to the old man, Shirosaki had not had an attack for more than half a year.

It just happened to relapse today, does it correspond to bulimia?

Then what about the dead? What does the dead correspond to? Also, if it is the seven deadly sins, does it mean that there will be more than one dead person in this game mentioned by Dr. M?

Did Dr. M calculate that they would definitely go to the hospital today?


Is it the same with the attacks on Aunt Eri and Inspector Megure?

"Officer Shiratori, why did you call me specifically about this case? "Mouri Kogoro exhaled, and then took out the cigarette with a chewed butt in his mouth.

Although when solving a case, the police will habitually cooperate with detectives who happen to be near the scene or who happen to be involved in the case.

But Mouri Kogoro, who used to be a policeman, knows very well that except for the few police officers with whom Inspector Megure has a good relationship, most policemen do not like detectives in private.

Even more, they will not deliberately call detectives who have nothing to do with the matter when they encounter a murder case.

"Mr. Mouri, in fact, we suspect that this matter has something to do with you."

"What? !"

Conan walked out of the toilet with a serious face, and just after coming out, he heard the explosive news that Shiratori Renzaburo ran out.

"Not long ago, Murakami Jō was released from prison."

Mouri Kogoro froze. Murakami... is the prisoner he personally arrested and put into prison when he was a policeman?

"Not long after that, Inspector Megure and your wife, Attorney Hime, were attacked separately. And we found your business card at the home of the deceased this time.

Detective Maori, please think carefully, have you ever come into contact with Miss Kondo Kaori somewhere before?

As a former client or a participant in a case?

We suspect that this case may be Murakami's revenge on you..."

Maori Kogoro took the document bag from Shiratori, and the blood-stained business card inside looked particularly glaring.

"It should be no, we have never seen this lady in the office, right, Xiaolan."

Conan looked up and also saw the business card dyed all red.

"Well, I don't remember seeing her before."

Xiaolan stood by the door, endured the discomfort in her heart and carefully identified it for a long time, and also gave a negative answer.

Officer Shiratori took back the evidence bag silently.

"Officer Shiratori, if there are any clues later, please inform me in time. If it is really Murakami who has carried out such a cruel revenge against me, I must bring him to justice once again! "

Mouri Kogoro clenched his fists and looked at the body covered with white cloth.

Why would such a young girl be treated like this?

She is only a little older than Xiaolan.

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