"This game is called - If you don't do your homework, you will die."

Sangria said this with a smile, and at the same time, he threw out a thick stack of test papers and threw it in front of the three little ones.

Mitsuhiko looked at the thickness of the test papers and felt his eyes go dark.

There are at least hundreds of them! It will kill people if they finish them all! !

Ayumi subconsciously touched a test paper in her hand, a math paper, and then touched another one, still a math paper...

Seeing the suffocating expressions of the three little ones, Sangria nodded with satisfaction. Although people can do anything when they are forced, except math.

This thing, if you don't know it, you don't know it.

Yuantai is a rebellious person after all. He reached out and grabbed the test paper on the table, tore it in half with great coolness, then rolled it into a ball, threw it in the direction of Sangria, and spitted saliva by the way.

However, the child's strength was limited, and the paper ball fell to the ground halfway.

"Yuanta!!" Mitsuhiko and Ayumi were horrified.

Brother, can't you see the chainsaw above your head? That thing is a real chainsaw!

Sangria raised the corner of his mouth, "You don't think I'm discussing this with you in a nice way, do you?"

He reached out and pressed a blue button on the console.

The next second, an electric current flashed across Yuanta's seat, and the little fat boy was shocked and screamed, his eyes rolled up, and he almost fainted.

Question sea tactics + Professor Yang's Internet addiction therapy, do you like it?

This electric current is naturally strictly controlled by Ruo Muliang, and it will not cause any irreversible serious damage to the human body. However, if he is shocked more times, it is hard to say whether he will have minor problems such as incontinence in the future. It all depends on whether the little fat boy is self-conscious enough.

Yuanta, who was educated by the electric current, finally had a temporary unblocking of the blocked part of his brain. He did not dare to continue to be stubborn, and honestly took a test paper and started writing and drawing.

Of course, the rebellious little fat boy didn't give in so easily. After writing two questions, he rolled his eyes. The person opposite only said to finish writing, but didn't say that he had to write it correctly. Can't I just fill it in?

Thinking of this, Yuan Tai wrote 1234 randomly on the test paper, and then successfully brought himself a second electrotherapy package, and the electric saw above his head also dropped a little under Sangria's operation.

"If you don't do your homework, you will die, but if you do it wrong, you will also die~"


Room on the other side

Conan and Huiyuan Ai looked at each other, and with no choice, they could only follow the route given by the professor.

Conan's eyes subconsciously glanced at the brick thrown aside by the professor, his mind turned quickly, and then he sat in front of the game console.


A buckle suddenly stretched out from the seat, tying the two fake children tightly.

Conan: ...

"What was Conan watching just now?"

Wakagi Ryo sat down next to Conan with a smile and reached out to help him open the game.

"No, I wasn't watching anything."

Conan's forehead broke out in a little cold sweat. Although the professor rarely appeared, the oppression he brought to him was no less than that of the pervert Sangria.

"Then let's start."

Conan took a deep breath and tried to force himself to concentrate temporarily. He looked at the white cat on the screen with a simple style and looked a bit cheap. For some reason, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Before he started, a piece of mourning music came from Huiyuan's machine beside him.

Conan looked back and saw Huiyuan Ai looking at the screen in front of him with an expressionless face. The white stick-pen style cat on it was bitten to death by a spiral-rushing turtle.

"It doesn't matter. This game has no life limit. You can continue. Just pass the level."

Conan: ...

Suddenly, I felt that the word "pass" seemed a bit difficult for him.

Conan's intuition has always been quite accurate. After the game started, the little white cat he controlled couldn't even successfully leave his hometown more than 10 meters. He died more than ten times under the treatment of various meteorites, ground spikes, invisible monsters, poisonous flowers and mushrooms.

The most outrageous time, he finally controlled the little white cat to jump onto the save platform, but before he could trigger the save button, he was drowned by a small gift excreted by a bird flying in the sky.

Drowned by bird shit? !

Conan's hands trembled a little, and at that moment, he wanted to smash the screen a little bit.

The funeral music after the death of the game character never stopped, and Conan almost had the illusion that he was lying in a coffin.This damn game is impossible for anyone to pass! The professor is just kidding me!

The angry little Corgi pressed the restart button with shaking hands. The mood value has never stopped since the beginning of the game. The speed of refreshing the panel is so fast that Ruo Muliang's eyes are a little dizzy.

The twelfth time, he jumped onto the high platform, stepped back half a step to avoid the ground spikes, walked forward, and was blown away by the clouds in the sky and fell to death.

The thirteenth time, he passed the high platform safely, saved the game, charged a high jump, and was stabbed to death by a branch.

Fourteenth time: ...

I TM &(*%^#$@^$*#%*&, Conan was so angry that he was madly typing in his heart.

"Professor, this crappy game is impossible..."

"I passed the first level."

Habara Ai rubbed her fingers that were a little sore from the high-intensity operation. On her screen, the stupid-looking white cat was dancing on the pole at the end of the flagpole, waving the small colorful flags in her hand.


Wakagi Ryo looked at Conan with a smile: "Conan-kun, what did you want to say just now? What's wrong with this crappy game?"

Conan: ...

"No, nothing."

"What do you want to ask, Haibara-san?"

Haibara Ai raised her head calmly and looked at Wakaki Ryo's professorial face: "I want to see with my own eyes how the three of them are doing now."

"No problem."

Wakaki Ryo took out his mobile phone and operated it for a while, and Sangria's enlarged face suddenly appeared on the screen in front of Haibara.

Sangria blinked and greeted Haibara with a smile.

"Hey, Ai-chan~ Little detective, hello."

He made way so that Haibara Ai could clearly see the three fools of Teitan.

The three little ones were crying and locked in front of the desk. They were doing their homework, and above their heads, three chainsaws were buzzing, occasionally emitting two sparks.

The chainsaw on Mitsuhiko's head was the farthest from him, followed by Ayumi. The chainsaw on Genta's head had already dropped half its height. It was estimated that if the chainsaw dropped another meter or so, it would be able to directly give Genta a slap on the head.

Sangria: "Look, Ai-chan, you haven't lost any limbs, have you?"

Huihara Ai and Conan took a breath of cold air, turned their heads and looked at Wakaki Ryo with accusatory eyes, their big eyes full of: You call this playing games? !

Wakaki Ryo showed a slightly helpless and distressed expression.

"There's no way, I The kid at home has a bad temper, and it's already hard to convince him not to make dolls."

Grayfield Ai:...


She looked at Sangria's baby face hesitantly, and her teeth began to chatter unconsciously. Although she looked very scared, she still tried to muster up the courage and tried to negotiate with the pervert on the other side of the video.

"You...if something happens to them, I...you you, even if you kill me, I will never help you make...make the antidote again."

The three little ones didn't hear anything because the buzzing sound of the chainsaw was too loud, and Grayfield Ai's words were stuttering. Something that shouldn't be heard.

While making unfounded threats, Ai Huihara quietly observed the direction of the professor with her peripheral vision.

She had never met the professor, but from the limited conversation, some clues could be inferred. This man called the professor could actually restrict Sangria's little hobby? !

Even Gin couldn't do it!

Conan:? ? ! ! !

No, wait, there's a lot of information in this sentence!

What do you mean, you helped him make the antidote? !

What antidote, the antidote for APTX? ! Sangria also took drug A?

No, why did you help him make the antidote? When did you get in touch? How come I don't know anything?

Sangria asked you to help him make the antidote, which means that he knows you are Shirley, and he also knows that I am Kudo Shinichi? !

Does everyone in the Black Organization know my identity? Xiaolan, uncle, doctor...

Conan was almost out of his mind, and on the other side of the video, Sangria couldn't help laughing after hearing Haibara Ai's "threat".

"You still don't threaten others at all. If you want to threaten someone, you should do it like me~"

Sangria slapped the button on the control console, and the chainsaws above the three little ones all dropped about half a meter. Ayumi and Mitsuhiko were better, but Genta could even feel his scalp getting hot.

The three little ones were scared and cried collectively, and a fat kid even pressed his body against the desk desperately, crying and hoping that he could lose 20 pounds out of thin air.

Conan/Habara Ai: !!!

"Sangria, stop...Hand!"

Sangria pressed the button to control the chainsaw again, tilted her head, and smiled at Huihara Ai with curved eyebrows.

"Have you learned it, Ai-chan~"

Huihara Ai shuddered, and Sangria's deliberately low sweet voice was like a poisonous snake spitting its message in her ear, making her feel cold all over.

Conan tried to calm down, patted Huihara on the shoulder, and looked at the professor.

"How can I let them go."

Wakagi Ryo recovered from the short-term AFK behavior, elegantly adjusted his cuffs, and bought himself a little emotional transition time to switch accounts.

Oh my god, it's really easy to jump to another account when opening two accounts at the same time. Next time, the main body should stay at home and let the clone go out.

Otherwise, you will get schizophrenia sooner or later.

"As long as you quit this case, I will let them go."

"I promise you! "

Conan blurted out, meeting Wakagi Ryo's half-smiley eyes.

"Do I look easy to fool, Kudo Shinichi?"

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