The police arrived at the scene, but the police were busy.

"Kudo... little brother?"

A bunch of police officers appeared in a hurry, surrounding the office. Inspector Megure, who was wearing the same khaki coat and was not so plump at the moment, greeted Kudo Shinichi by pressing the brim of his hat.

"Inspector Megure."

Kudo Shinichi stood up and briefly explained the situation to Inspector Megure, who immediately asked his police officers to cooperate with the hospital security to block the entrance and exit.

"Well, if there is a conflict with Dr. Putian, I know one."

The little nurse on the other side of the corpse, who was finally tired of crying, said weakly.

Inspector Megure frowned and asked, "Who is it?"

"That man seems to be called Bito... Bito Kengo. A week ago, Dr. Putian met a gangster when he was on night shift in the emergency room."

Kudo Shinichi asked, "Why did this man have a conflict with the doctor?"

The young nurse recalled the scene that night, and a look of disgust appeared on her face instinctively.

"That man is really... too much! That night we received an urgent female patient, Ms. Shimizu. Her condition is very rare. She suffered from sudden fainting due to long-term malnutrition and excessive fatigue. After the doctor examined her, he found that her vision had seriously declined. If she did not seek medical treatment in time, she would probably become blind.

Dr. Putian and I were the ones who received the consultation at that time. I chatted briefly with Ms. Shimizu while the doctor went to prepare the prescription medicine. She has to work more than three odd jobs every day, and all her wages are... used to give to her boyfriend. My friend is paying off her gambling debts.

Dr. Putian suggested that she quit part of her job and take a good rest for a while, otherwise she would continue to over-consume her body, which might cause lifelong blindness or even sudden death.

At this time, the man, Ms. Shimizu's boyfriend, Kengo Oto, appeared in the emergency room, and rudely pushed the doctor to the ground, and said, "Don't meddle in other people's business, stinky doctor. If you dare to prevent this woman from making money for me, I will kill you." "

Officer Sato and Ran Maoli, who were listening, clenched their fists subconsciously.

Ryo Wakagi: ...

You still don't break up like this, what kind of poison have you been put on you, little sister? I told you not to pick up a boyfriend from the garbage dump! Why don't you listen?

However, this plot sounds a bit familiar. If nothing unexpected happens, this Oto should also be a victim in the future.

Ah, I remember.

Ryo Wakagi hammered his palm. It was the episode where Teacher Judy appeared. This Bito was taken away by the Death Halo on the spot (bushi) because he beat up Aoyama's daughter Mao Lilan (in the game).

Ahem, he was stabbed secretly by his girlfriend's brother who was almost blind.

The little nurse turned around and saw the body of Dr. Putian again. She sobbed silently and said, "And Ms. Shishui has an appointment for a follow-up visit today."

Kudo Shinichi touched his chin and thought. This Bito did sound suspicious. However, can a street gangster be so meticulous that he can clean up the traces at the scene so cleanly?

"Chiba, go check the surveillance of the hospital. Miss nurse, please follow our police officer to see if there is the person you said in the surveillance."

"Okay, okay."

The little nurse wiped her tears and followed the sturdy police officer Chiba to temporarily leave the office. Not long after, the serious head nurse returned to the office with a thick stack of information.

"This is the list of patients that Dr. Putian has come into contact with. Those with green covers have recovered and been discharged, and those with blue covers are still receiving treatment."

"Thank you, head nurse."

Kudo Shinichi held the thick information and began to read it at a glance. No one around him thought there was anything wrong with the head nurse giving the information to a junior high school student first instead of handing it over to the police.

"Head nurse." Another unnamed police officer came over with a small notebook to ask routine questions, "Is there anything different about Dr. Putian today? Or did anything unusual happen this morning before Dr. Putian died?"

"Dr. Putian has been in the office after completing his ward patrol as usual. I remember that Dr. Renye seemed to have something to do with Dr. Putian today. He usually doesn't come to the fifth floor, but then he left angrily."

The police officer compared the list of hospital staff and confirmed with the head nurse.

all over.

"Is it Dr. Ninobo from the Department of Surgery?"

Oh, another familiar name.

The assassin in the pupil of the movie, the real murderer behind the scenes, Kyosuke Fudo, has an inseparable relationship with Dr. Nino. At the beginning, Kyosuke Fudo was called a surgical genius and a golden left hand. But because of jealousy, Ninobo deliberately scratched Kyosuke Fudo's left hand during an operation, resulting in the failure of the operation and the death of the patient. Kyosuke Fudo also injured the nerves in his hand and could no longer perform surgery, and finally had to transfer to the Department of Psychiatry.

However, Kyosuke Fudo was not a good person. He turned around and killed Ninobo. Even several years later, in order to prevent the case that was closed as suicide from being retried, he killed the three police officers who participated in the investigation of the case that year.

But if I remember correctly, these two people seem to be doctors at Kyoto University Hospital. Why are they now in Beihua General Hospital? Are they rushing to get through the plot?


Soon after, Officer Sato brought a few people to the office.

Miwako Sato: "Inspector, this is Kengo Oto, who the nurse said had a conflict with the deceased. Today, he followed Ms. Shimizu and secretly came to the hospital. The one in the middle is Dr. Ninoho. According to the surveillance, he went to the deceased's office half an hour ago. The one on the right is Risa Tsubokawa, a family member of the patient. Someone saw her arguing with the deceased in the ward this morning."

Ryo Wakagi: ...

Here it comes, no matter how many clues are given in the early stage, once the suspect appears, it is always a choice between three.

The police separated the three people and questioned them separately.

Shinichi Kudo jumped around the office and searched every corner.

However, there were very few clues.

The fishing line, tape, or other fancy props that should have appeared at the scene, but could be used to prove some murder tricks in the end, did not appear. The whole scene was as clean as if it had just been cleaned.

Wakagi Ryo looked at the forensic personnel holding cameras and walking back and forth at the scene, and silently held his forehead.

He looked in the direction of the suspect twice.

To be honest, he didn't know who the murderer was. After all, with a luck value of -80, everything is possible.

However, according to the law that good-looking people will have more roles in the science world, I will first guess that it is Miss Tsubokawa Risa.

Coincidentally, at this time, the little sister probably felt offended by the police officer who was questioning her, and raised her voice and said: "My father was originally in a stable condition, but his condition suddenly worsened in recent days. Isn't it the doctor's responsibility? When Dr. Quanzi was in charge before, my father had no condition at all!

That's why I quarreled with that irresponsible doctor outside the ward this morning."

Wakagi Ryo raised his eyebrows and subconsciously glanced at Tsubokawa Risa again.

The condition suddenly worsened, and the patient happened to be a patient of Putian Kohei, could it be...

Kudo Shinichi temporarily gave up looking for clues left by the murderer in the office, and was now surrounding the three suspects to listen to their alibis. After all, the criminals in the world of science are quite willing to commit suicide, and they might accidentally reveal some key information in front of the detective.

Wakagi Ryo walked to the body, flipped through the pile of books that had been ruined by the detective, and found a brown leather notebook from several thick books - the famous detective had flipped through it roughly before, but the notebook was full of long medical terms and pathological data, and he couldn't find any more useful content, so he didn't study it in detail.

It seems that he really didn't guess wrong.

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