"I took Kenji home."

The next second after he said this, Ryo Wakagi's eyes went dark and he fainted again.



The three men in the room were shocked. Fortunately, they had all learned simple first aid and nursing knowledge. After checking, they confirmed that Ryo Wakagi was just asleep, and they temporarily put down their hanging hearts.

"What is the price you paid this time?"

Jingguang looked at Ryo Wakagi on the sofa and whispered to himself.

Matsuda bent down and carried the unconscious Ryo Wakagi into the guest room on the first floor - in case of any emergency, they could react faster.

"I don't know, but no matter what situation I face in the future, I will stand behind him."

Amuro Toru thought more. He picked up the parrot Kenji and put a pillow under him, then sat on the sofa, looking at the door of the guest room and fell into deep thought.

"I want to know more... why he resurrected Kenji first."

Amuro Toru was silent for a while, and then continued: "I thought that Kenji had been gone for so long that even Ryo-kun could do nothing, so we all tacitly did not mention Kenji in front of him. But if Kenji, who had been dead for so long, could be resurrected, then why wasn't Ryo-kun's first choice... his parents?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang stretched out his hand to smooth the messy feathers of Kenji's parrot (because it was rudely stuffed into the pocket of a golden-haired black-skinned guy with his head down), "I don't know, but I intuitively think that the answer is not the one I want to know."


Ruo Mu Liang woke up again, one day later. He opened his eyes and looked at the slightly unfamiliar ceiling. It took him more than ten seconds to react that he seemed to be in the guest room on the first floor.

He tried to move his body.

The body was empty, not even a trace of magic could be squeezed out, and the limbs looked like they had just been sawed off and then reattached. Although the brain issued a command, neither the hands nor the feet could move.

Hiss... It's over, I won't be paralyzed in bed from now on.

Amuro Toru used the public security channel to smuggle a set of medical equipment over. The data showed that Ruo Muliang's various physical indicators were normal, except that he stayed up all night a few days ago, which caused a little disorder in his biological clock.

In such a magical situation, it is naturally impossible to go to the hospital for treatment. After discussing with a few people, they decided to wait two days to see the situation.

Fortunately, the situation was not so bad that he would be paralyzed for the rest of his life. After lying straight in bed for 3 days, Wakamura Ryo faintly felt a trace of magic flowing through his body again. At the same time, the sensation of his hands and feet was slowly recovering... Although being fed was fine during this slow recovery process, being helped to go to the toilet and so on...

Wakamura Ryo was so dead that he couldn't be more dead. The only two toes that could move almost scratched the mattress in embarrassment.

The situation was slowly getting better, and Jingguang and the others, who had been worried for many days, gradually relaxed their solemn expressions.

Matsuda stroked the parrot while asking the question that Amuro Toru asked two days ago.

Wakamura Ryo blinked and was silent for a long time.

Because even magic has rules that need to be followed.

People need to experience three deaths in their lives.

The first time is when the heart stops beating, which is biological death; the second time is social death at the funeral, when relatives and friends come to pay tribute; the third time is when the last person who remembers you leaves this world, and all traces of your existence are erased.

This is truly irreversible death.

Even the "Resurrection Technique", one of the ultimate skills on the panel, cannot reverse this kind of death.

His parents... Strictly speaking, the parents of this body, belong to this situation.

Now Wakagi Ryo is just an alien who occupies this identity. He is willing to help the Wakagi couple to avenge because of the sense of responsibility associated with replacing this identity, not emotion.

He has almost no memory of Wakagi Heikura and Wakagi Haruko.

And these two scientific research geeks are obsessed with research all day long, wishing to stay in the laboratory 24 hours a day, and their interpersonal communication is almost zero.

So, Kenji, who has been dead for seven years, can be resurrected because his relatives and friends still miss him. But the Wakagi couple, who have been dead for five years, have no chance of resurrection.

Memories without emotional support cannot be used as a medium for the "resurrection" spell (it is useless to look up information and try to memorize life experiences and other bugs).

But these,I can't tell Jingguang and the others everything.

"Amuro-san knows what happened five years ago, right?"

Amuro Toru nodded, and Wakagi Ryo turned his head and looked. Matsuda and Jingguang had moved chairs to sit beside his bed without knowing when, looking ready to listen to the story.

This sense of déjà vu, as if in the university dormitory in the previous life, one of them was in love, and the others gathered around his bed to listen to gossip.

"Five years ago, after my parents' funeral, on the way home, I ran into Harrigan, the serial killer wanted nationwide by the FBI at that time."

Amuro Toru clenched his fist hard, and his expression looked a little fierce.

Harrigan Baker started committing crimes 10 years ago. His targets were usually teenage boys and girls. He would knock out the lone teenagers and drag them to his temporary nest, and then eat them.

Eat them literally.

At that time, the FBI and NYPD (New York Police Department) tracked down a nest and found a large number of human skeletons in it. There were clear tooth marks on the bones, and there was even a stew in the kitchen at the scene that had not been eaten in time.

Such a brutal and perverted murderer caused an international uproar. After being wanted nationwide, Harrigan disappeared for a while. In the following five years, he committed many crimes one after another. Until September five years ago, the FBI found out the location of the last nest and carried out a joint arrest.

The commander-in-chief in charge of the arrest operation at that time was Pat Reno. Ironically, after that, Pat Reno relied on the merit of successfully killing Harrigan Baker, which made his career smooth.

He deliberately left a little flaw during the arrest, allowing Harrigan to break out of the encirclement. In the subsequent pursuit, he deliberately drove Harrigan to the cemetery.

Isn't it natural for a gangster who is forced into a desperate situation to brutally kill an innocent teenager who is unfortunate enough to appear at the scene?

"Harrigan Baker, he is the first person I killed."

The expressions on the faces of the three adult men present were not very good at the moment.

Although Wakamu Ryo is intact now, just imagine how dangerous the situation was at that time. How can an unarmed 15-year-old boy kill a brutal serial killer?

"This damn FBI!"

Amuro Toru hammered the wall and muttered angrily, but when his fist was about to touch the wall, he suddenly realized that this was not his home, and temporarily withdrew most of his strength, so he did not directly crack the wall with one punch.

Wall: I was so scared at that time.JPG

"It was at that time that I awakened the power of magic. Whether it is using magic to save life or to take away life, there is a price to pay.

This is especially true for malicious killing. At that time, I sincerely wanted to kill that person in the most cruel way."

Jingguang opened his mouth with a little worry, "The price is..."

"It is a small part of the soul."

Wakagi Ryo combined some of the settings of Avada and Horcruxes and simply explained it to Jingguang and the other two. The three Muggles immediately showed an expression of awe.

"If you want to use the 'resurrection technique' to bring the deceased back to this world, you need to have strong enough emotional support as an anchor to guide the lost soul. Magic and magic arrays simply tear open a door that can penetrate the two worlds of life and death at the junction between life and death."

"The consequence of losing part of the soul is that my emotions are more indifferent and shallow than those of ordinary people. Don't worry, I won't become a high-risk antisocial person, but this shallow emotion cannot serve as a support for the technique, so I can't resurrect my parents.

Maybe, this is the real price."

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