Wakagi Ryo temporarily left the Beika City Hall, took off the professor's skin, and put on the vest of Sangria.

Although the Death God Elementary School Student is temporarily trapped in the game and can't get out, Kudo Yusaku is still outside. If you want to do it, it's better to let a professional vest do it.

The recognized ceiling of reasoning still needs to be respected.

Wakagi Ryo floated in the sky, slowly following the police car that detained Thomas Schindler. After the police car turned a few times and temporarily got rid of the reporters, Wakagi Ryo threw several smoke bombs toward the position below - the ordinary kind. After all, he had to go down and fish Thomas out later, and he didn't want to smoke himself by the way.

Thomas Schindler is a M countryman and a wealthy man with a net worth of over 100 million. Even if he was arrested for murder, it is impossible for him to be locked up in prison for more than ten years.

The greater possibility is that he will be extradited back to his country directly.

As for whether he still needs to pay the price for this crime after returning to his old nest M country, under the operation of capital, that is an unknown.

"Stop, everyone be on alert!"

Inspector Megure immediately stopped the police car. After it stopped, all the police officers in the car took out their pistols, leaving one person in the car to watch Thomas, and the rest got out of the car and surrounded the police car.

"It's raining?"

Inspector Megure felt a chill on his forehead, reached out and touched it, and touched two drops of rain.

Then, the cold rain suddenly poured down, quickly soaking the bodies of everyone present, and puddles of water soon accumulated on the ground.

Then, a blue-purple electric light flashed, and the current flowed along the accumulated water on the ground and quickly flowed to everyone.

Inspector Megure and others performed a collective convulsion in public, and they were instantly electrocuted and lost the ability to resist, and fell to the ground one after another.

Thanks to Toru Amuro and others for generously providing skill points in the past few days.

Because he had to save up a huge sum of 1,000 yuan, Ruo Muliang didn't dare to spend it even though he had enough skill points. He could only drool at the series of skills on the panel.

The newly-clicked "Rainfall" + "Lightning Strike" combination skill is very useful.

However, Ruo Muliang still has some respect for the police model workers in the world of science, so he was very gentle.


The police officer who stayed in the car saw that his companions all fell to the street within a second. Before he could react, a hand wearing a black glove punched the window of the police car and hit the back of his head accurately.

The young police officer groaned and fell headfirst on the seat.

Ruo Muliang opened the car door, threw the unconscious young police officer out of the car, and smiled at Thomas Schindler who looked a little panicked.

"Finally we meet, Mr. Schindler."

"Who are you?"

Ruo Muliang did not answer this question, but roughly pulled Thomas off the police car and let him fall headfirst into the water on the ground.

Thomas, who had been pampered for so many years, had never suffered such grievances?

However, before he could get up, Ruo Muliang punched him in the head again. Thomas groaned, and his eyes went black and he fainted.


Safe House No. 5

Gin leaned on the sofa, flipping through the comics in his hand. After eating the 20th knife today, he put down the comics in his hand expressionlessly and clenched his fists.

Vodka was super big, trying to reduce his presence, and almost rolled into a ball on the sofa.

For some reason, Vermouth, who appeared here, looked at Gin's expressionless murderous aura, and raised the corner of his mouth a little playfully, but when his eyes drifted over the comic book in Gin's hand, his smile stiffened slightly.

This little bastard is really... You know he's going to use a knife, but because the plot is so exciting, you can't bear to skip it, so the knife is always accurate.

A little unhappy.

Next time I see this little bastard, I'll find something for him to do, and I haven't settled the score with my godson last time!

Although she still secretly kept the photo.

Just thinking about it, the door of the safe house was suddenly opened, and Sangria, who was silently muttered by several people, appeared at the door with a person in his hand.

"Good evening, seniors~"

"Who is in your hand?"

Belmode glanced at the man who was dragged in face down. His face could not be seen, but he was dressed very elegantly. He looked rich or noble. There was a small amount of white hair at the temples. He should be around 50 years old.

"Thomas Schindler."

Belmode raised her eyebrows, and the few people presentThe bottle of wine happened to be people who knew Wakagi Ryo's life experience, so they naturally knew that Thomas was his enemy.

Gin's dangerous eyes swept over Wakagi Ryo, and then fixed on Thomas who was dragged in by him.

Tsk, since this kid is busy taking revenge, let's let him go for now.

Wakagi Ryo dragged Thomas Schindler into his collection room in safe house No. 5 and closed the door.

Not long after, a shrill scream came from behind the door.

Vodka's hand trembled.

To be honest, he has worked in the winery for so many years, and he has definitely killed a lot of people with his own hands, but he has never heard of a person who can make such a scream beyond the limit.

Gin: "Check what happened?"

"Oh, okay, okay, big brother."

Vermouth came over with interest, holding a glass of wine.

A year ago, when they were chasing Akai Shuichi in New York, Sangria said that she would go to Schindler's company. She thought he would take revenge that night.

However, only one Pat Reno died the next day.

She was naturally curious why Ruo Muliang would temporarily let Thomas, his great enemy, go and only kill Reno, his accomplice.

Outside the door, Vodka listened to the screams and typed on the keyboard to check information.

Inside the door, Thomas panted and looked at the harmless baby-faced man next to him with horror.

He was tied to a platform like an operating table, and his head was raised so that he could clearly see how he was disemboweled.

And before the knife was cut, Ruo Muliang cast a "synesthesia" on him.

This skill has the effect of amplifying senses or emotions, amplifying Thomas's pain by 100%.

When the cold scalpel cut open his skin, Thomas felt an unprecedented pain, as if countless electric drills were rotating and piercing his belly, and then mixing his internal organs into a pool of mud.

Ruo Muliang's hands were very steady.

He cut Thomas' body one by one according to the records in Wakagi Haruko's autopsy report that he had found that year. Thomas screamed and struggled with all his strength, but the quality of the all-metal restraints on the operating table was absolutely good. His struggle was useless except for making the blood flow faster.

The severe pain quickly triggered the body's protection mechanism. Thomas rolled his eyes and fainted directly from the pain.

Wakagi Ryo took off his gloves, cleaned the blood-stained scalpel, and then found a hanging bottle, adjusted the height of the hanging bottle, hung it just above Thomas' wound, and then poked a small hole at the mouth of the bottle.

The hanging bottle contained healing potion.

It was the general version of the winery that had been diluted again, and the therapeutic effect was much weaker.

The light green liquid dripped on Thomas' wound drop by drop, and the bleeding stopped immediately. The internal organs exposed to the air and cut by the knife were also healing very slowly.

After confirming that Thomas would not die easily from excessive blood loss, and that he would be tortured by the unbearable itching when his wounds healed tomorrow, he found a piece of cloth and stuffed it into Thomas' mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide, and then turned and left the collection room.

Enemies can be kept and slowly processed.

Now, it is more important to go to Noah's Ark to harvest emotional value.

In the living room, vodka has become the first-hand information of tonight's murder.

Bayonetta/Gin: I understand, the person must have been killed by Sangria, and then the blame was put on this old man.

The advent of "Cocoon" is not an exaggeration to say that it is a masterpiece across the ages. This practice of dragging people into hell when others are about to reach the peak of their lives is very Sangria.

The door of the collection room was opened, and Ruo Muliang walked out cleanly without a trace of blood. He politely said goodbye to the three bottles of wine in the living room, and then left the safe house No. 5.

"Vodka, go check if that person is still alive."

Gin lit a cigarette and took a puff.

Vodka: !!!

Big brother, I don't really want to go...

Gin glanced over coldly, and Vodka immediately stood up, walked to the door of the collection room reluctantly, and opened the door.

In the collection room, on the shelves on both sides of the door, two neat rows of dolls immediately turned their heads, and their eyes, which were no different from those of living people, trembled and stared at Vodka's face.

The professional driver of the winery had a calm expression on his face, but he was actually shaking with goose bumps all over his body.

He walked into the collection room and found Thomas on the operating table, who looked miserable as if he had been dismembered, but was obviously still alive. He took another look at the "healing bottle" hanging on it, which was not even simple enough to describe it, and shook it off again.I got goosebumps.

Then he quickened his pace and left the creepy room and returned to the living room.

"Not dead, Sangria probably hasn't had enough."

Gin exhaled a puff of smoke and put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Send a notice to tell other members not to come to safe house No. 5 recently. I don't want to help those losers find a psychiatrist in a few days."

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