Shibuya Central Police Station

Officer Chiba woke up with a confused look on his face. He looked at Inspector Megure and Sato who were guarding him, and he was still a little confused about the situation.

"Hey, am I not dead? I clearly saw Officer Matsuda... I thought I was dead."

Yuya Kazami looked at Officer Chiba who had woken up, and then looked at Takagi who was still unconscious lying next to Chiba.

"The two police officers of the Investigation Section 1 are now safe, so this cooperation has come to an end for the time being."


Miwako Sato stood up, looking a little aggressive.

"You still owe us an explanation!

What happened to Takagi? He was supposed to pretend to be Officer Matsuda to negotiate with the kidnappers, but he was knocked out and brought back!

Chiba also said that he was rescued by Officer Matsuda. What happened?!

Did you find someone else to pretend to be Matsuda?"

They only put a headset on Takagi for communication, so after the headset was crushed, they knew nothing about what happened next.

Yuya Kazami looked at Sato, who had an aura of 1.8 meters, and pushed his glasses calmly.

"I don't need to explain to you when I do public security."



Inspector Megure stopped Sato, who was rolling up his sleeves, and looked at Yuya Kazami with a serious face.

"This is about my men, so at least give me an explanation. If there are any procedures to apply for, I will make up for it later."

Yuya Kazami pressed the earphone on his ear, was silent for a moment, leaned close to Inspector Megure's ear, lowered his voice and said: "The Public Security took this opportunity to make a deal with those Russians. I can't disclose the specific content of the deal.

As for why I didn't tell you... According to the information investigated by the Public Security, there is a source of information about Pramya inside the Metropolitan Police Department."

"What did you say?!"

"Cancel the wedding."

Although he had been in the conference room, Muranaka Nu, who had a low presence and was ignored by everyone, said hoarsely. After that, he put his hand on his fiancee's shoulder in a soothing manner.

"Sorry, Christine, but everyone's safety is more important."

Inspector Megure secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, his old classmate was willing to cancel the wedding, which was a great help.

"However, since Pramya has already targeted you, I will send you protection personnel later."

Mura: "Then I'll leave it to you."


The phone vibrated, and Pramya showed a panicked expression with perfect acting skills, showing the text message page of the phone to everyone.

"Dear, I received such a message."

[The wedding will proceed as planned]

[If canceled]

[There will be more victims]


Inspector Megure widened his eyes in shock, and believed what Kazama had just said that Pramya had a source of intelligence inside the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not long after Muranaka said that the wedding was cancelled, the threatening text message from Pramya came in.

This is a seamless connection.

Before he could continue to ask, a police officer with a minor face hurriedly pushed the door in, holding a small white card in his hand.

"Inspector, Kaito Kid has sent out a notice!"


Inspector Megure suddenly felt a headache. The explosion at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department had not been solved yet, and an international terrorist, Pramya, was involved. The investigation of Pramya had not yet found any clues, and a Russian folk revenge group appeared.

After finally rescuing the kidnapped Officer Chiba from their hands, Kaito Kid wanted to join in the fun at this time.


Inspector Megure wanted to throw his hat to the ground for a moment and yelled, "Whoever wants to be the police inspector can do it, anyway, I'm not doing it anymore!"

Kaito Kid? !

Yuya Kazami looked at the notice sent by the young police officer. Excluding those fancy words, the general meaning was: I will come to the wedding on Halloween and take away the two-color gem born from the flames.

Before he could send a message to his boss, the familiar voice of Amuro Toru came from his headphones.

[Don't worry about Kaito Kidd, he's not here to mess things up. ]

Kazami: ! !

Could it be that Kaito Kidd is also a friendly party this time? How many things did Mr. Furuya do when I didn't know?

As expected of Mr. Furuya! I'm still... so far behind!

A new power suddenly surged from the inside of Yuya Kazami's bandaged body. He felt that he could work for another three days and three nights!


Ryomu Ryo flipped open the newspaper, saw the latest front-page headlines, took out his phone with satisfaction, and sent a message to a certain account.

[Did you see the preview letter on the news? ]

Little Pigeon: !!! Professor, you are finally online!

Little Pigeon: The last time you were online was the last time! I almost suspected that you had forgotten your account password!

Little Pigeon: Do you appear in units of years?

Kuroba Kaito replied instantly, and also sent a pigeon shocked emoticon.

Little Pigeon: I saw it! Who is the shameless one who used my name to send a preview letter again? Humph, I will definitely not go to the scene this time!

Pigeon angry.JPG

Ryomu Ryo looked at the series of messages and emoticons on his phone and fell into deep thought.

Douzi obviously has experienced the fun of emoticons, so he is very happy to use them.

But he was not so stupid as to use Kaito Kid's emoticons directly, and he did not confess without asking. Instead, he took a lot of emoticons with his own pigeons as the protagonists.

I don't know how long he spent on his pigeons for these pictures.

You two are really interesting.

In order to show off his style, Kuroba Toichi spent eight years abroad plucking crow feathers; Kuroba Kaito to have endless emoticons, he tossed his pigeons at home.

Tsk, it's true that the whole family is in prison, what a punishment.

[Why not go? ]

Little Pigeon: Didn't you complain about me before, saying that as long as someone pretends to be Kaito Kid and sends a notice letter, I will definitely appear on the scene and act like a summoned beast?

Little Pigeon: I won't go this time, let him fail to summon.

[No, you have to go to the scene. ]

Little Pigeon: ? ? ?

[Because I sent this notice letter. ]

Little Pigeon: ! ! ! !

In Jianggutian, Kuroba Kaito put down his phone in a daze, then picked up the newspaper at hand and looked at the close-up of the invitation letter on the front page.

Tsk, the professor is still very tasteful. This kind of gorgeous words is the consistent style of my Kaito Kid. Since the professor is my magic assistant, then this time the notice letter is sent by me.

No problem!

Kuroba Kaito smiled and picked up his phone again to send messages.

Little pigeon: But what if I can't go that day?

Wakamu Ryo didn't continue typing, turned around and clicked on his album, and selected nine pictures in one breath and sent them over.

Kuroba Kaito looked at the roasted pigeon, pigeon soup, braised pigeon, etc. that appeared on the screen one after another, and swallowed his saliva nervously.

This, this is a threat, right?

He didn't forget that he had been turned into a pigeon by the professor twice.

So, the professor means that if I don't go on Halloween, these pictures will be my fate? ! !

Just then, another message was received on the phone.

Big Devil (Kaito Kuroba's note to the professor): What flavor do you like?

Kaito Kuroba cried and replied silently: I will definitely show up on time on Halloween, and nothing is more important than your matter!

Big Devil: Yeah.

Old Master Terai looked at his young master's ever-changing expression in front of the phone, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Grandpa Terai, I'm going to Shibuya on Halloween."

Terai: "Master Kaito, are you going to meet the guy who pretends to be you?"

Kaito Kuroba's expression stiffened slightly, "I said I don't know what to do, do you believe it?"

Terai Huangzhisuke: ? ? ?

Toko adjusted his mentality in a second and smiled again on his face.

"It's just for fun anyway, it's not a big deal."

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