"That's what Ryo-kun thinks."

Toru Amuro sat on the sofa in Ryo Wakaki's house, tapping the armrest of the sofa with his right hand rhythmically, thinking seriously.

Matsuda sat opposite Toru Amuro and yawned a little sleepily.

"So, it was the liquid bomb we encountered three years ago, right?"

Toru Amuro nodded. A little to the side, Keimitsu Morobushi had already searched the news of that year and showed a confused expression.

"But, Zero, if I remember correctly, didn't Matsuda solve the bomb that time? But why..." Keimitsu turned over the laptop in his hand and showed the news searched on the web page to everyone, "Why did it explode in the end after reading the news report?"

Hagiwara Kenji, who had no idea what happened, supported his head with interest and ate melons with relish.

Amuro Toru: ...

"Matsuda controlled the bomb and it didn't explode, but I checked the follow-up information. When the Metropolitan Police Department was moving it..." Amuro Toru paused, his mouth twitched, "I accidentally detonated it again."

Kagemitsu/Matsuda/Kenji: ...

Wakagi Ryo: "You are still a waste."

For a while, awkward coughs came one after another in the room.

However, the three people knew that it was normal for Wakagi Ryo to be dissatisfied with the police based on his life experience. Therefore, although it was embarrassing, no one pointed out the inappropriateness of his words.

Three years ago, the day before Matsuda died in the Ferris wheel, the four members of the police academy agreed to go to pay tribute to Kenji together. On the way back, they completed the main line of tomb sweeping and took a side quest to solve the bomb.

As a working police officer, it was normal for Matsuda to approach and ask questions when he found a group of police officers surrounding an abandoned residential area. However, as a professional undercover, Toru Amuro followed Matsuda in to rescue people without even wearing a hat. You can't blame Promya for remembering your appearance, and then banning you with the bomb collar three years later, right?

In short, this Ms. Pramya is one of the few murderers in the scientific worldview who has no motives. She is a pure professional killer and part-time kong bu member. She has created countless bloody cases in Russia. So much so that the families of the victims spontaneously formed a revenge organization to hunt Pramya.

The next plot is very simple.

Toru Amuro and Matsuda just rushed into the building, saved a Russian brother in the revenge organization, and met Pramya who was setting up explosives. The two divided the work and cooperated. Jinpei Matsuda stayed to defuse the bomb, and Toru Amuro chased after Pramya to battle head-on.

However, they did not expect that the criminals this time were one of the few with brains. After luring away Toru Amuro with a fake shot, Pramia turned back and stole the house, almost shooting Matsuda Jinpei who was defusing the bomb.

If the squad leader and Jingguang had not arrived just in time, Matsuda Jinpei could have announced the completion of the filming without waiting for the next Ferris wheel limited plot.

After a series of Hollywood blockbuster chases and fights, Toru and his team successfully lost Pramia, and Matsuda Jinpei also safely defuse the bomb.

However, Pramia, who had brains, made a double insurance on the bomb. In addition to the original detonation method, this liquid bomb can also be detonated remotely by remote control. After escaping from the pursuit of Toru Amuro and Jingguang Zhuofu, she detonated the bomb without saying a word.

Fortunately, this black technology liquid bomb must boom when two liquids collide, so Matsuda Jinpei suddenly had an idea and blocked the outlet of the pipe with the chewing gum in his mouth, successfully eliminating the explosion crisis.

Although the chewing gum used to plug the hole seemed to be removed by the police officers who came to carry the bomb.

This may be the legendary "It's not that it won't explode, it's that the time has not come yet."

It is precisely because of the NPC's routine waste operation that the Metropolitan Police Department has no samples of this liquid bomb reagent. When it comes to Amuro Toru being equipped with a liquid bomb, it can only throw its hands up and smash it directly.

The combat effectiveness of this cheater, Rei Furuya, has really become zero.

"When Matsuda died in the line of duty, the police did not announce the list of casualties, which means that this criminal is very likely unaware that Matsuda is dead.

Instead of killing you directly when Amuro-san cannot fight back, he put on a bomb collar that can be detonated at any time. The main purpose of this person is probably to lure out Matsuda who can dismantle his bomb."

While analyzing, Wakagi Ryo looked at the person he had casually placed with regret.The rope on the table.

I really want to take the big cat out to fight on the street.

The corner of Amuro Toru's mouth twitched, and he felt his fist itchy.

Liang Jun really has the ability to make people want to beat him up soon after he was moved. But Amuro Toru couldn't do it. Not to mention Wakaki Ryo's own fighting ability, the other three people in the living room would definitely stop him the first time he made a move.


The children at home are getting more and more naughty, but what should I do if I can't fight?

"When it's unclear who the other party is, it is indeed a wise approach to be in the dark while the enemy is in the open."

Hagiwara Kenji immediately agreed with Wakaki Ryo's opinion.

"Indeed, this person suddenly took action three years later. I think the purpose should not be just to retaliate against us. He may be secretly planning a bigger conspiracy."

Matsuda was the second to vote in favor.

Wakaki Ryo: "Besides, Rum just sent me a message saying that many foreigners carrying guns appeared in Japan in the past few days..."

Hmm? Looking at Toru Amuro's expression, he didn't seem to know about this?

Ryo Wakagi frowned slightly. Could it be that Rum has begun to suspect Toru Amuro? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that he, a person who has been slacking off for years, knows the news, but Bourbon, a member of the intelligence team, doesn't know it.

After watching this movie, I'll find an opportunity to test it.

Thinking so in his heart, Ryo Wakagi's mouth was not idle.

"No way, no way, Amuro-san, does the Black Organization still have to worry about Japan's national security? Are you public security... not good enough?"

Toru Amuro slightly tightened the armrest of the sofa. He also thought of the situation that Ryo Wakagi thought of. However, looking at the other three people in the living room, Toru Amuro lowered his eyes and tacitly skipped this topic, not wanting them to worry about him.

"At this juncture, a large number of foreign personnel with guns suddenly appeared... There should be a connection between the two."

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at Toru Amuro with a little worry.

Scotch Whisky has been undercover in the distillery for a while, so Jingguang can imagine many things without saying them.

"So, Amuro-san, you'd better bear with it for a while~"

Wakagi Ryo smiled and took out a collar that looked very familiar to Amuro Toru. This was a knockoff version of Promia's collar. Of course, he only put pigmented juice in the place where the liquid bomb was originally stored.

Wakamura Ryo blinked innocently: "Look, this time the criminal was able to target you so accurately, and he knew that letting the bomber go would definitely lead you out. He must have his own intelligence network in the police force.

Even if the person who sold the information is not an internal member of the public security, he should be some powerful person in the Metropolitan Police Department. At least he can access these intelligence that outsiders can't access at all, right?

So in order to prevent the criminal from finding out something is wrong and lying in ambush for another three to five years, you can only wear it again, Amuro-san."

"What's the matter with your itchy preparation?"

Amuro Toru looked at Jingguang smilingly taking the collar from Wakamura Ryo's hand, and then buckled it around his neck with a click, gritting his teeth a little.

"So, Amuro-san, can I..."

Wakamura Ryo's hand slowly reached for the rope on the table again.

Amuro Toru took a deep breath, and suddenly understood Gin's feeling every time he saw Sangria, he would try hard to hold back his anger and shoot him.

"Don't even think about it!"

Amuro·The Angry Big Cat with a Collar·Toru contacted Kazami Yuya with a dark face, and made a series of arrangements, and left temporarily with the collar made by Ryo Wakaki.

Ryo Wakaki smiled at his back.

Nice, the cheater has been banned!

Conan-kun, hurry up and bring your friends to send up a lot of emotional values!

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