Hattori drove Conan all the way to the park yesterday. He didn't even have time to park the car. He turned off the engine and jumped out of the car and rushed into the woods.

Conan was almost hit by a motorcycle, and he had to help him park the motorcycle with great effort:...

"Kazuha! Kazuha, are you there?"

Heiji shouted Kazuha's name all the way and found the place where the battle took place yesterday, but he didn't find Kazuha here. No one answered the phone, and his worries became more and more intense.

"Hey, Kudo, come and look at this."

"The grass leaves here have traces of being pressed," Conan reached out and touched the grass on the ground, "The traces are very fresh, probably because Kazuha was lying here looking for something before."

Hatsuori took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then said: "No traces of fighting or struggling were found. Either the other party subdued Kazuha in an instant, or he tricked Kazuha into voluntarily following him."

"They should have left together."

Conan looked back along the bushes. There happened to be a shallow stream nearby. The soil beside the stream was relatively soft, and two lines of footprints, one large and one small, were clearly left, extending outside the grove.


Conan spotted something white in the bushes with his sharp eyes. He leaned over and saw that it was a small silver pocket watch with the hands running backwards. Next to the pocket watch was Kazuha's mobile phone and a piece of paper that Conan and the others were very familiar with.

It was the puzzle related to the serial murders of the "Genji Hotaru" thieves group that they had been trying to solve in the past two days.

"What do you mean?"

Conan pondered for a moment, "Is it possible that the original goal of this organization's members to come to Kyoto was the treasure in the hands of Genji Hotaru? We all know that the murderer of this case is a member of the thieves, but his true identity is still unknown.

Perhaps when Sangria was tracking that person, he happened to find the Kazuha that met his aesthetic taste, so..."

Hattori took the silver-white pocket watch and found that the hour hand on it happened to point to the eight o'clock position, while the minute hand and the second hand were still turning backwards.

"Does it mean countdown?"

Conan had no idea for a while, staring at the two things he found and thinking for a long time.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the two people became more and more anxious. At this moment, Conan's phone suddenly rang.

"Graybara? You and the doctor came to Kyoto? Wait, I have an important question to ask you, how much do you know about Sangria?"

Ai-chan on the other side of the phone? ? ! ! !

Damn, is Sangria coming to Kyoto? She stood there with her eyes wide open for a moment, hung up the phone in a second, and then started booking tickets on her phone.

She wanted to go back to Tokyo now, immediately, and right away!

"Hello! Haibara!"

Conan stared at the black screen of the phone, turned on the tracking system on his glasses, and found the positioning frequency emitted by the badge of the Junior Detective Team.

"Hattori, let's go!"


Wakagi Ryo looked at Kazuha and Xiaolan who were sleeping soundly beside him. He was now in an unmanned warehouse in Yulong Temple - the place where Hattori and the murderer had the final showdown in the original theatrical version.

He looked at the endless stream of emotion values ​​on the panel with satisfaction, and continued to watch Conan and Hattori's first-person perspective through the live broadcast room.

With the positioning of the black technology glasses, he and Hattori quickly found the doctor and his group, and at first glance saw Haibara Ai who tried to cover herself with the doctor's belly.

Conan and Hattori didn't bother to talk to the doctor. When the two of them drove past the doctor on a motorcycle like robbers, Hattori Heiji bent down and grabbed Haibara Ai directly onto the motorcycle, then stepped on the accelerator and disappeared without a trace, leaving only the exhaust gas all over the street.

Doctor: ...

Wait, was it Shinichi and Hattori just now?

Why did Shinichi and Hattori kidnap Ai?

Xiao Ai shouldn't be in any danger if they take her away. Wait, Ai-chan is not here, can I be free?

"Let me go, both of you!"

Haibara Ai, who was forcibly abducted into the car, turned around and called Conan twice, then angrily hammered Hattori Heiji's back twice.

"Kazuha was taken away by Sangria."


Haibara Ai's struggle stopped immediately. She recalled the appearance of Toyama Kazuha and was silent for a moment.

It seems that she is indeed the type that Sangria would like.

Seeing that she had given up struggling, Hattori found a quiet corner and stopped his motorcycle, ready to have a good chat with the person who knew Sangria best among all the people.

Conan told Haibara Ai everything that had happened in the past two days, and Hattori turned to the vending machine next to him.Sell ​​the machine and buy three bottles of cold drinks.

He really needs to calm his mind now to have a chance to rescue Kazuha!

"Sangria's talent in mechanics is unmatched, and he is a member of the action team. When he first joined the organization, he often went on missions with Gin and Vodka, and he was very skilled.

And he is extremely cautious when doing things. As far as I know, the completion rate of any mission he participated in is 100%.

If there is any shortcoming, it is probably that his shooting skills seem to be very poor."

Grayfield Ai took a sip of ice cola, and the sweet bubbles exploded in her mouth, which soothed her panic a little.

"You guessed before that it is very likely that they came for the treasure. The regular task of the action team is to provide funds for the organization."

Hattori Heiji had a cold face and clenched the cold soda can in his hand.

"What does it mean that he left these things on purpose? According to what you said, he is good at fighting and cautious, so he couldn't have missed these things because of negligence."

Ai Haibara suddenly raised her head and looked at Hattori Heiji, then reached out and pinched Heiji's chin, turning his face towards the sunlight.

Hattori: ? ? ?

Conan: ? ? ?

Ai Haibara stared at Hattori Heiji's blue eyes shining in the sunlight, and said faintly: "I guess it's because his target is not just Sister Heye."

Maybe because Hattori's skin color is too dark, so she had never noticed before that Hattori Heiji's eyes are also aqua blue, almost the same as Sangria.

Conan: ! ! !

"Wait, you mean, he left those clues on purpose because he still wanted to take action against Heiji... No, no, that doesn't make sense..."

Habara: "He should also want the Buddha statue, otherwise he could have taken action last night. You were seriously injured and unconscious at that time, and it would have been easier for him to take action at that time."

Conan took a deep breath and tried to sort out his chaotic thoughts.

"So, his original target should be the Buddha statue, and He Ye was just someone he wanted to capture on a whim. Last night, he didn't take action immediately, perhaps because he recognized Hattori's identity and wanted to use him to help find the whereabouts of the missing Buddha statue. But there is a problem..."

The kidnappers will definitely call to explain their demands after taking hostages, but until now, they have not received any calls.

Ai Haibara looked at Heiji Hattori with sympathy: "So, the current situation is only bad news and worse news.

Bad news: He has found the Buddha statue, so he kidnapped Kazuha without notifying you.

Worse news: He didn't find the Buddha statue, but he knew that even if he didn't do anything, you would still do your best to save people from him. In other words, he knows that you are aware of Sangria's existence. In other words, you are exposed, Edogawa."

Conan: ! ! ! ! !

How, is it possible!

If, if this is the case, Xiaolan!

Conan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact Xiaolan, but after the call was made, there was no response at all.

Lan! ! !

Conan, who was so anxious that his brain was confused, didn't care about anything immediately. He just wanted to rush to Xiaolan's side and confirm her safety.

Compared to Conan who was shocked and lost consciousness, Hattori Heiji calmed down slowly. He grabbed Conan who was about to rush to the hospital.

"Calm down, Kudo!"

"He left the puzzle! That is to say, he should not have found the location of the Buddha statue yet, otherwise, he can completely erase all the clues. In this case, we still have hope!"

In order to prevent his friends from rushing up directly, Hattori Heiji used all his strength. Conan couldn't break free for a while and slowly calmed down.

Yes, there is still hope!

Only by calming down and finding the Buddha statue as soon as possible can there be a chance to save Xiaolan!

"Habara, why are you..."

Not afraid at all.

Usually when you meet people from the organization, you are far less calm than now.

Haibara Ai turned her head, looked at Conan with an extremely numb expression, and spoke faintly.

"If I am willing to go back and help them re-study, maybe I can have a chance to survive, so, if it really comes to that, don't blame me, Edogawa."

Conan understood the hidden meaning of Haibara Ai, he clenched his teeth, but he had no right to say anything more to her.

After all, if she really faced such a choice, it was because of him that she was exposed!

"Kudo, let's go! We must find the whereabouts of the Buddha statue as soon as possible."

Haiyara Ai: "There are still 7 hours and 5 minutes."

Haiyara Ai closed her eyes.eyes, the whole person shrank unconsciously, as if thinking of some bad memories.

"What does it mean?" Hattori and Conan asked in unison.

"The reversed pocket watch should mean countdown.

I have heard that Sangria likes to make exquisite puppet dolls in advance, and then at midnight, dig out the target's eyes and install them in the dolls he made."

"He calls this 'rebirth'."

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