The plot is not over yet, Xiaolan has not recovered her memory, and Shinichi has not confessed his love to Conan, and you are just leaving?

Don't even think about it.

Although it is estimated that it is due to the inertia of the plot, so Sister Bei failed here with Fenghuo Kyousuke.

However, since Sister Bei failed to kill him, it's my turn to play... punish the murderer who caused Xiaolan to lose her memory.

Since we want to play, no, since we want to hunt Xiaolan according to the original plot, we have to ride a roller coaster like Xiaolan first.

The expression on Fenghuo Kyousuke's face is a little horrified.

This young man who looks slender and thin has a strong hand that almost crushes his shoulder blade. Fenghuo Kyousuke tried to struggle, but he couldn't shake this smiling young man at all.

Wakagi Ryo held Fudo Kyosuke's shoulders affectionately, dragged him to the ticket gate of the roller coaster, pushed him to the last row of seats, and then sat next to Fudo Kyosuke happily.

The staff on the side seemed not to see the two people who suddenly jumped on the car and suspected that they did not buy tickets, and directly pressed the start button of the roller coaster.

Wakagi Ryo pulled down the protection bar for Fudo Kyosuke considerately. Although when the roller coaster reached the highest point and everyone on the car was inverted, the protection bar on Fudo Kyosuke's body broke directly with a snap.


Fudo Kyosuke's head was facing down, and the whole person was in a vertical free fall.

Ah, it turns out that this is the end of riding a roller coaster at -80.

Wakagi Ryo reached out and grabbed Fudo Kyosuke's ankle, letting him swing through the most exciting part of the roller coaster. When Fudo Kyosuke was about to hit the track of the roller coaster, he pulled him back to his seat.

Fudo Kyosuke instinctively grabbed Wakagi Ryo's hand tightly, and before he could catch his breath, the seat under his buttocks clicked.

Fudo Kyosuke: !!!

Two minutes later, Wakagi Ryo carried Fudo Kyosuke, who was limp and covered in cold sweat, away from the roller coaster attraction with one hand.

Even if Fudo Kyosuke hadn't gone to the toilet before coming, the current scene might still have some flavor.

Wakagi Ryo cast his eyes on the location of the pirate ship, the pendulum and the bungee jumping machine with great interest.

"Come on, Dr. Fudo, let's continue playing."

Fudo Kyosuke almost couldn't catch his breath, and the whole person almost ascended to heaven on the spot.

After being dragged to experience a bungee jumping machine with all safety facilities disconnected, which was equivalent to jumping off a building repeatedly, Fenghu Kyosuke looked at the night sky with lifeless eyes, and tears of numbness and despair flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Of course, in the eyes of other tourists, they were just playing the facilities here normally, although the one in black clothes screamed a little miserably.

But isn't it normal to scream a few times when playing a bungee jumping machine?

Wakagi Ryo was in a good mood and repaired the cracked bungee jumping machine seat on the spot, and dragged the doctor to the next attraction.

Until the effect of "assimilation" was about to end, he dragged Fenghu Kyosuke to an unmanned corner, and then cast a healing spell on the doctor whose wound had already collapsed.

He took out a toy gun that he had bought at a small stall before and handed it to Fenghu Kyosuke. It's almost done, it's time to continue the plot.

Although this gun is only loaded with BB bullets, after being blessed by his magic power, the actual lethality is not lower than that of a real gun.

"Go, kill Mao Lilan and the elementary school student next to her, and I will let you go."

Kyosuke Fudo's numb eyes moved slightly, looking at the gun handed over by Ryo Wakaki, and murmured: "Kill them?"

"Yes, kill them, or I will take you to play all over the amusement park, you choose."

The expression on Kyosuke Fudo's face instantly became ferocious.

"Kill them!"

He snatched the gun from Ryo Wakaki's hand, his eyes full of turbid madness.

After what happened just now, although Kyosuke Fudo's brain has basically become a paste, his instinct is still working. After he got the weapon, he did not try to attack Ryo Wakaki. The one in front of him must be some kind of monster in human skin, which cannot be killed by a gun. So... So, to get rid of this monster, you have to kill the girl and the elementary school student.

Yes, just kill them.

Kyousuke Fudo stood up shakily, like a zombie out of a cage.


Conan held Xiaolan's hand, and the two of them happily watched the parade in the center of the amusement park.

Although Xiaolan didn't seem to remember anything,Seeing the happy and relaxed smile on Xiaolan's face, Conan suddenly felt that it was no big deal if he couldn't remember it for the time being.

"Sister Xiaolan, let's go buy two bottles of drinks."

Conan pulled Xiaolan's hand, and when he turned around, he saw Xiaohei standing not far behind them, holding a gun with a ferocious face.

Conan was shocked, and before his brain could react, his body had instinctively thrown down Maoli Ran and helped her avoid a shot.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic. Conan didn't care about anything else. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiaolan and ran wildly. He ran all the way to a corner where no one was. After a breath, he felt a burning pain in his shoulder.

Conan was not shot, but the bullet seemed to have grazed his shoulder, leaving a long blood mark.

"Bang bang!"

Two more shots, Conan gritted his teeth and pulled Xiaolan to run for his life again. This time he purposefully pulled Xiaolan to the water yacht, and took advantage of the staff's inattention to jump directly onto the yacht.

Then he used the skills he learned in the driving school in Hawaii and drove the yacht to the other side.

It would be best if he could shake off the pursuer. Even if he couldn't, it would be too difficult to shoot at a moving target while driving a yacht.

Unless he was a cheater like Shuichi Akai, there was almost no chance of hitting him.

However, Kyosuke Fudo may have also studied at the driving school in Hawaii. He jumped onto another yacht behind them, caught up with them without hesitation, and took out his pistol and shot them several times.

Although the doctor no longer had the favor of -80 at this time, Xiaolan was the designated European emperor in the world of science. The two shots only hit the Coke in her backpack and did not hurt her.

Conan, who had been paying attention to Xiaolan from the corner of his eye, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. It was 20 minutes to 9 o'clock, and at the top of the hour, a fountain would gush out in the central square of the tropical park.

Conan took Xiaolan and drove the yacht to perform a leap over the waterfall, then drifted and stopped, and rushed to the cliff scenery on the shore with Xiaolan.

Xiaolan had been playing for most of the day, and her physical strength was already more than half consumed. In addition, she was attacked by a gunman for no reason. She ran all the way here, and she only felt a dull pain in her chest and a burning sensation in her throat.

Conan's situation was similar. He took Xiaolan to hide behind the rocks for a while, listened to the footsteps coming from behind, closed his eyes, and prepared to perform the time suspension technique of reasoning to buy them some time.

"I already know who the real murderer is, Dr. Fenghu Kyosuke!

The message that those dead police officers wanted to leave was not the police manual, but..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Fukhu Kyosuke ignored Conan's reasoning, climbed up, and shot Conan, who was standing in the middle of the road and posing a reasoning posture, three times.

In other words, Xiaolan's reaction was still online, and she pulled Conan's trouser leg in time to pull him down, otherwise it is not certain whether two beautiful holes would appear on the body of the Son of the World.

Conan: ? ? ?

Why don't you play by the rules?

It is agreed that everyone will give face when I reason, and stand still and wait for me to finish the cause and effect?

Why don't you let me finish my words, or how can I buy time?

Conan kicked a stone and hit the gun in the hand of Fenghu Kyosuke, and then took advantage of the time to slide down the cliff with Xiaolan, and then ran for his life again.

The scratch on his shoulder was bleeding because there was no time to treat it, and gradually dyed half of his clothes red.

"Why... are you trying so hard to save me?"

"Of course it's because I like you, more than anyone else on this earth."

Wakagi Ryo, who had been secretly watching: I bumped into it.

Although the deduction method didn't work, Conan dragged Xiaolan around the entire playground and successfully delayed the time to 8:59:50, and arrived at the center of the fountain on time.

However, the price was that Conan was left with several bullet scratches on his body.

At the critical moment, the fountain gushed out, blocking Fenghuo Kyosuke's sight.

Xiaolan also recovered all her memories.

Wakagi Ryo, who was watching, nodded with satisfaction. Fenghuo Kyosuke, the tool man, is still very reliable.

Yoshi, you are useless, doctor.

Wakagi Ryo relied on the fact that Conan and Xiaolan couldn't see him at all, and appeared directly behind Fenghuo Kyosuke, knocked him out with a punch, then disassembled the enchanted toy gun, and then took out a real gun (without bullets) from his arms and stuck Fenghuo Kyosuke's fingerprints on it.

After the fountain fell, Conan held the Coke bottle and stored it.He was ready to go, but he only saw the unconscious Fudo Kyosuke and Ryo Wakagi who picked up the gun with a handkerchief.

Conan: ? ? ?

Ryo Wakagi took out an evidence bag, stuffed the gun in it, and then knocked Conan's forehead fiercely.

"You want to get me out of the way, right? You want to be alone with Xiaolan, right? If I hadn't found something wrong and come to find you, you would have told me how to end tonight."

Although he was completely going with the flow when Conan found an excuse to get him out, he was very skilled in the art of turning the tables.

Conan looked at the several scratches on his body and covered his forehead in pain.

Brother Wakagi is so fierce.

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