Although I admire Rum's approach of leaving no room for retreat, considering that Judy may be a potential stock, should I protect her for the time being?

Forget about the driver, after all, Vodka is not good enough.

He has sent a lot of albums and photos of various youth idols to Vodka one after another, and the emotional value provided by Vodka each time is basically around 5,000. Last time he joked about using vodka to test the bomb, Vodka could only barely hold back 6,000, which is completely incomparable to Qinchan Beijie.

So by the same token, Andre, the vodka FBI point plus, will definitely not work.

However, after considering for two seconds, Ruomu Liang decisively gave up the idea of ​​protecting Judy.

Compared with a target that is uncertain whether it can be pulled in large quantities, he wants to know more about the extent to which the aura of the main characters of the red side can reach in this almost certain death situation.

If Shuichi Akai could think of a way to save the driver and Judy in this situation, he would need to be more cautious when confronting the red team in the future as a winery vest.

"Don't go over there yet, Vodka."

After getting in the car, Ryo Wakamura pointed at the screen with his phone in his hand.

Vodka instinctively stepped on the brakes, and then belatedly looked in the direction of Gin.

Gin snorted noble and coldly, but didn't say much.

"What's wrong, Sangria?"

Ryo Wakamura raised his face and said with a smile: "Senior Rye has prepared a lot of small gifts for us~ Let me go and sign for the small gifts first."

Judy: !!!

Could it be that all of Shuichi's actions have been monitored by them?

Ryo Wakamura opened the car door and took out several palm-sized, bright silver spider-shaped robots from his small backpack.

After landing, these little spiders shook, their eyes lit up red, and their eight short legs moved quickly, and soon disappeared at the corner.

"Let these little cuties defuse the bombs first. I don't want to fight with the opponent in the ruins."

This reminded him of the fear of being dominated by the scientist who aimed and locked his head when he played FPS games in his previous life.

Amuro Toru looked at the baby face of Ryo Wakaki after disguise, and was in a trance for a moment.

If there was such a robot that could defuse bombs autonomously, Matsuda and Hagiwara would not...

Vodka recalled the appearance of the little spider robot, and didn't see any cuteness in these things.

Ryo Wakaki remotely controlled the robot with a mobile phone, and quickly defuse all the bombs buried by Shuichi Akai according to the points he had written down before, and then signaled Vodka to speed up the car appropriately.

After all, if the arrival time is too late than the scheduled time, Shuichi Akai will definitely be suspicious with his IQ.

As for whether all the little spider robots can be recovered in such a hurry, Wakamura Ryo doesn't care much.

Anyway, it's the organization's funds ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

Gin rolled down the car window a little and observed the surrounding situation through the sniper rifle's scope.

This route was chosen by Rum. If an ambush is to be carried out, this is the most suitable place.

Wakamura Ryo opened the live broadcast room of Akai Shuichi, confirmed his hiding place, pretended to operate on the phone, and then pointed in a direction.

"Senior Gin, I guess he is hiding on the right, under that super large billboard."

Gin adjusted the direction of the sniper rifle and suddenly sneered.

He found Akai Shuichi.

Judy gritted her teeth, seized the opportunity and rushed towards Gin with all her strength, but was kicked back by Amuro Toru who was always vigilant.

Even though Toru Amuro actually held back, Judy, who was already injured, still crashed into the car and fainted.

On the other side, Shuichi Akai, who was hiding in the shadow of the billboard, was suddenly enveloped by a piercing sense of crisis. He turned his direction instinctively, and only the knitted hat on his head was shot away.

After dodging the fatal blow, Shuichi Akai fired back without hesitation, and then immediately put away the gun and moved away.

Vodka turned the steering wheel half a circle, and the bullet hit the side of the car, leaving a groove. However, it did not penetrate the special material of the car body, causing any harm to the people in the car.

Well, the cheater is still the cheater. Gin only hit the knitted hat when he fired first.

Shuichi Akai hid in the corridor and pressed the switch to detonate the explosives, but did not hear the expected explosion.

Tsk, is Sangria here too?

Apart from him, Akai Shuichi really couldn't think of anyone else in the organization who could quietly dismantle everything he left behind.There is a bomb.

On Wakagi Ryo's side, Gin was using a sniper rifle to look for Shuichi Akai in the car, while Toru Amuro quietly got out of the car when the car passed the side of a building.

"He should have moved to the residential building behind now, senior Bourbon, be careful~"

Wakagi Ryo's voice came from the communicator in his ear, and Toru Amuro began to sneak along the safe route indicated by Wakagi Ryo and the small map.

If Shuichi Akai showed up, Gin-chan would be responsible for sniping him.

If Shuichi Akai planned to take advantage of the terrain and come over for close combat, there was also Toru Amuro waiting here who was not inferior to him.

Wakagi Ryo held his chin and watched the show happily in the car, even wanting to open a can of happy water.

Uh, forget it, I always feel that if I am so presumptuous, Lao Mo will turn around and shoot him.

"Senior Gin, Bourbon has found Rye, and they are fighting~"

Ryomu Ryo pressed the headset, and the sound of flesh colliding came clearly from it, accompanied by the sound of something being smashed occasionally.

So the two of you chose hand-to-hand combat instead of shooting?

Is this the romance of men?

Gin sneered, put away the sniper rifle and got out of the car, running in the direction pointed by Ryomu Ryo.

Shuichi Akai, today, you are dead!

Ryomu Ryo consciously stayed in the car with Vodka to guard Judy and Andrei Kamel. It was not wrong for Shuichi Akai to want to save people, but it was unlikely that he would come alone, he was not Conan.

Their boss James has not appeared yet, maybe he is holding back some big move... Shit? !

"Gin, Bourbon, get out of the building! Get ready to retreat!!"

Ryo Wakagi yelled into the communicator, then turned to Vodka and said, "Drive over to pick them up!"

After that, Ryo Wakagi immediately opened the doors on both sides, picked up the unconscious Andre with one hand, threw him on the roof, and tied Andre tightly to the roof with the rope found in the car.

Vodka saw Ryo Wakagi so nervous and serious, and didn't ask any more questions. After Ryo Wakagi tied up Andre, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Gin and Bourbon.

"Huh, what... happened?"

Toh Amuro took the opportunity when Gin came forward and stopped Shuichi Akai, and asked a question.

"TM Super Cobra! A Super Cobra is coming this way, hurry up, I don't want to experience the power of the US Marine Corps' active armed helicopters."

Although this car has been modified, it can't withstand the strafing of armed helicopters.

Compared to Akai Shuichi, James is a bit more of a politician. If there is a chance to catch all the code members of the winery, he will not hesitate even if he has to sacrifice Judy and Andre.

Wakagi Ryo doesn't want to gamble at all.

Gin: ...

What's the point of Neon's border defense?

Can the armed helicopter just go in without a trace? It wasn't shot down in mid-air. How much money did the American daddy give? ?

He glared at Akai Shuichi angrily. Under the joint attack of him and Bourbon, the wounds on Akai Shuichi's body were visibly increasing.

As long as they are given a little more time, they can definitely kill this damn traitor!

Wakagi Ryo: "Senior Gin, there is no time to linger with rye, hurry up!"

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