Ida Kou, who was drunk but somehow miraculously sober, had no reaction when he saw Hagiwara Kenji transformed from a parrot into a human.

He just muttered a few words and went home to set up an altar and worship him, so that Kenji could become a Buddha sooner.

Then he talked a lot about Natalie and him, and drunkenly clapped his hands and unilaterally decided to let the child in his wife's belly recognize them as godfathers.

In the future, he would kowtow to them and burn paper money for them during festivals.

Little Ida, who had five fathers before she was born: Dear father, thank you!

The other four people did not correct Ida Kou's meaning, but just listened quietly to the class leader's constant chattering, with a relaxed smile on their faces.

The black-hearted Jingguang even secretly took a picture of the class leader crying, waiting for everything to be resolved and they could reappear in front of people with a new look, and then showed the class leader and Natalie a good look at this dark history.

After drinking two cups, Amuro Toru took Jingguang to the kitchen.

Because the boss lady and the chef were temporarily driven away, if they didn't want to drink until they vomited, they could only make some food by themselves.

Wakamu Ryo, who was watching them quietly during the live broadcast:...

Fuck, miscalculated!

He looked at the instant noodles and biscuits in front of him, and then looked at the full table of delicious meals made by Jingguang and Amuro Toru in the live broadcast room, and quietly wiped the tears from the corners of his mouth.

Is it too late for me to go over and eat now?

Tsk, forget it, seeing that squad leader Ida cried so miserably, I won't go.

However, when they come back, they must enslave Amuro-san and Jingguang to make delicious meals for several days in a row! Wakamu Ryo slurped a mouthful of instant noodles and then sprayed it out.

He looked at the instant noodles packaging bag with an unbelievable expression on his face. This kind of red packaging with fruit painted on it is generally tomato flavored, this TM... strawberry flavor? ! ! ! !

The strange taste lingered in his mouth. Ruo Muliang looked at the dog Matsuda eating with oil dripping from his mouth in the live broadcast, and then looked at the bowl of strawberry-flavored instant noodles in front of him (there are really instant noodles in Japan, you can check it out), and his eyes went dark successfully.

Around 11 o'clock in the evening, Amuro Toru looked at the classmates lying on the ground in the box, and sighed a little tiredly.

The squad leader drank a lot of alcohol before they came, so it was normal for him to fall down after drinking. Matsuda and the others should not have such a small alcohol tolerance. They didn't drink much, but they fell down faster than the other.

Could it be because... according to Liang Jun, their current bodies are mainly supported by magic power?

Thinking of Ruo Muliang's physique that could drink fruit wine in one gulp, Amuro Toru touched his chin and pondered for a moment.

Could it be that magic and alcohol mixed together will produce some wonderful chemical reaction? Or is it that things related to magic are more or less intolerant to alcohol?

It's amazing.

Something even more magical happened. Under the eyes of Toru Amuro, Jingguang and the other two turned from drunk people into drunk little animals.

Toru Amuro's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt that he had a long way to go.

He called his all-powerful younger brother Fengjian Yuya and asked him to come over and place Date Kou in a nearby hotel.

He himself carried the Kenji parrot in his pocket, Jingguang cat on his shoulder, and Matsuda dog in his hand. With a lot of fur on his body, he carried them to the car with difficulty, and then stepped on the accelerator to drive to Wakaki Ryo's house.

Emmmm, don't learn drunk driving, kids.

When Toru Amuro parked the car and carried the three drunken furry animals home with difficulty in the above-mentioned style, he also picked up a wronged Wakaki Ryo in the living room.

He looked at the untouched instant noodles on the table, which seemed to be strawberry flavored, and understood.

"It's a bit late now, how about making a simple fried rice?"

"Great, Amuro-san is so good!"

After spending some time in the kitchen to make a fried rice, Amuro Toru, who also drank a lot, returned to the living room. Looking at the three furry creatures huddled together on the sofa, he suddenly felt sleepy.

The weather in January was not too cold, and the air conditioner was on indoors. Amuro Toru was too lazy to find a guest room. He just pulled a blanket over them and fell asleep beside the furry creatures.


He opened and closed his eyes, and then closed and opened them again. Time quickly went from January to the end of October, and Halloween was coming.

Wakagi Ryo once again began to sigh at the powerful inertia of the plot.

The bomber had been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable by the blackened bourbon, but he was able to successfully escape from the police station.Is it true that the entire public security department, except for Toru Amuro, is full of rubbish?

Ryomu glanced at the live broadcast room. Toru Amuro and his loyal public security brother Yuya Kazami were sitting in the car with gloomy faces, tracking the clues left by the bomber.

"I can't figure it out." Toru Amuro looked coldly at the dark street outside the car window. "Let's not talk about the knowledge related to bombs. I really don't think this person is still capable of formulating and implementing a jailbreak plan in that state."

Kazami: "Could it be that you mean..."

"It may not be the public security, but there are bugs in the police again."

Toru Amuro's mood subtly overlapped with Gin at this moment. The employees in the unit are either rubbish or rats, which is really a bad thing.

Well, but I seem to be a bottle of fake wine, so it's okay. In comparison, Gin is still more miserable.

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and looked at the shaky figure that suddenly appeared in the dim underground garage. Even if the surrounding environment was pitch black, that person was far enough away.

But even with just a vague figure, Toru Amuro could recognize this bastard.

He opened the car door without saying a word and chased after the bomber.

The bomber was a little confused, but he still had a little brain. He knew clearly that he couldn't run far with his two legs. He immediately wanted to find a car to break the glass and then drive away.

However, the long-term detention life obviously made his physical strength at a low point. After two hits, the car window glass was intact.

The bomber was a little panicked. Looking back, he found the devil blond who had taken good care of him during this period behind him. He didn't care about the car and ran up the stairs on the side without looking back.

However, the consequence of panicking was that he was soon forced into a dead end.

Toru Amuro and Fumi surrounded the bomber from the left and right, completely blocking the bomber's retreat.

The bomber panted, tightly grasped something on his neck, and stretched out his hand tremblingly in the direction of Amuro Toru.

"Help...Help me..."

Amuro Toru frowned as he approached, and keenly discovered something wrong.

There seemed to be a... collar on the neck of this bomber?

As Kazami approached, the blue light on the outermost side of the collar turned red in an instant.

Amuro Toru's pupils shrank, and he shouted at Kazami: "Don't go over there, it's a bomb!"

Kazami was slightly stunned, but at this time the distance between him and the bomber was already quite close, and the bomber might also know that he was doomed, with the mentality of pulling one to get enough money, pulling two to make money, and rushed straight towards Kazami Yuya.

With a "boom", the strong air wave caused by the explosion directly blew away Amuro Toru and Kazami. As the prisoner at the center of the explosion, naturally there was nothing left.

Amuro Toru was luckier. He shook his head, barely stayed awake, and supported his body.

Yuya Kazami's luck was not so good. When he was blown away, there happened to be a not-so-high fence behind him. When Toru Amuro climbed up, he saw that most of Yuya Kazami's body was hanging in the air, and the whole person was sliding downstairs uncontrollably.

His pupils shrank, and he didn't care about the pain on his body. He rushed up directly, grabbed Kazami's feet, and dragged him up with force.

Kazami temporarily lost consciousness due to the impact of the explosion and could not take any measures to save himself.

Toru Amuro's condition at the moment was not very good. He tried his best but only temporarily stopped Kazami from falling. There was no way to completely get him out of danger for the time being.

At this moment, a man covered in a black cloak, holding the same bomb collar as the bomber's neck, slowly approached Amuro Toru...

"So, this is the situation. Although you can avoid that person, the price is that Kazami will be thrown to death directly, so you let that person wear the bomb collar without resistance, right?"

Wakagi Ryo opened the magic shield (which was pointed out during the book signing event), approached Amuro Toru carefully, and observed the collar on his neck closely.

Amuro Toru closed his eyes, looked a little tired, and responded lightly.

"I can't watch Kazami die in front of me... What's the matter with the rope in your hand!"

Wakagi Ryo looked down at the rope in his hand and scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly.

"Amuro-san, if I say that this rope appeared suddenly, would you believe it?"

Amuro Toru narrowed his eyes and began to smell of alcohol.

"Hehe, you have to believe me, Amuro-san," Wakagi Ryo looked at the not-ugly collar on Amuro Toru's neck with sparkling eyes, "Except for the fact, I really have never thought about walking a big cat with a collar in Beihua. "

Amuro Toru: ...

"Do you think I believe it?"

PS: Because this theatrical version and the TV 12 million hostages plot are connected, I wrote them together. The other theatrical versions will still be written in order.

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