Because there were four detectives gathered at the scene, the police did not immediately ask the detectives to check the body - there was not enough space to move around in such a small place!

Inspector Megure ordered his police officers to clear the area around the body, and then collected all the things carried by the two dead, and then invited several detectives to the vicinity of the body to let them slowly investigate.

It is impossible to stop them.

Look at these two high school detectives, one is the son of the Hakuba Superintendent, and the other is the son of the Osaka Headquarters Chief. He can't afford to offend either of them.

Inspector Megure quietly pulled the sleeve of Maori Kogoro.

"Brother Maori, you must give it your all. Although these two young men are powerful, you can't lose to them. It's time to let these young people know that old people are still the best!

It's time for us middle-aged people to fight for our dignity!"

Inspector Megure patted Maori Kogoro's shoulder with an expression of "I'm optimistic about you" and his eyes were full of expectations.

Maori Kogoro nodded seriously.

"Leave it to me, inspector."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro reached out and picked up Conan who was sneaking around behind him and pushed him in front of the corpse.

Conan: ? ? ?

Did Uncle take the wrong medicine today?

"Potassium cyanide was detected in the drink of the first deceased, as well as a small amount of capsule residue that had not been completely dissolved.

No poison was detected in the drink of the second deceased."

A police officer held up a notebook and reported the results of the preliminary inspection.

At Wakaki Ryo's signal, Morobushi Kagemitsu slowly approached Hattori Heiji, stretched out his hand to poke Heiji's shoulder, and then winked at the aerosol next to the body (aerosol for treating asthma, mainly salbutamol, terbutaline, etc., which are sold in general pharmacies or hospitals).

Hattori Heiji:!

He was about to rush forward when Kagemitsu grabbed the back of Fate's neck, and then turned around and a pair of gloves were smeared on his face.

Morobushi Kagemitsu shook the gloves and watched the black-skinned detective take the gloves and put them on as if it was nothing, then ran to the side of the body and carefully pinched the small can of aerosol to check.

Ah, Ryo-kun, this is how you get along with them on a daily basis.

Not long after Hattori Heiji handed the spray bottle to the police officer of the forensic department, he got the clue that "a small amount of potassium cyanide residue was indeed found at the nozzle."

Hakuba Detective hung up the phone. He had just asked someone to check the identity information of the two dead as soon as possible.

The two dead should not know each other, but it is not true that they have no intersection at all.

The second dead had mild asthma and often went to the pharmacy near his home to buy aerosols, and the first dead was one of the employees of that pharmacy, but he just joined the company two days ago. The two people should not have met.

Hakuba Detective shared the clues with Hattori Heiji and Maori Kogoro. Before a few people analyzed more information, another scream attracted the attention of everyone present.

Inspector Megure:? ? ! ! !

Did you poke the death god's nest today? This is happening one after another, will it ever end?

A beautiful woman in fashionable clothes fell down, holding her ankle, and her whole body was convulsing in pain, but she did not die immediately. Nakamori Aoko and Kaito, who were not far from her, immediately supported the beautiful woman on the left and right.

"She seems to have been bitten by a snake!"

Kuroba Kaito checked the wound. The wound was deep and had two obvious teeth marks. The skin around the teeth marks quickly became red and swollen. Not long after, the beautiful woman's fair calf swelled to the size of a steamed bun, and the blood oozing from the wound was close to pulp.

Looking at this innocent woman bitten by a snake, she had already shown symptoms of shortness of breath and slightly dilated pupils.

"Aoko, hairband!"

Nakamori Aoko immediately untied the hairband used to tie her hair and handed it to Kuroba Kaito. Toko quickly tied the hairband to the wound near the upper end of the heart to delay the spread of toxins. Then he unscrewed the mineral water bottle he carried with him and washed the wound with water.

On the other side, Xiaolan's hand speed of calling the police for many years was brought to the extreme at this moment. As soon as she confirmed that the person was not dead, she immediately dialed the emergency number, spoke quickly and clearly about the situation and location, and emphasized that she must bring anti-snake venom serum.

"Fortunately, the person is fine for the time being."

Inspector Megure breathed a sigh of relief.

Three people died in just over half an hour. Even though he was a well-informed person, he still felt a little overwhelmed.

"No, it's a good thing that no one is hurt, but there is another equally urgent situation."

Conan lay on the ground with a serious face, searching for something.


HattoriThe corner of his mouth twitched, "Of course it was the murder weapon, uncle."

He pulled Inspector Megure over and whispered in his ear in a low voice.

"If the murderer used a homemade mechanism when attacking, it would be fine. If it was really bitten by a venomous snake, then what about the snake? What if the venomous snake was not taken back by the murderer, but ran around in the crowd?!"

Inspector Megure took a breath of cold air.

Although the venom stored in the venom glands of most venomous snakes has an upper limit, it is impossible to bite everyone present, but if there is really a venomous snake running around in the venue, who knows how many people will be unlucky next?

There are also people who react quickly in the crowd, and naturally realize this, and the crowd gradually rioted.

The weather is still very hot these days, so most of the people attending the book signing event are dressed coolly. Skirts, cropped pants and other clothes are everywhere. If there is a real snake, it can be said that one bite is a sure thing.

Immediately, someone screamed and said that he wanted to leave this damn place.

On the one hand, the police had to maintain order and prevent the crowd from rioting and accidentally causing a stampede; on the other hand, because the murderer was 100% among the people at the scene, they could not just let him go.

Both the police and the detectives felt overwhelmed for a while.

"We must solve this case first, otherwise even if the ambulance arrives, there will be no way to send the injured to the car safely and in time."

Looking at the excited crowd at the scene, Bai Ma Tan frowned and immediately called his father to ask him to send more police officers to maintain order.

On the other hand, Suzuki Sonoko also contacted the person in charge as soon as possible and asked him to find someone to send enough tables and chairs.

Then she turned on the microphone and stood directly on the long table originally used for signing, and began to calm everyone's emotions.

The general meaning is:

【We must believe that the detectives and police present will definitely find the murderer and solve the truth of the case in the shortest time. 】

【I, the second daughter of the Suzuki Group, am also here, and I will advance and retreat with you. 】

【Today's event is over. Everyone present can register their name and receive a 30% discount coupon for all stores under the Suzuki Group. 】

Then, the person in charge, sweating profusely, brought a large group of security personnel and carried a large number of tables and chairs to the venue.

Although standing on the table is not good-looking, it does greatly reduce the possibility of being bitten by a venomous snake that has suddenly appeared.

Coupled with the promise made by Suzuki Sonoko, the well-informed Mika people gradually calmed down.

Kudo Yukiko, who was also at the scene, frowned and called Kudo Yusaku. She knew that although the situation was under control at present, everything was temporary.

If the matter could not be resolved as soon as possible, the consequences would be extremely serious.

Yusaku, come here quickly, I am worried that Shinichi will not be able to control such a situation...


The editors were able to distinguish between the priorities and did not forcibly detain Kudo Yusaku and prevent him from leaving.

Kudo Yusaku hurried out of the small dark room and rushed to the street. He happened to see a taxi parked on the side of the road. He immediately opened the door and got in.

"Please hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, Kudo Yusaku was choked by the bloody smell in the car, and a strong ominous feeling immediately enveloped him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yusaku, don't disturb the children's games~"

Wakagi Ryo raised his head, looked at Kudo Yusaku through the rearview mirror, and locked all the doors and windows with a click.


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