The story of the dead is a mystery.

Isamu Kameyama, Hideo Kawashima, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, Ken Nishimoto, these people are the drug suppliers of Hideharu Tsukawa.

Just looking at these names may seem unfamiliar, but with the prefix of Tsukikage Island and Moonlight Sonata, don’t you instantly recall the eternal pain in the hearts of the elementary school students of Death?

Speaking of it, the case of Makoto Asai, or Masami Asano, is one of the most critical transformations in Conan’s life.

It is precisely because of witnessing Makoto Asai’s self-immolation that Conan changed from the reasoning maniac who enjoyed "forcing the criminal into a dead end" to the famous detective who respected life later.

Such an early trip to kill those drug dealers, such an important plot of the Moonlight Sonata murder case was butterfly-dropped.

I won't be sanctioned, right?

Wakamura Ryo was a little uneasy after realizing it, until he boarded the ship to Moon Shadow Island, he realized that he was naive after all.

When did the scientific world stop sanctioning him?

It's probably because they are afraid of causing a major accident and hurting their "godson" Furuya Rei.

Wakamura Ryo was sore all over and lay weakly on the hard bed in the cabin, his eyes looking at the position of the cabin door with lifeless eyes, completely losing his brilliance.

Amuro Toru walked into the room, looked at Wakamura Ryo with an expression of "I'm going to die", and poured a glass of ice water helplessly.

"I asked the crew for some seasickness medicine, you can take some and have a sleep."

Wakamura Ryo's eyes moved to Amuro Toru frame by frame, and his water-blue eyes revealed an accusing expression.

"I don't get seasick... Ugh, it must be because of... you, you beat me up before you got on the boat... Ugh... beat me up... Ugh"

Toru Amuro: ...

That was combat training, you agreed to it yourself.

But for beginners, it's really not much different from being beaten up unilaterally.

But seeing Ryo Wakagi retching non-stop, with watery eyes as if he was about to cry at any time, Toru Amuro silently held his forehead.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

After feeding Ryo Wakagi medicine and water, and waiting until Ryo Wakagi finally fell asleep, Toru Amuro sighed softly and touched the top of Ryo Wakagi's head.

He's still a child.

When he was 17, he and Jingguang lived a carefree life on campus. Although there were inevitably a few ZZs who made trouble for him because of his skin color, generally speaking, he was much luckier than Ryo Wakagi.



Toru Amuro opened the curtains, and the dazzling sunlight poured into the room, which made Ryo Wakamura subconsciously raise his hand to cover his eyes.

"We've arrived at Tsukikage Island. I checked in yesterday."

Then he carried you and the luggage upstairs at the same time. Tsk, it's really troublesome to take care of children.

Ryo Wakamura stood up silently. The feeling of vomiting on the boat yesterday finally subsided. For a moment, he felt reborn.

"If you still feel uncomfortable, take another day off. The original time for this mission was one week. But you exceeded the mission in Jinchuan, so there is more than enough time."

Very good, this is very Toru Amuro, and you can tell that he is an old lazy guy.

"No, I'm much better."

Ryo Wakamura stood up and washed, then rummaged through his small backpack and took out four identical envelopes. There were no stamps on them. The recipients were the four Kuroiwa people, and the sender was written as Keiji Aso, and the fonts were all typed.

"Aso Keiji, I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"He is a famous pianist who was once an accomplice of this drug dealer. Kuroiwa and others took advantage of Aso Keiji's concert abroad to smuggle a large amount of drugs back to Tsukikage Island for distribution using his piano.

Although it is not clear whether Aso Keiji helped transport drugs voluntarily or was forced to do so, as Aso Keiji gradually became internationally famous, he did not want to have any entanglement with drug dealers, so he planned to withdraw from the drug trafficking group."

Amuro Toru snorted, "Naive to the point of stupidity."

"Yeah, drug trafficking is not so easy to get away with. Not long after, Aso Keiji and his wife and daughter died in a fire, and the police finally closed the case as an 'accident'."

Wakagi Ryo intentionally or unintentionally emphasized the pronunciation of a certain word.

Amuro Toru: ...

Go back and check which idiot handled the case that year, and make things difficult for him! He must make things difficult for him!

The content of the letter is very simple, big

I knew all the secrets of the past, and I wanted to put an end to it all, so I went to the piano room of the community center alone at night.

However, the specific meeting time was 15 minutes apart.

After delivering the letter, Wakagi Ryo and Amuro Toru visited the island completely as if they were on a public-funded tour. As the base camp of drug dealers, it can be seen that Kuroiwa Tatsuji and others spent a lot of money to renovate the old nest. Originally a remote island that could only survive by fishing, it has become a well-known tourist destination with a huge amount of money invested.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Yueying Island Community Center.

Kuroiwa Tatsuji was the first to arrive. He touched the pistol in his arms with a gloomy face and came to the dark piano room alone.

"Hey, I'm here, come out quickly, don't play tricks."

No one answered in the dark room, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest outside the window.

There was a faint sound from the piano, and Kuroiwa Tatsuji took out the pistol in his arms and aimed at the direction of the piano.

The lights suddenly lit up.

A familiar figure that Kuroiwa Tatsuji would never forget appeared beside the piano, with a scarred face staring straight at Kuroiwa Tatsuji.

"Ama, Aso Keiji!"

Kuroiwa Tatsuji was shaking like a sieve, and tried several times to shoot at the figure that seemed to be Aso Keiji, but his trembling fingers could not pull the trigger smoothly no matter how hard they tried.

Then Kuroiwa Tatsuji felt a pain in the back of his neck and lost all consciousness.

Aso Keiji was naturally impossible to come back from the dead, and the piano was just an illusion created by his skills. If Kuroiwa Tatsuji was a little braver and fired two shots at that side, he would know that this Aso Keiji's ghost couldn't be more fake.

However, do the natives of the science world have any buttons and switches behind their necks?

Fortunately, Wakamu Ryo studied the angles several times before taking action, and was afraid that he couldn't knock him out in one shot, so he specially prepared a tranquilizer gun as a second-hand preparation.

As a result, Kuroiwa Tatsuji was very considerate. The moment the knife chopped his neck, he rolled his eyes and fainted without a word.

Just... just very scientific.

The remaining three people also lined up one by one to come and give their heads, just like the gourd dolls saving their grandfather, strictly following the time given by Wakamura Ryo.

Wakamura Ryo was moved to accept the four kills with tears in his eyes, and seized four pistols of different models.

Well, each of these drug dealers brought weapons, and their intention to kill and silence them was obvious.

The rest of the things were very simple. Wakamura Ryo dragged several unconscious people into the piano room, and then sprinkled two large barrels of gasoline in the room.

Afterwards, out of some kind of bad taste, Wakamura Ryo put the tape of the Moonlight Sonata that he had prepared long ago into the recorder and pressed the play button.

The melodious piano sound rang in the dark night.

The "disappearance without a trace" ended, clearing the clues such as footprints, fingerprints or hair that Wakamura Ryo might have left in the room. Finally, a lit match was thrown in through the window.

Fire, blazing.

The center of Moon Shadow Island was illuminated as if it were daytime.

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