Wakamu Ryo, who had almost finished watching the show, was stuck at the last second before Conan transformed, and appeared and knocked Xiaolan unconscious.

"Good evening, detective, I've been waiting for you for a long time~"

Wakamu Ryo, wearing a sangria skin, turned the sharp ice cone in his hand and looked in the direction of Kudo Shinichi. He turned into Conan with a puff and was busy crawling out of the oversized monk's robe.

Emmmm, according to the dead perverted plot and character setting, shouldn't he lick the murder weapon at this time?

Wakamu Ryo glanced at the unconscious Xiaolan and Conan who was about to pass out of fear, and then looked at the ice cone he had temporarily taken out to make up the number.

Forget it, forget it, it's too second-year, I can't eat it.

For the sake of the health of his toes, Wakamu Ryo gave up the step of licking it, and walked directly to Conan with the ice cone, stretched out his hand and pinched his chin, the cold cone was attached to the side of Conan's eye socket, making him subconsciously break out in a cold sweat.

"It's just the right time now, midnight, which is my favorite time. Don't move around, or I'll be sad if you get hurt by accident~


Ruo Mu Liang looked at Conan, who was sweating all over and fainted, and pinched the skin on his face a little depressed.

Is it so scary? Why did one or two of them faint?

Well, Conan was not completely scared to faint. Ai-chan's temporary antidote itself has certain limitations. In order to exert the effect of the antidote, the user must be in a state of severe cold.

In other words, Conan, who had a severe cold, could only find a monk's robe that didn't fit because his clothes were stolen. But, the monk's robe that didn't fit was leaky.

It was still quite cold in Kyoto at this time.

Shinichi, who had a severe cold, ran 800 meters in a large temple in a vacuum gear wearing a leaky monk's robe. He finally found the unconscious Xiaolan, and had to run another 800 meters to find the screaming Hattori Heiji.

After a while of peace, the antidote took effect again. The superposition of multiple factors was the real reason for his coma.

It was not because he fainted because of me, huh.

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand and pinched Conan's cheek, and found that he was in a state of: coma, but not completely coma.

The body could not move, and the consciousness was still a little bit awake, which was probably closer to the usual sleep and then suddenly feel the ghost of the bed.

In this case, it is better to play the whole set.

In a daze, Conan vaguely felt something cold and sharp sticking to his eyelids, as if someone was squeezing his eyeballs.

Is he going to die?

Sorry, Alan, I got you involved in this matter.

The phone rang suddenly, and the hand pressing on the eyeball suddenly left. The clear boy's voice was slightly unhappy about being interrupted.

"Don't touch him."

A low and hoarse male voice seemed to come from the other end of the phone.

"You want to interfere with my prey again?"

"He is... a test subject... that adult... is very important and cannot be touched."

Sangria seemed to be very unhappy and tutted. Later, the person on the other end of the phone seemed to say something else, but his consciousness became more and more confused, and Conan did not hear the content later.

After discovering that Conan had completely lost consciousness, Ruo Muliang hung up the phone and stopped this self-directed and self-acted drama.

He couldn't really dig out Conan's eyeballs, otherwise who knows whether the world consciousness would directly hit him with a meteorite and let him leave this world.

So, it seems to be leaking a little information to Conan, and let him rationalize the details later.

How else to explain that Sangria, this pervert, would give up the eyeball that was about to be in his hands?

As for whether Conan would believe it... he would definitely do so. He had overheard many situations related to the organization under various circumstances. The little corgi must have been accustomed to this way of obtaining information.

Wakagi Ryo helped Xiaolan to lean against a tree on the side, then found a package from behind the tree where he had been hiding before, and smiled at the unconscious Conan.

Half an hour later, Vermouth, who was far away in Tokyo, received an email from Sangria.

Looking at the pink swaddling clothes fixed with a super-large gay purple bow in the photo, and Conan lying in the swaddling clothes with a pacifier stuffed in his mouth, she felt a blackness in front of her eyes.

Sister Bei: My son!!! !!! !!!

Yukiko, who also received this email, rolled on the sofa with laughter. After wiping away the tears from her laughter, she happily conspired with Wakagi Ryo to save all these black history photos and put them in the archives.To be given to Shinichi and Xiaolan as a wedding gift.

Anyway, at that time, it didn't matter whether the horse fell or not.


Conan, who had no idea what was happening, suddenly woke up, screamed briefly, and then his first reaction was to reach out and touch his eyes.

Eh? Are they still there?

Is this... a hospital?

The doctor and the three children were sleeping on the sofa next to them, drooling. Haibara Ai was still awake. After discovering Conan sitting up, she poured him a glass of water with a numb face.

"How did you escape?"

Conan: ...

He tried to recall the information he heard before he lost consciousness, and repeated it to Haibara Ai in a low voice.

"Is that gentleman the leader of the organization?"

Gray Hara looked at the famous detective who had been completely led astray with a sympathetic look, and after suppressing her conscience, she shook her head: "No, no one in the organization will stop Sangria's little hobby. Even if he chose me, the boss and Gin did not refuse his request."

So she would rather swallow the poison she made and commit suicide, and she definitely didn't want to be made into a puppet doll by Sangria.

But she didn't expect that after going around in circles, she still fell into his hands.

Conan lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and suddenly proposed a hypothesis: "In that case, is it possible that Sangria is also an undercover sent by a certain organization?"

Gray Hara: ? ? ?

For a moment, she wanted to cut open Edogawa Conan's skull to see if the brain matter inside had been sucked clean by Sangria's cute spider.

Ha, he is an undercover?

"The person who called shouldn't be from your organization. If they find out I'm still alive, they will definitely find a way to kill me, so they can't stop Sangria from digging my eyes out, right?"

Aihara: ...

Wake up, he directed and acted it himself!

But Ai-chan recalled the fear of being dominated by Sangria, trembling and not daring to speak.

"And from the tone, that person's level seems to be higher than Sangria."

Conan pinched his chin and sat on the bed in thought.

"It's strange that he let Kazuha and Xiaolan go this time. Although I'm happy that nothing happened to them, they were captured by such a dangerous person for 8 hours without any harm...

I heard Sangria say 'You want to interfere with my prey again', and, does it mean that the person had interfered once before, so Xiaolan and Kazuha were unharmed?

Is it possible that I am not the only one who has been killed by the organization with APTX-4869?

Could it be that among these people in the past, there are people who are like us, who did not die, but just reversed time and turned back into children? If so, the existence of the Black Organization and APTX-4869 can't be completely mysterious. You also said before that there are undercovers sent by other forces in the organization.

Of course, if Sangria is really an undercover sent from somewhere, it is obvious that he is not a normal person to be able to train him."

Conan reasoned slowly according to his own thoughts, and Huihara Ai on the side twitched her mouth when she heard it.

But thinking about how Sangria had discovered her tracks before, but didn't report it to the organization, and only secretly threatened her to research the antidote for drug A, and even sent her a reward after achieving phased results.

Such behavior seems to indicate that for Sangria, the antidote seems to be more important than the organization's mission.

Could it be...

Huihara Ai's expression became solemn, and she always felt that Edogawa's reasoning seemed to make sense from a certain perspective.

Could he really be an undercover agent?

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