The footsteps were getting farther and farther away until they disappeared.

The whole station was surrounded by a suffocating silence. Conan hid in the cabinet, his heart still beating wildly.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, and Gin would find him!

What should I do? Go out now?

No, that's not right. They are probably still ambushing nearby. If I rush out rashly, I might step into the trap.

Just then, Conan faintly heard a rustling sound.

What was it? The sound of an arthropod crawling?

Conan subconsciously shrank his body, and when his eyes slowly adapted to the dark environment, he looked in the direction of the sound, and vaguely seemed to see... eight red eyes? ! ! !

Damn, what is that? ! !

Conan swallowed nervously, pricked up his ears and listened for a long time. After confirming that Gin and the others had indeed gone far away, he quietly turned on the flashlight function of his watch, and even carefully covered most of the flashlight with his clothes, only dimly shining it in the direction of the red eyes.

Then, he found that a big black and fluffy spider appeared in the corner of the cabinet near the door at some point - after Ruomu Liang got the secretly taken photos, he quietly released the spider, and at that time Conan's full attention was on Gin, and he didn't notice that after crawling into the cabinet, he quietly found a small corner and lay down.

Conan: !!! !!!

He widened his eyes and stared at the ominous spider, his body stiff as a piece of wood.

If this thing suddenly pounced on him and bit him, would he still have time to switch to the next door to shoot Spider-Man?

Conan stared at Spider-san nervously, not daring to move.

Just as the man and the spider were in a tense confrontation, the detective badge in Conan's pocket shook, followed by a few slight knocking sounds.

In the quiet environment, it was particularly clear.

It was Morse code.

Conan glanced at Spider-san, who seemed not to be alarmed, and responded in a very low voice.



The voice of Ai Huihara came from the other end of the badge.

She got up in the middle of the night to drink water and found that the doctor's room was empty, and the doctor's beloved Beetle car had also disappeared. How could Ai Huihara not understand this? It must be that Edogawa took the doctor out to cause trouble late at night.

So Ai-chan contacted the doctor as soon as possible. When she learned that Conan was tracking the clues of the winery alone, she almost fainted.

Fortunately, although she was angry, Ai Huihara did not completely lose her mind. Instead, she opened the detective armband and used Morse code to test the situation.

"Um, Huihara... Is there anyone in the organization who raises spiders?"

Conan stared at the innocent spider-san, his eyes were extremely sore, but he didn't dare to blink easily. He was afraid that the black spider-san would crawl directly onto his face when he opened his eyes.

Huihara Ai:...

"Did Sangria appear too?"

Conan: "That pervert again?"

Huihara Ai: "...Well, although what you said is true, that spider is a robot made by Sangria. Do you think it has recording and video recording functions?"

Conan: !!! !!!

"Rest in peace, Edogawa."

After saying this, Huihara Ai unilaterally cut off the communication.

As long as Conan doesn't commit suicide by dancing directly on Sangria's face, Sangria should be able to barely guarantee the safety of a famous detective's life. After all, the only two people who are still alive after taking drug A are her and Kudo Shinichi.

And she needs to study the antidote of APTX series in the laboratory, so Conan is the best subject for Sangria to observe.

Huihara Ai very consciously gave herself the title of scientific research tool, and conveniently filled in the column of Edogawa Conan's status as a living test subject.

However, imagine Conan's current situation.

In an airtight small cabinet, there is a super realistic black big spider beside him.

Huihara Ai shuddered, her life safety is guaranteed, but her mental state is not necessarily.

She spent one second to sympathize with Conan, and the remaining 59 seconds rushed into the laboratory to open the constant temperature medicine box. After seeing a full 5 plates of temporary antidotes with efficacy ranging from weak to strong, Huihara Ai turned upstairs with a full sense of security and prepared to continue sleeping.

Of course, before going to bed, she still used the spare tracking glasses at home to locate the detective badge on Conan, and then sent the address to the person who was about to go to bed.Dr. Agasa, who was anxious and bald.

When the doctor arrived at Xianqiao Station sweating profusely, he confirmed Conan's location through the light of the flashlight faintly emitted from the gap of the cabinet, and then sawed open the cabinet door that was welded shut with great effort, and found Conan who had fainted due to lack of oxygen in the corner of the cabinet.

Spider? What spider?

Spider Sang produced by Sangria, after seeing that the little Corgi had fainted, uploaded a series of emoticons such as Corgi panic, Corgi fear, and Corgi coma, and then very consciously dismantled himself thoroughly.

Although Dr. Agasa found a pile of black powder at Conan's feet, he didn't think much about it, but hurriedly hugged the unconscious Conan and left the scene.


Presidential suite of a five-star hotel

After taking a bath, Vermouth elegantly poured herself a glass of red wine in a silk bathrobe and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to enjoy the night view of the city.

At this moment, the cell phone used exclusively by the organization vibrated twice.

Sister Bay temporarily put the wine glass on the small coffee table on the side, unlocked the phone, and looked at the message sent by Sangria on it.

[Senior Vermouth, I went with Senior Gin to get the software from Itakura Taku today. Guess what I saw? ]

Sister Bay raised her eyebrows.

Thinking of the magical rumors in the organization these days, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Gin, could it be that he wanted to save the innocent safe house from the hands of the little lunatic, so he insisted on taking Sangria on the mission.

Otherwise, Vermouth could never figure it out. It took three code members to take a software from a programmer who was powerless.

Tsk, Gin is so miserable.

Considering how hard he worked, I won’t invite him to make cocktails next time we meet.

Sister Bei carelessly clicked on the picture that Sangria sent later, and the expression on her face froze instantly, and then cracked.

Gin half-crouched in front of the cabinet, holding a gun in his hand, and pulled the cabinet door open a little; inside the cabinet, Conan had a terrified expression on his face.

Spider-Sang captured the picture at a very good angle. Just looking at this picture, Vermouth's first reaction was that her godson must have been caught by Gin.

It was just a picture at the beginning, and the rest was all imagination.

Why did Conan meet Gin? ?

Sister Bei seemed to have thought of something, and rushed to the computer and began to search for information about Itakura Taku. Five minutes later, she found a report the size of dried tofu in a newspaper.

It was probably about the sleeping Kogoro who solved the case, and the deceased was named Itakura Taku blah blah.

So, it was because Itakura Taku died inexplicably in a daily homicide case, and it happened to be solved by Maori Kogoro, and the godson happened to find some clues related to the organization in the process of solving the case, so he rushed forward and happened to run into Gin's hands?

Wait, Rum seemed to have said that Maori Kogoro was Sangria's favorite toy, and many of the cases he participated in were secretly assisted by Sangria...

Could it be that the case of Itakura Taku is also the same?

That's right, how could it be so coincidental? Just when Gin was about to go find Itakura Taku's thing, Itakura Taku immediately swallowed the lunch box at the speed of light. Then the godson immediately found information related to the organization from Itakura Taku's pitiful remains. The information that made the godson rush forward without caring must be quite critical clues.

Sangria, you are playing a big game!

Vermouth dialed Vodka's phone with shaking hands, intending to pry some information out of the driver's mouth.

Why on earth am I so desperate to pass this task on to Gin? ! ! !

My son, I’m sorry for you!!!

On the other side, Wakamu Ryo, who has already returned home, looks at the waves of emotion values ​​on the panel and falls asleep contentedly.

Sister Bayonetta is really full of water!

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