The smoke bomb prepared by Wakagi Ryo was not an ordinary smoke bomb, but a modified one.

Of course, its power was beyond doubt, and it would definitely not hinder Hattori Heiji at a critical moment.

It was just that it was a little confused about friend or foe.

Remember when Kuroba Toichi appeared, he used a small bottle with a particularly disgusting smell, which almost made Wakagi Ryo crash in mid-air, and woke up Kuroba Kaito who was sleeping under anesthesia?

After turning the two thieves into small animals and masturbating them, Wakagi Ryo took the small bottle from Kuroba Toichi without much hesitation, and then made the smoke bomb for Heiji this time based on its principle.

And added a little improvement.

So, along with the shit-green smoke, a stench mixed with a pungent and spicy smell could not wait to spread, vowing to try to marinate everyone present in the limited appearance time.

This enhanced smell was really eye-irritating. The weak and helpless bandits were so irritated that they cried and closed their eyes. It was like canned herring that was thrown into the sewer and mixed with excrement and then stewed with swill for 49 days. The stench rushed straight into their heads. Even if they covered their noses, these smells rushed into their mouths.

When the first person couldn't hold it anymore and vomited, it immediately triggered a chain reaction. The other robbers couldn't help but vomit on the spot.

It can be said to be a double injury of physical and psychological.

Hattori Heiji also wanted to vomit, but he held it back.

Fortunately, when he threw the smoke bomb, he mainly threw it at the group of armed bandits on the opposite side. He was only affected by the residual power, so he could barely stand and was not smoked to the ground.

However, the factory is a closed space. If this smell wants to dissipate, I'm afraid...

On the second floor, Conan's face changed drastically. He stepped back for an unknown number of steps and covered his nose tightly.

Hattori Heizo, who was beside him, had no change in expression, but his hand holding the railing was so bulging with veins, and then he broke the stainless steel railing on the second floor.

Originally, after kidnapping his son's elementary school partner halfway, he saw his son being attacked by a group of armed bandits, and he planned to do justice and jump down to protect his reckless black chicken.

But now...

Hattori Heizo looked at Hattori Heiji downstairs.

Can this son still be kept?

Hattori Heizo made a gesture to the side, of course, if you don't look closely, you shouldn't be able to see that his hands are shaking slightly.

The fully armed special police on the side turned on the high-intensity lights in their hands and shone them on the ground, which was covered by smoke and had completely lost the ability to resist.

What exactly is this smoke made of? Even the high-intensity lights can't see through it!

Originally, according to Hattori Heizo's plan, after the strong light, the special police carrying explosion-proof shields went up to suppress the gangsters, but he didn't expect Hattori Heiji to throw out a biological weapon.

For the physical and mental health of his men, he decisively canceled this step.

He was a little unable to stand on the second floor because of the smoke. If they were asked to go to the center of the smoke bomb and face the stench to catch the gangsters... it would be considered a work injury.

However, the process still had to be followed.

Conan thought about it, took out the small loudspeaker in his pocket, poked Hattori Heizo's calf, then stuffed the loudspeaker into his hand and gestured twice.

He didn't want to speak at all, always feeling that he would be polluted from the inside out by the stench downstairs when he opened his mouth.

Hattori Heizo understood Conan's gesture in seconds and silently turned on the loudspeaker.

"Yuhiro Kusaya, I am now formally charging you with illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and murder, cough cough attempted murder, and also with the five serial murders and robberies you committed 13 years ago to cover up your treasure hunt!"

Hattori Heizo accidentally inhaled a breath of smelly air when he opened his mouth to speak, and was immediately choked, then silently sped up his speech and finished the second half of the sentence without punctuation.

Toyama Ginjiro, who also followed, stood farther away, looked at the scene indoors, turned his head and left the warehouse, and then directed two clever men to go back and get a batch of gas masks to wear, and then successfully arrested the gangsters from the closed factory.

Fortunately, the Osaka Police Headquarters was fully equipped, although he never dreamed that he would need gas masks to catch a group of ordinary armed gangsters.

When the gangsters were caught by the police, they were even in a state of exhaling more than inhaling.

Hattori Heiji was not much better, although he gritted his teeth tenaciously, so as not to vomit in front of his father, father-in-law and friends.Tears were streaming down his face, but...

From the fact that everyone, including his father, was at least 5 meters away from him, Hattori Heiji must have been really smoked.

Conan looked at the dusty black chicken and wanted to laugh, but he was afraid to irritate Hattori Heiji, who was already emotionally unstable. What if his friend got angry and rushed over to smoke him to death?

After a series of episodes and accidents, the arrest of the criminal tonight finally came to a successful end.

Although Wakagi Ryo was counting the income of emotional points, he felt a little regretful.

If Heiji had thrown the smoke bomb more accurately, it would have been better.

Wait for Hattori Heizo to jump down before throwing it.

For a person like Uncle Heizo who would not open his eyes even if the sky collapsed, if his mentality really collapsed, he would definitely give a lot of emotional points.

Alas, it's a pity.


Hatsuori House

Poor Kuroji was driven to the most remote guest room as soon as he returned home. Hattori Shizuka looked distressed, but stood five meters away, wearing a three-layer mask, and looked at her son.

She fully demonstrated her strength as a kendo master, and used a super long bamboo pole that she found somewhere to push a basket into the guest room.

In the basket were bath products of various brands and two sets of clean new clothes.

"Son, don't come out until you are clean."

He Ye was really distressed, and involuntarily walked a few steps in the direction of Heiji, and then ran away with her head in her arms because of the smell on his body. On the other side, Toyama Ginshiro closed the door of the guest room expressionlessly.

Fortunately, considering Kuroji's mental health, Wakagi Ryo did not do things too radically.

Although the smell in the smoke bomb can be called a biological weapon, fortunately, it is not particularly sticky. Hattori Heiji scrubbed hard for more than an hour and used up two bottles of shower gel. Finally, he was no longer Hattori Heiji with a smell.

He walked out of the guest room tentatively. Hattori Shizuka, who was wearing a mask with a smile, turned around and burned the clothes that Heiji had changed.

It is absolutely impossible to wash it!

Hattori Heiji, whose skin was washed red, came to the living room and saw Wakaki Ryo sitting at the table and drinking coffee. He was immediately furious and rushed up to let Wakaki Ryo feel the enthusiasm of Osaka people.

Hattori Heizo coughed with a cold face.

Hattori Heiji:...

He glanced at his father's face, which was much rosier than usual.

Didn't you also soak in the bathroom for a long time?

"Brother Ruomu, I have no grudges against you..."

Ruomu Liang had an innocent expression on his face, and reached out to touch Heiji's wet hair.

"Just tell me if the smoke bomb I gave you was a smoke bomb?

Tell me again, if Uncle Heizo didn't bring people to the scene, could you survive from the hands of 7 armed bandits?

Stepping back, if you can survive, can you be unscathed?"

Hattori Heiji: ...

Unable to refute.JPG

"Although the smoke bomb I gave you is...special, just tell me if it helped you turn the tide in a second, and directly made the opposing bandits lose their combat effectiveness in an instant?"

Hattori Heiji: ...

This is the truth, everyone was busy vomiting, and vomiting all over the sky.

"Besides, it's said to be homemade, do you expect me to make you something of the level of military stun bombs?"

Although it's not impossible to make it.

Hattori Heiji: ...

You've finished talking, what do you want me to say?

"Generally speaking, you are unharmed, right? Although you took a bath for more than an hour. But isn't this better than you being shot and hospitalized, and then letting Aunt Jinghua and Heye desperately worry about you?"

Heye nodded frantically.

Although, although the smell is really... But it's really good that Heiji is not injured!

Conan has been relying on his short stature to hide behind Wakaki Ryo to hold back his laughter. Although it is not very good to laugh at a friend like this, he really feels very uncomfortable.

Wakaki Ryo also reached out and touched Conan's hair.

"Don't be too proud, Conan-kun. If you don't learn your lesson and rush into anything by yourself, I will lock you up and use this special smoke bomb to smoke you for three days and three nights, and I guarantee that every pore of your body will be smoked with the smell.

You'll see whether Xiaolan still wants you at that time."

Conan: ! ! ! ! !

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