Wakagi Ryo couldn't help but yawn again, and swept the scene where Vodka beat the kidnapper. After confirming that there were no fingerprints or anything like that, he suddenly reacted while holding the Little Red Riding Hood Conan in his hand.

The unconscious Conan, although he can't be pulled out, he can be pulled out.

He curled his lips and looked at Conan, who had no idea what was about to happen.

It's decided to be you, Transfiguration.

A faint white light flashed, and Conan's red cloak lightened and fell to the ground. The elementary school student who was originally held in Wakagi Ryo's hand turned into a... hip-butt corgi in the distorted halo.

Ah, is this because of short legs?

Or because it can be used as a police dog?

Thinking so, Wakagi Ryo was not polite at all, holding the Conan brand corgi and stroking it back and forth several times. Although the legs of a corgi are short, they feel good to the touch. Those who have raised one will understand (✪ω✪)

Perhaps because Conan had stayed up all night last night, Wakamura Ryo's knife was not very strong, but Conan seemed to fall asleep. Until the sound of the police car beeping, Wakamura Ryo turned back into human form, and there was no sign of waking up.

The two police officers who didn't deserve to have a name were worried about the two robbers who were tied up.

When Vodka tied people up, he really killed them. The two police officers who had guns but no knives couldn't untie the rope. In the end, one person lifted his hands and the other lifted his feet to stuff the two kidnappers horizontally into the back seat of the police car.

Wakamura Ryo carried Conan and rubbed another police car back to the city, then left the sleeping death god elementary school student in the police car, sent a message to Vodka, and then played a disappearing trick.

Record? What record? It was vodka that saved people, what does sangria have to do with me?

He found a place to take off his mask. When Ruo Mu Liang got home, he threw himself on the soft sofa, fumbled and hugged the pillow beside him, and fell asleep soon.

Jing Guang, the cat, who was also taking a nap on the sofa and was almost shaken away by Ruo Mu Liang: ...

He jumped off the sofa and woke up Matsuda, the dog by the French window, with one paw. Matsuda looked at Ruo Mu Liang on the sofa with sleepy eyes, got up and shook his fur, went into the guest room and took out a blanket, and covered Ruo Mu Liang with it.

Then he chose a place where he could get some sun, lay down again, and closed his eyes.

The sunlight shone through the window and fell on the two fluffy bodies in the living room, making people feel that the years were peaceful for a while.



Dr. Agasa sniffed his red nose and looked at Ruo Mu Liang with a sincere face.

"I really can't stand Ai-chan staying up late these days, so I thought of taking the kids out camping to relax. But I suddenly caught a cold, so can you help me take care of the kids together?"

Wakagi Ryo recalled the pale face of Huiyuan Ai, and agreed to the doctor's request with a little guilt and sympathy.

Although, when the detective team goes out together, it is not necessarily that there will be anything that makes people happy.

However, it is better to let Ai-chan go out and bask in the sun, otherwise he is worried that Huiyuan Ai, who is obsessed with research, may start to grow mushrooms after losing her hair.

"A-choo! Great, then let's go, but my car has been sent for inspection these two days, let's take the bus, anyway, the ski resort is not far away."

Wait a minute, Dr. Agasa who has a cold, the bus, the Junior Detective Team, and the keyword skiing.

He instinctively opened the live broadcast room of Sister Bayonetta and Akai Shuichi.

Vermouth was wearing the skin of Tomoaki Aida, chatting with a blonde foreign beauty. To be precise, the other party was chatting enthusiastically with Bayonetta unilaterally.

And Bayonetta couldn't just ignore her because of Tomoaki Aida's good person character.

Teacher Judy, you just recovered from your injury, and you started to battle with Bayonetta?

On the other side, Shuichi Akai wore a knitted hat and a mask, and a high-collared coat, and coughed from time to time. From his perspective, he could vaguely see Judy and Vermouth not far away.

The case was solved. Isn't this the bus hostage case?

Three daring robbers openly held a bus including the Grim Reaper, active members of the winery, and active FBI agents, and there was also a special guest, Eight Eggs, to make a friendly appearance.

Just... a little sorry for Ai-chan.

I finally wanted to go out and relax, but I have to drink again~

Otherwise, after the bus explodes today, I should go and get the tape left by Miyano ElenaFind it and secretly send it to Ai-chan.

If the little leek doesn't get some nutrient solution, it will really die.

After preparing some ski equipment that he couldn't use at all, Ruomu Liang followed the doctor to his house, and then found three real children who were in high spirits, and two fake children with dark circles under their eyes who could cosplay as giant pandas.

Ruomu Liang:?

Conan, why don't you look like you haven't slept well for a week?

Conan looked up at Ruomu Liang, and there were even a lot of bloodshot in his eyes. He asked hoarsely: "Brother Ruomu, did you see Kid's actions that day?"

Ruomu Liang: "... I saw it."

He even watched the VIP viewing seat in the front row, and he also worked as a special effects artist behind the scenes.

"Who is he..."

"Don't ask me, I don't know even if you ask."

Conan closed his mouth silently, leaned on the sofa and continued to ponder.

In order to figure out how Kid did it, Conan even simulated countless times in his mind during this period. If I were the Kaito Kid, how should I commit the crime?

Ai-chan on the other side was not in much better condition. Her eyes were empty, and she seemed to be resting, but she was still mumbling something. If you listened closely, you could barely hear all kinds of ingredient tables and formulas that sounded impressive.

It was the standard live version of the scene where the body was here but the soul was still floating somewhere.

Wakamura Ryo coughed lightly, and the conscience that was suppressed to death stubbornly popped up.

It seemed that he was really pulling it hard. Next, he would be quiet for a while.

He carried two fake children who were seriously lacking in sleep on the bus, one in each hand, and then took out two foldable sleeping pillows from his backpack and stuffed them under the necks of the two children.

"Hurry up and sleep for a while. I will call you when we get there."

Huihara Ai looked at the people coming and going on the bus. The long-lost lively scene seemed to give her a certain sense of security. She held the pillow tightly with one hand and pinched the corner of Wakamura Ryo's clothes with the other hand. She fell asleep soon.

Conan's short legs fluttered, as if he thought he could still do something if he was helped up.

Ryo Wakamura lowered his voice and leaned close to Conan's ear: "Sleep well, don't force me to knock you out."

A little tenderness, but not much.JPG

Conan: ...

Okay, brother Wakamura, I'll sleep now.

The two fake children who were seriously sleep-deprived leaned on Ryo Wakamura and fell asleep soon.

When Judy and Vermouth got in the car, the first thing they saw was Ryo Wakamura's "hugging" scene.

Vermouth: ...? !

For a moment, she didn't know whether to express shock or speechlessness first.

Forget Shirley, but why can the godson lean on that pervert Sangria so trustingly and fall asleep? !

Well, today is also a day that Sister Bay feels jealous.

PS: Let's make up for yesterday first

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