Kenji Hagiwara skillfully sold his erotic image and seduced the crying little girl out of the broken elevator. During the process, he was held in the little girl's arms and rubbed hard several times, and many undried tears were rubbed on the messy feathers.

The corners of Zhufu Jingguang's mouth twitched, and he wanted to laugh a little, but he held back because of Kenji's shaky face.

Just as the little girl stroked the parrot and climbed out of the elevator reluctantly, another explosion sounded, and the elevator stuck in the air began to fall rapidly again.

Zhufu Jingguang's face changed, and he reacted very quickly and jumped into the elevator door.

Then he flexibly transformed into a cat, and with the cushioning of the meat pad, he landed on the floor of the elevator without any injury.

The falling elevator had long been isolated from the sight of others, so Jingguang didn't have to worry about whether he would scare innocent onlookers because of his transformation in public.

When the rapidly falling elevator stopped dangerously again, Zhu Fu Jingguang turned back into a human and removed the elevator roof.

Kenji the parrot flew into the elevator shaft and saw the fixed bomb at a glance. He flew to the side of the bomb silently and stopped. As expected, he found that the balance device of the mercury column had been activated.

And next to the bomb, they also found a bug without surprise.

Jingguang, who turned into a cat again, jumped onto the top of the elevator nimbly, walked to the side of the bomb gracefully with a cat step, and then carefully lay down and turned back into a human.

The man and the parrot looked at each other tacitly, and began to perform according to the script they had discussed.


"Damn, there's a bomb here!" Then there was a dialing sound, "Report, a bomb was found in the elevator shaft, requesting support."

While Zhu Fu Jingguang was speaking, he took out a small, button-like object from his pocket and carefully attached it to the side of the bug.

It was the anti-tracking device that Ruo Muliang gave him before he set off. It could locate the location of the criminal through the bug next to the bomb.

People might not be able to do this, but artificial intelligence definitely can.

The moment the device was attached, Moran began the anti-tracking work.

"Officer Midorikawa, please stay calm and take a photo of the bomb..."


"Damn it, this bomb is designed to be detonated by a mercury column, Midorikawa, lie there and don't move! Don't cause a large shake, otherwise the bomb will explode directly!"

Kenji's parrot followed the joke, then stretched out his wings and pointed, Jingguang took out the bomb disposal kit prepared by Matsuda, and began to remove the cover next to the mercury column.

"Yes, sir, but what should we do now?"

"No, the vibration of the elevator just now has activated the detonation switch. Even if we send a rescue team and use a rope to suspend it in for rescue, it will still cause vibration to detonate the bomb... Damn it!

In this way, we will suspend the rope to the position of the elevator shaft, and then hang you up a distance, and you follow the internal life ladder..."

Although Jingguang can't defuse bombs, as an excellent sniper, his hands are very stable. Under the command of Kenji, he successfully removed the cover without touching the mercury column at all.

Kenji's parrot waved its wings again, pointing at a red wire inside the cover.

"Sir, there seems to be a bug next to the bomb. If I'm not mistaken, the prisoner must be listening to our conversation through the bug.

If we escape directly, he can't hear the sound and may directly detonate the bomb."

Jingguang cut the red wire next to the photoelectric tube, temporarily relieved, and then continued to carefully move the timer cover directly above the bomb under the guidance of Kenji.

"... Midorikawa, there is only one way now, you need to do it yourself and dismantle this bomb!

Don't be afraid, the most professional explosive disposal expert will guide you throughout the process!"

"Okay, I, I will try my best, sir!"

Jingguang pretended to be trembling and unconfident, and his hands cut the other yellow connecting wire step by step in an orderly manner.

Then he used a plastic breaker to isolate the connected current.

Kenji the parrot nodded with satisfaction, and stretched out his wings towards another blue wire. Jingguang leaned over and scissored it again.

At this moment, the criminal who was hiding quietly at the back of the crowd, wearing a hat and headphones, eavesdropping on the situation on the bomb side, showed a cruel and complacent smile.

A policeman who can't defuse bombs and sounds like a rookie.

This person is really perfectBeautiful!

When they think the bomb is about to be dismantled and see hope, send the message to them as they did three years ago.

"I will hint you where another firework bigger than this one is. You will see my hint 3 seconds before the explosion."

Hahahahahaha, so what if the policeman three years ago could dismantle the bomb I made? Can he do it? Does he dare to do it? !

You can only stay in the sky tomb I designed and watch yourself being blown to death!

The prisoner's face showed a morbid and twisted pleasure. He imagined that when the policeman faced the choice of life and death, he might collapse and cry. He licked the corner of his mouth excitedly.

These despicable policemen, they all deserve to die! ! !

The prisoner, who trusted the eavesdropping device too much and was completely deceived, did not notice that the people coming and going around him seemed to have changed. Two men wearing hats and masks moved quietly behind him.

That's right, it was Ryo Ruoki who, through Moran, successfully used the eavesdropping device next to the bomb to track the location of the prisoner, and then notified Toru Amuro and Matsuda's police dog to come and catch him.

If the prisoner had opened the God's perspective at this time, he would probably not be able to help but wail.

I've never seen such a cheat, you are bullying people! ! !

Toru Amuro and Matsuda looked at each other, one of them stepped forward, twisted his hands at a very fast speed, and then covered his mouth tightly, blocking the screams in his mouth.

The other immediately stabbed the syringe in his hand into the prisoner's neck and injected all the transparent liquid in the syringe into the prisoner's body.

The prisoner, who was still convulsing in pain because his hands were twisted off in the last second, fell asleep in the next second because of the extremely high concentration of anesthetic in the syringe.

Several tall and strong police officers who followed them surrounded the city as if nothing had happened, blocking Amuro Toru and his men tightly. The whole operation was quiet and swift, and did not attract the attention and vigilance of any onlookers.

Under the cover of the police, Amuro Toru and Matsuda carried the prisoner directly to the truck parked in the alley, and then notified Hagiwara and Kagemitsu to completely dismantle the bomb on the elevator.

Matsuda quickly took action and searched the prisoner carefully.

He took out two mobile phones, a blueprint, and some small things from his body.

Matsuda saw at a glance that one of his mobile phones was modified, and it should be the remote control used to remotely detonate the bomb, so he dismantled the remote control into parts on the ground in a few seconds.

Then he opened the blueprint that the prisoner brought with him and found the place where he installed the second bomb.

Teitan High School.

Thinking of Teitan High School, which was holding an exam today, Toru Amuro's face darkened a little. He immediately used the radio to command Yuya Kazami to rush to Teitan High School to control the situation.

He and Matsuda followed closely behind. The most important thing was to dismantle the bomb first.

The prisoner was already in his hands. He had plenty of time to torture him in any way he wanted. When doing public security, there was no need to worry about this and that like the Metropolitan Police Department.

Toru Amuro drove the car and glanced through the rearview mirror at a bomber who was thrown into the car like a dead dog. The smell of alcohol that had been suppressed before began to come out again.

You wait, I will play with you slowly! Slowly!

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