Wakagi Ryo was lying on the table in the conference room, laughing wildly.

Conan, who was thinking about how to attack the second scene, obviously didn't notice that every time he was bitten by a mosquito, a small section of the horizontal line representing life on his hand would disappear.

The son of the world sucked dry by mosquitoes, to be honest, he can laugh for at least a month.

That's right, if the first level urged players to act quickly, it was the heat and thirst, and the second level was the endless mosquitoes.

That is to say, Huiyuan and Xiaolan did not get off the car at that time, and escaped for a short time. However, the longer they stayed at the entrance, the more mosquitoes there would be. When the number was so large that it could smash the car glass, the scene would leave a psychological shadow for at least half a year.

Come on, Conan, you don't want to see Xiaolan and Xiaoai being bitten by mosquitoes...

Conan, who was refreshed at the first point, was surrounded by the members of the Junior Detective League.

Conan contacted Huiyuan and Xiaolan with the team voice, and after learning that they were fine for the time being, he looked up at the light screen in the sky.

Although different groups could not communicate directly, they could all see the situation of other groups through the light screen in the sky. After seeing Conan and his team's operation, two groups tentatively sent two vehicles to the sand to try to do the same.

Then each of them died in their own way.

Some of the incendiary bombs were thrown crookedly, some of them were ignited at the wrong time and did not blow up the worms, but only their own. Of course, there were more vehicles responsible for luring, because of untimely operation, a turn directly sent them to the mouth of the sandworm.

Conan's face suddenly sank, and he realized the real difficulty of this copy.

Because of Xiaolan's existence, their group can hit the target every time when throwing incendiary bombs.

But the children in other groups may not have such strength and accuracy, so if they want to accurately throw incendiary bombs into the mouth of sandworms, there is only one way, that is, human bombs.

That's right, hold the burning incendiary bomb in your hand, and then throw the incendiary bomb into the sandworm while it is swallowing them, and die together.

So the question is, how many people are willing to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the chance of survival for others?

Even if you are lucky enough to pass the sandworm level once and only consume one life value, what about the dinosaurs in the next level? Will there be other monsters after the dinosaurs?

Even if you have three lives, but if all three lives are consumed, you are really dead!

Not to mention, among the six 10-man teams, two teams were wiped out at the beginning because of collective action, and all their members had only two lives.

In this case, who should be made the sacrifice?

Ruo Muliang used this reason to fool Noah's Ark.

You see, the corrupt system of Japan is mainly due to hereditary succession, and these children will inevitably become the same as their elders after they come to power in the future because of the words and deeds of their elders.

To break this vicious circle, we have to let children learn the noble virtues of "sacrifice", "dedication", "unity", "bravery", etc., right? I designed it this way so that it is easier to pick up leeks (crossed out) and easier to let these children understand the beauty of life (firmness)

Noah's Ark is an artificial intelligence. If it learns human science and technology, it may take only a few minutes to master the most advanced ones. But it is really difficult for artificial intelligence to understand the complexity of human nature.

So Noah's Ark, who felt that what Wakamu Ryo said was very reasonable, was fooled and became an accomplice of a black-hearted capitalist without knowing it.

The scene returns to Conan.

He drove to the sand sea again with the remaining children. It was a little unexpected that the sandworms they burned to death in the last round were not refreshed. Three charred bodies with a faint fragrance fell straight on the sand.

Conan signaled everyone to stop the car for the time being, and he drove the car carefully on the sand sea alone. He was relieved when he found no new sandworms.

When he was about to command everyone to drive away, he suddenly stopped, and a flash of inspiration seemed to pass through his mind. He turned his head and looked at the three corpses on the ground like a small hill.

As a side note, Conan was sucked to death by mosquitoes outside the jungle before, and his car was safe and sound, and it did not refresh back to the starting point with him. Therefore, Conan and Yuantai were struggling on the roof of the car all the way, and their hands were almost not their own.

Rope... Sandworm corpse... Dinosaur...

Maybe it works.

He asked Yuantai to tie the rope hanging on the side of the car to a slightly smaller sandworm corpse, and tried to step on it.Accelerator, it works! It can be dragged!

The key to breaking the second level has been found!

Conan climbed onto the roof of another car and directed everyone to drive to the outskirts of the dense forest.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan were not in a good situation at this time. Dense mosquitoes were perched on the car, turning the originally yellow off-road vehicle into a completely black color. Just looking at it from a distance would make you have a panic attack.

The faces of the two girls in the car were not very good. Xiaolan was obviously very scared, but she still forced herself to put on a smile and comforted Huiyuan Ai.

"It's okay, we are still safe for the time being, don't be afraid."

"Huiyuan, drive, go inside."

Conan began to command through the team voice, and Huiyuan Ai pressed the acceleration button. She really couldn't stay in this broken place for a second!

As the car started, the mosquitoes parked on the car body vibrated their wings and flew away, and Conan's mouth twitched.

So these mosquitoes really just drove people into the forest?

Die in the mouth of a dinosaur or die in the mouth of a mosquito, the ultimate choice?

Noah's Ark, you are really amazing!

Because of the terrain, everyone's speed was not very fast. Five cars were lined up and drove in the woods with dinosaurs at a speed of no more than 50 yards.

Conan and Mitsuhiko exchanged cars. He drove the car with Yuanta and dragged the sandworms at the back.

His guess was right. The smallest sandworms, plus the reduced size after being roasted by fire, could barely be dragged into this one-way road in the woods.

Yuanta was responsible for driving, and Conan half of his body was out of the car, with one hand looking at the buckle position of the fixed rope.

As long as he found the movement of the dinosaur, he would immediately loosen the buckle.

Such a large pile of sandworms should be enough for them to eat for a while. I hope that the time gained by Brother Bug can allow them to successfully break through the dense forest.

Wakagi Ryo looked at the Conan team on the screen, "Hey, we should let the mosquitoes in after all."

The car responsible for feeding the sandworms had to open the window, so it had to face the countless mosquitoes in the forest.

Well, forget it, after all, Yuantai is a real child, and it seems a bit cruel to let him experience the experience of being sucked into a mummy by mosquitoes.

I have emphasized many times that he is really not a devil.

Wakagi Ryo sat back on the sofa in dismay, biting a small biscuit and grinding his teeth.

In the game, even Conan, who is used to big scenes, still felt instinctive fear when facing the prehistoric overlord at close range.

Fortunately, the attraction of the scorched sandworms to the dinosaurs is obviously greater than that of several moving tin boxes.

Even if Conan's reaction was a second slower, it did not cause irreparable losses to the team.

After confirming that the two prehistoric beasts would not chase them for the time being, the team members responsible for driving wiped their sweat and left the forest as fast as possible.

At the final level, the glass plank road appeared in front of everyone.

Five cars stopped at the bridge one after another and got off to check the situation.

Conan looked up and saw that the progress of other teams on the light screen was different. The fast team had already learned from them and dragged the body of the sandworm into the dense forest. However, the person responsible for disconnecting the buckle was obviously not mentally qualified. His hands trembled several times and failed. Then he was pulled by the impatient dinosaur who was waiting to be fed.

He swallowed the fragrant roasted worms and the slightly chewy metal accessories that came with it.

Those who were slow were still fighting wits and courage with the worms in the sand sea.

The number 60 at the top of the light screen had become 52, which means that 8 people had lost all 3 lives and were completely eliminated from this game.

A gust of wind suddenly blew over the bridge, making everyone shiver from the bottom of their bones.

It's too cold!

"If the wind continues to blow like this, let's not talk about whether we will be frozen to death. If the car is frozen, we can only commit suicide and start over."

Huihara Ai got out of the car, stretched out her hand to feel the temperature of the bridge, and turned her head to look at Conan.

"There is no clue just looking at this glass plank road. Our situation is not bad. At least we have two lives on our hands, and there is a chance to try and make mistakes."

Conan gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Just drive!"

Only by really stepping on this bridge can you know what the crisis hidden under the calm is.

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