After a standard gunfight in a police and gangster movie, Pramiya saw that she had few bullets left, so she immediately fired again. While others were crouching to defend themselves, she turned around and went to the emergency escape passage on the side, fleeing all the way to the rooftop.

Calculating the time, the helicopter was about to arrive.

After she got to the rooftop, she locked the door of the escape passage with a thick iron chain to buy herself some time.

"Your plan seems to have failed."

Kuroba Kaito also appeared on the rooftop at some point, smiling at Pramiya, who was full of villain aura.

Although the only passage from the venue to the rooftop was locked, the thief never took the usual route.

Pramiya pointed her gun at the thief Kid, her face as gloomy as water.

"Why are you against me, Kaito Kid, I've heard of you. You're neither a detective nor a policeman, why are you here to ruin my plan?"

Touzi shrugged helplessly, "There's nothing I can do. I didn't want to come here, but my special effects artist insisted that I be the savior.

But I can't beat him."


Listen to what you're talking about in your sleep.

"In general, it's because your plan is too grand.

You want to kill them all, right? Miss Elinika leads the 'Nada Unichi Tokit'. Sorry, Russian is a bit hot.

In short, because this organization is chasing you all over the world, you can't stand it anymore, so you made a plan to catch them all. After gathering them together, use the liquid bomb you are best at to blow them all to death. For this, it doesn't matter if you blow up the entire Shibuya."

Pramya glanced at the night sky, which was temporarily motionless. The helicopter was later than the scheduled time, why hasn't it arrived yet?

She turned her head to look at the iron door that was being banged, and then looked at Kaito Kidd who seemed to be defenseless standing in front of her, and sneered.

"That's right. Those fools who only wanted to kill me are so easy to fool.

I just need to deliberately spread the rumor that I am about to retire, and then find an opportunity to approach the village and spread the rumor that Pramya is suspected of wanting his life. Those people will not even think about it, but will rush to this city and step into the cemetery I have chosen for them.

By the way, get rid of those damn policemen!"

Pramya subconsciously pressed her right shoulder. Three years ago, Zhu Fu Jingguang shot her right shoulder. Because the doctor said that removing the bullet would damage the nerves and affect the flexibility of the arm.

For Pramya, who is good at making sophisticated bombs, losing the flexibility of her arm is not much different from killing her.

Ruo Mu Liang covered himself with a layer of illusion, and stood not far from Dou Zi and Pramya to watch the show.

Seeing Pramiya pressing the old wound on her shoulder with a murderous look on her face, Ruo Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

It was indeed Jingguang who did something wrong. How could he do such a cruel thing as beating a person who makes a living with his hands? Sure enough, next time I encounter this situation, I should just shoot him in the head!

The sound of the propeller gradually approached, and Pramiya looked at the helicopter that slowly slowed down and landed in front of her, showing a confident expression of "about to escape successfully".

She opened the door of the helicopter, pointed a gun at the pilot, and turned to look at Kaito Kidd.

She didn't notice that the pilot of the helicopter had a skin color that was two shades darker than before, and his calm expression when facing the gun.

"Aren't you going to save the world, Kaito Kidd? Let me see if you can find the place where I buried the bomb..."

"Pumpkin Lantern, right."


Fuck, does he really know? ! Then why are you still wasting time with me here? I hired someone to hang up those pumpkin lanterns for three days and three nights.

"The pumpkin lanterns filled with liquid bombs were placed in places like Dogenzaka and Miyamasaka. Because the terrain of Shibuya is high on both sides and low in the middle, when you detonate those pumpkin lanterns, the liquid will flow to the lowest place in the entire Shibuya.

That is the central intersection where the most people are gathered at present."

Pramiya stabilized the expression on her face and sneered.

"That's right, when the two liquids merge, the entire Shibuya, including everyone who knows my identity, will disappear from this world, hahahahaha ah ah ah!"

The latter half of the wild laughter was forcibly distorted into a scream. Amuro Toru, who was disguised as a helicopter pilot, punched Pramita's right shoulder fiercely. Yes, looking at Toru's posture,It was intentional to shoot at the muzzle of the gun three years ago.

You can't rub salt into the wound, but you can create a secondary trauma at the location of the wound. Well done, Toruko!

Ryo Wakagi was very happy watching the show, and by the way, he coated the locked small door at the exit of the escape passage with a layer of magic protection to prevent Sato and Takagi from breaking in behind the door.

Pramiya covered her dislocated shoulder and stared at Toru Amuro who came down from the helicopter.

Toruko not only kills people, but also likes to destroy their hearts before killing them.

"No way, no way, you don't really think that I haven't found out your identity yet. Just look at the information on the internal network to see who has investigated us, and you can directly target Muranaka.

Although you cleared your browsing history, but..." Amuro revealed an extremely annoying expression, "You may be good at making bombs, but your computer skills are only slightly higher than those of elementary school students.

If we didn't need to buy time to make a neutralizer for liquid bombs, you don't think you can still live until now."

Kaito Kuroba: ...

Ah, are the police so poisonous? Pramiya's hair is almost standing up in anger.

Touzi took two small steps back silently out of some intuition.

Amuro Toru raised his gun and aimed at Pramiya's forehead, "Raise your hands and put them behind your head."

Pramiya stared at Amuro Toru, and her body obeyed, but she also made some small movements secretly.

Douzi was just behind Pramya. When he saw her take out a black object that looked like a small explosive from her hair, his eyes narrowed: "Be careful!"

However, Douzi's reminder was still a step too late. When it comes to bombs, she is a professional among professionals.

Pramya pressed the detonation button and threw the portable bomb to the building opposite.

Amuro Toru was shocked and instinctively wanted to intercept the bomb. Pramya threw the bomb in the direction of the previous meeting building. Although the innocent people in the building had been almost dispersed, according to the power of her bombs, it is not impossible to blow the whole building in half.

There are so many reporters waiting to take pictures of Kidd downstairs.

If this bomb is successfully blown up, there will definitely be heavy casualties.

At this moment, a strange wind suddenly blew in the night sky, and the small bomb thrown by Pramya spun in the air in a very anti-Newtonian way and landed in the opposite direction.

Under the stunned gaze of the three people, a living person was smashed out of the air.

Ruo Mu Liang holding the bomb: ...

You are worthy of it -80.

Pramiya: ? ? ? ! ! !

She has seen many scenes of people being blown to death, but it is the first time in her life that she has seen an extra person blown up out of nothing.

Dou Zi: ! !


"Hey, that's a bomb, throw it away!"

Ruo Mu Liang glanced at the bomb whose countdown was reset from 30 seconds to zero, and immediately covered himself with dozens of thick layers of magic shields, and then used a dozen decomposition spells on the bomb in his hand.


A brilliant firework exploded in the center of the rooftop, and dust was splashed all over the ground.

Fortunately, even in the world of science, we must always respect the recognized "smoke but no injury" law of the second dimension. When the smoke and dust cleared, the long-haired man in a tuxedo elegantly straightened his collar and looked unharmed.

Although the professor's behavior of blinding the magic shield so much that the blue bar was half empty was a bit embarrassing, in the eyes of the other three people who were not aware of the situation at the scene, the professor's status at the moment was already off the charts.

Pramiya:? ? ! ! ! !

What kind of monster is this? ! !

Kuroba Kaito: Damn, the professor is awesome!

Amuro Toru: Although, this scene that is hard to describe and inexplicably reasonable has a strong sense of déjà vu.

Maybe it was because Amuro Toru and Touzi were shocked for a little too long, Pramiya's desire to survive temporarily stubbornly stuck to her broken worldview, and then urged her to run to the empty helicopter hand and foot to escape.

After starting the helicopter with muscle memory, Pramiya fumbled out the spare phone from his pocket, tried twice before successfully unlocking it, and then pressed the detonation button with a blank look on his face.

If one person can't be killed, so many should be killed at once, right? !

This world is materialistic, gods, demons, and the like don't exist, right?


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