"Xiaolan, wait at the door with the police."

Mouri Kogoro entrusted his daughter to a female police officer who was accompanying him at the door. He didn't know whether the crime scene this time would be as tragic as Kondo Kaori's, so he chose to temporarily isolate Xiaolan from the scene.

However, whether it was negligence or other reasons, Maori Kogoro selectively ignored Conan, who was less than his knee height, and rushed into the scene.

Wakagi Ryo, who was watching the live broadcast, opened a bag of potato chips.

Kudo Shinichi, now I can be sure that you have definitely been exposed by your father-in-law.

Conan rushed into the scene and was almost blinded by the coins in the room.

It was literally blinding.

In the middle of the room, a man who looked to be in his forties or fifties, his hands and feet were tied and straightened with ropes, and the whole person was tied into a big letter. His mouth was also taped with black tape. The face was bruised and swollen, with bloodstains on the corners of the eyes, nostrils and ears.

The cause of death was suffocation caused by external pressure.

And after death, because of the continuous pressure of the heavy object, the deceased's spine was broken and the ribs pierced the skin.

The whole scene was still extremely tragic.

There was a very large sack next to the body, which was densely filled with coins with a face value of 500. According to the police officer who rushed to the scene at the first time, the bag was pressed on the chest of the deceased at that time. Three or four adult men worked together to move the bag from above the body.

After untying the sack, it was found that it was full of money.

In other words, this man was crushed to death by the coins.

"Officer Shiratori, the deceased seemed to be holding something in his right hand."

Conan found the clue at a glance and reminded the police officers on the scene at the first time.

Because the deceased had been desperately resisting the heavy pressure before his death, his right hand was clenched very tightly. Conan only took a look and determined that it was impossible for him to pry open the deceased's right hand and get the things inside.

The police officers immediately surrounded him and took a lot of effort to barely pry open the deceased's right hand.

"It's a lawyer's badge."

A lawyer's badge stained with blood and deformed by being pinched was put into the evidence bag.

Coincidentally, at this time, another police officer had already asked some information about the deceased.

"The deceased's name is Matsumoto Ryuzo, 47 years old, and his profession is a lawyer. He has no children. He divorced his wife three years ago and currently lives alone. Because of work reasons, he often rests directly in the office, so the neighbors around him are not very familiar with him."

Conan walked around the scene and still couldn't find too many clues.

The police contacted the aunt who had been responsible for Matsumoto Ryuzo's housework and obtained some information.

A few days ago, Matsumoto Ryuzo suddenly had to renovate a place in his house. Because of the renovation, the lawyer has been sleeping in the office these days, and notified her that she didn't need to come to clean for the time being.

"So, there must be something wrong with this renovation team. It's not a simple matter to move so many coins into the house. It can be concealed by the excuse of renovation."

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and thought. His IQ was online all night.

Officer Shiratori nodded in agreement and asked his police officers to check the renovation team immediately.

The phone in Conan's pocket vibrated twice. He glanced at Maori Kogoro who was surrounding the corpse, tiptoed to the corridor on the other side, and answered the phone.

"Hattori, did you find anything?"

Hattori Heiji: "No, Kondo Kaori's resume is quite clean, and she has no record of any crimes."

"I found a second body here."

Hattori: "Are you sure it was done by the same person? Or is it just a coincidence?"

Conan denied the coincidence, "Although the connection between the two dead has not been found out yet, the ropes on the hands and feet of the two dead and the way the ropes were tied are the same. It is very likely that the case was committed by the same murderer."

Hattori: "They are all blue and white nylon ropes ? "

Conan: "Yes, that's right."

Hattori: "That's unlikely to be a coincidence. Nylon ropes of this color are rare. Then how did this person die... was he crushed to death by money?

This murderer is really, too cruel!"

Conan: "Ah, it's obvious that this person should correspond to greed."

Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone sighed, "A greedy lawyer, then there is a high probability that he received bribes in a certain case.

A senior lawyer has handled hundreds of cases in his career. It is too difficult to check them out. I always think that it represents 'violence'.Mr. Shirosaki, who was accused of 'food', may be a better entry point. Among the three crimes that have appeared so far, he is the only one who has not died. "

Conan agreed with his friend's point of view.

However, judging from the scene when they left the hospital, Shirosaki had just experienced forced vomiting, and I am afraid that the hospital would not allow visitors.

The police were not aware of Dr.M's challenge, and had not received any hints about the seven sins.

So it was impossible to force Mr. Shirosaki to be interrogated.

Conan sighed and said, "It seems that when I go to the hospital tomorrow to ask Shirosaki for clues, I have to ask Aunt Eri to help check the cases handled by lawyer Matsumoto Ryuzo."

"Wait a minute, what is the name of this lawyer?"

"Matsumoto Ryuzo, Hattori, do you know this lawyer?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and the sound of turning pages came.

"Actually, when I was checking Kondo Kaori, I found something that I was a little concerned about, but at the time I thought it might not be related to the case, so I didn't tell you. ”

Conan asked quickly: "What is it?"

"Kondo Kaori was once a student of 'Changmei Private High School'. You have an impression of this school, right?"

Conan recalled for a moment.

"You mean the Changmei High School where the false accusation occurred four years ago."

Hattori: "Yes, it is difficult for me to find more detailed information here. After all, it happened in Tokyo, not in Osaka.

And because this case seemed to have caused a bad impact at the time, some related institutions seemed to have treated it coldly, and there was less information on the Internet. "

Conan nodded, and he would ask the doctor to help him find more details later.

Hattori continued: "At that time, the lawyer of the plaintiff Yotsuya Hayato in this case was Matsumoto Ryuzo.

However, later, all kinds of evidence showed that Yotsuya Hayato's accusation was completely false, and the evidence submitted by the plaintiff was also judged to be forged. So later, Yotsuya Hayato became the defendant from the plaintiff,

and then it seems that he was sentenced to more than three years in prison. If you calculate it this way, he should have been out of prison for almost a year. "


An invisible light flashed behind Conan's head.

Before, the garbage truck in the neighborhood near Kondo Kaori's house seemed to belong to the "Yotani Cleaning Company". There must be some connection between the two!

"Thank you, Hattori."

After Conan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Hello? Hello? What do you mean by hanging up so quickly? Do you think I'm a tool that can be thrown away after use?" On the other end of Osaka, Hattori Heiji hung up the phone indignantly.

Then he got up and went to find his father.

Dr. M's matter has been filed with his father anyway. If his father finds out one day in the future and he knows about it but doesn't report it, the consequences...

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji shuddered.

Wait for it, Kudo!

This time I will definitely solve the case faster than you!

Then send this brutal thug to prison.

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